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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The world's largest transport aircraft An-225 was destroyed by the Russian Army.

There was only one example of the An-225 in operational.

Rest in peace Mrya. You were the darling of thousands of aviation enthusiasts. We will not forget you. 😿

In had the opportunity to meet and talk to the crew of this aircraft some years ago, when they were guest’s of a Hotel in Berlin. They said many times, they love peace and we all are Brothers, they hand shaked me many times. Also I had good Russian friends from St. Petersburg who meet me us monthly the same attitude. I hope peace is not far in the next days for both countries. Of course I condemn the Invasion, there should have been a dicplomatic way to resolve the issues. Putin has lost more then he could gain ever.
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the amrikis killed a family, even when they were leaving, in afghanistan, and no one was punished. russians dropped bombs in syria and killed countless people. not one of them cares about brown people.
The Americans killed one million Iraqis due to their sanctions before the first bullet was fired in the war.
the amrikis killed a family, even when they were leaving, in afghanistan, and no one was punished. russians dropped bombs in syria and killed countless people. not one of them cares about brown people.

Americans and Russian er equally horrible when it comes to war crimes. Vietnam was no different than Iraq or Afghanistan.

The biggest mistake is Muslims not acquiring enough nuclear weapon to be able to defend themselves from foreign agresssion.
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Americans and Russian er equally horrible when it comes to war crimes. Vietnam was ko different than Iraq or Afghanistan.

The biggest mistake is Muslims not acquiring enough nuclear weapon to be able to defend themselves from foreign agresssion.


Iran needs nukes ASAP (their POV)
Israel must destroy Iran before they get nukes (their POV)
That's Pakistani stand.
You learnt this in RSS High?

PETER HITCHENS: The West acts tough with Russia because we’re just too feeble to stand up to our real enemy… China

Some neutralized Russian vehicles, around Sumy. It looks like the vehicles were attacked from top.
@EasyNow, replying to you in 'Whatever' as it will be off-topic here.

You Indians do fear Islam a lot lol

You should be Concentrating on your own community doctrine of Indian Muslims which is for the men to drop there pants and run off. When it comes defending there society unlike the Ukrainian fighting back. I now see why your lot struggle with fighting back. I do remembered your faith you telling me it’s communism hahaha , see you in Kiev then lol

Why don't we see you and @lastofthepatriots and @F-22Raptor in Kiev, fighting against the evil Russkies ?

On the one hand youre like «west, freedom, bla bla» the next second when some uses their freedom youre like «why dont you go to north korea». Now thats truly pathetic.

I have been told that a few times by my Indian right-winger countrypeople here on PDF. :lol:

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Absolutely ! The progressives and the sensible people in India have been bashed on the head by the ruling right-wingers using excuses of patriotism saying the progressives are "anti-national", "seditious" and "unpatriotic" when in reality the progressives are actually the real patriots who want the inhuman, non-empathetic and the oppressive nature of socio-economic and political system in India to be replaced with rational and empathetic ones. Eight years of right-wing rule in India now and it's not like for example the farmers have stopped suiciding because of the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist socio-economic system here.
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Is that a real
American's killed what; a million in Iraq? How's Russia worse off in sheer numbers killed by the American war machine? Especially in Pakistan where American's policies cost us more than 75K lives.

You did understand

I have never defending Iraq Afghanistan invasion wars by west stop dropping that it in. On our Pakistan war deaths, that’s weak leadership for you they are responsible for it. I was right on Russian doctrine they have deliberately bombed Chechnya and Syria cities to rubble with people living in the cities at the time . I really do not want get in to numbers game let’s just agree to disagree on who is a bigger killer
Some neutralized Russian vehicles, around Sumy. It looks like the vehicles were attacked from top.

Sunny is becoming a hornet net of resistance, the Russians seem to be clueless.
If you dont respect and appreciate your freedoms in a free country, I will always encourage you to use your freedom and go live in a tyranny and leave space for someone that actually wants freedom. Like some Ukrainian family to come and take your place.

Its appaling that youre shouting «freedom» and the next moment wanting to restrict someones freedom of speech, which is nothing but a oxymoron.

Either there is freedom of speech or there isnt. In a democracy you are allowed to criticise your government and yes even democracy itself. If you dont understand this basic concept then i am afraid you are simply a authoritarian who hide behind «democracy, freedom» mumbo jumbo, without knowing what it stands for.

So may i please ask you to remove yourself from a democratic place and leave to a country where you are NOT allowed to criticize the system.
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If you dont respect and appreciate your freedoms in a free country, I will always encourage you to use your freedom and go live in a tyranny and leave space for someone that actually wants freedom. Like some Ukrainian family to come and take your place.

The tyranny North Korea provides free housing, free healthcare and free education to its citizens whereas in the leader of the "Free world" :
This clown (IK) has made a mockery of his country everywhere except China (maybe). He can't even get his group of ministers from speaking out of turn and humiliating his country more.

But we are digressing. The topic here is about the crisis in Ukraine. And yes Zelensky is much more of a man than IK will ever manage to be.
Zelensky is an idiot. He has ruined his country. Ukraine will look like Afghanistan if this keeps up. Pakistan is in much better shape today then when IK took office despite being attacked by a larger aggressor......Zelensky can not say this for Ukraine.
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You learnt this in RSS High?

i hear they have a good education system...mitaaar get up every morning and get a msg on whatsapp from their Lord Modi g and he teaches them everything! ohh and he only talks facts no bs sir!
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