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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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All things on the ground are pointing to a fall of Kiev. CIA rumor mills being the disinfo masters they are, keep churning out feel good stories and fake news to keep a semblance of sanity in the face of the Russian onslaught.

Funny how Zionists have turned onto Russia, keeping in mind Russia was the one who saved their asses back in WW2. Time to turn on the ovens again I guess.
Ukrainian army is the new ANA.

west has moved into metaverse fighting wars i virtual space having fancy avatars and winning battles online!

It is not in accordance with diplomatic practices that Zelenskiy puts Turkey in a difficult situation by making something that does not actually exist as if it happened. No matter how bad the situation of his country is, trying to force another country into the war is not an innocent behavior and it makes us think of other things.

This is clearly stated with open-ended sentences and expressions on purpose. Even reading the comments in other languages, everyone thinks that Turkey has banned the passage of Russian ships to the Black Sea at the moment. Ukraine is a Western-directed country. Zelensky is also not a very reliable person. Therefore, initiatives that may affect Turkey's interests should be warned.

Turkey has had very dire experiences in this regard. The most important of these is the German conspiracy in 1914.

As Turkey moves away from NATO and develops strategic relations with Russia, it is necessary to be vigilant against all kinds of sabotage activities.

What are your thoughts on these strategic blunders?
But is it really like that? We must compare it with American conquest on Iraq in early 21st century. They need 3 weeks to reach Baghdad. And even with that, they didn't managed to fully captured Iraq. The war was going on longer than that.

And that was Iraq, smaller, surrounded, even besieged by American long before the invasion began. Iraq couldn't even make their own tank and fighter Jet.

At the same time, Ukraine is big, they are not fully surrounded by Russian. They can make their own weapon. Their army is way stronger than Iraq at the time of American invasion.

But half of the Ukraine has the same ethnicity with Russia. Then I believe that Russian won't suffer a prolonged war like American in Iraq after the war is over. At least, as long as they avoid the western part of Ukraine.
No they don't roll in Kyiv. Also, getting near Kyiv isn't an achievement, it was only 100km away from Russian forces.
Russia expected to capture Kyiv within two days.

These dumb cheerleaders have no ground to stand on so come up with even dumber excuse like russia expected to take over kyiv in 6 hours and its been 3 days so russia lost lolz.
Its also extremely ironic that zionist child killers are talking about human rights, u people are the worst scum to have ever existed on earth, the devil himself is way better than u ppl.
Hand enough people that are willing to fight enough ATGMs and MANPADs in urban territory and they will stop your invasion.

What's your point? They don't want to live under Xijinping's dictatorship. It's a legitimate reason why Taiwan should be independent.
Israel is far more of a dictatorship than China is. China = high IQ therefore free thinking. Israel = low IQ therefore brainwashed. Typical low IQ jew who only knows how to blow his nose into his little hat lol
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