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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If China heads for Taiwan then Israel is finished, once and for all. The Western alliances don't have the capacity to fight on 3 major fronts.

Dont worry, Israel will be defended by both Russia and the US and France and UK.
If China heads for Taiwan then Israel is finished, once and for all. The Western alliances don't have the capacity to fight on 3 major fronts.
When will you fools understand you'll never be able to defeat us?
How many times do we need to bash your skulls in?
BS, China wants Taiwan because it wants the semi-conductor business.
Taiwan's semiconductor business is useless for China since it is 100% supplied by western equipment and chemicals, which will be useless in a war. Taiwan has nothing China would need except the geography so that makes it... simpler than Ukraine.
When will you fools understand you'll never be able to defeat us?
How many times do we need to bash your skulls in?

Israel has already fallen and you know this much yourself Just like Taiwan and it falling physically is just a formality.. If any serious push comes it is over.. This is not a Kung-fu movie but a simple mathematical reality..

You can't even defeat Hezbollah and Hamas and you talking about being undefeated
Taiwan's semiconductor business is useless for China since it is 100% supplied by western equipment and chemicals, which will be useless in a war. Taiwan has nothing China would need except the geography so that makes it... simpler than Ukraine.

That is the main reason.
How about this? How come the front is moving closer to Kiev and not closer to the Russian border?
Loosing meaningless villages and empty land is worthless, Russia has failed to capture any major city.

This looks like winning to you?
Destroying a static fuel depot vs Ukraine destroying entire armored brigades, a bunch of helicopters and jets
Posts of No-value/off-topic
It's good to be optimistic. But you know very well that the ideology that you support is a dead end.
Good will overcome evil.
That's why the terrorists that oppose us and liberty will fall.

You could brainwash some Russians and Chinese to think they're fighting for something good but when they meet the battlefield they'll know the truth.
We will fight for liberty, our enemies will fight for their dictator.

You are, and just like South Africa make sure you destroy your nukes when they take over, I dont think Arabs can be trusted with such dangerous weapons.
Don't worry, if the time comes we will make sure not even one nuke remains in our arsenal.

More and more info about the war will make it out and will be independent of Russia's interference. All you guys who are cheering for Russia? Better start your own 50 cent army. :lol:
and TSMC would cease to operate in a war. Do you know how businesses operate? They need suppliers. If China took Taiwan by force then nobody will sell supplies to upkeep those fabs.
I am not saying China wants Taiwan to take TSMC (Although they might try to do that), I am saying that the goal of China is indeed as you say, to cease TSMC from operating

Putin Is Waging a Halfway War and It’s Showing​

A lot is being asked of 30K troops who are being placed in unenviable positions​

Marko Marjanović 22 hours ago 3542 27


Putin wasn’t kidding when he said he was launching a “special military operation”. Relative to what the Russian military brought to the border this is not yet all-out war.
I would say about 30,000 Russian troops have crossed over into Ukraine so far. A small portion of the force assembled.

Moreover, the Russians are (so far) waging the war in a way that keeps civilian losses to a minimum and even trying to minimally disrupt civilian life.

The Russian operation could have opened with strikes against power plants and the electric grid (both bombed by US in Yugoslavia) that left civilians in shock and without power, and with ballistic and cruise missile strikes on Ukrainian army barracks.

Instead, the Russian enterprise is so far conducted in a way that limits not just Ukrainian civilian, but even Ukrainian military losses. The Russians have barely used their artillery.

It’s as if so far Putin is trying to conduct less a war, and more a 1968-style policing action.

Kiev’s approach has been just the opposite, to distribute weapons to civilians. To ask them to “make Molotov cocktails” and to film and publish Russian troop movements.
It’s a competition. Kiev is trying to induct the populace into a people’s war and give Moscow the kind of war it does not want. And Moscow is doing everything it can from its side to not have that happen but to instead wage a minimally disruptive regime-change.

Russia wants the populace passive, Ukraine wants it as mobilized as possible. Thus there is good reason for Russia to refrain from using all the firepower it has, but it has made the life of its troops more difficult.
This economy-of-force approach is actually typical of how Russia operates. It will try something limited and small-scale first then escalate into something bigger when that hits a wall and so on.
There are good reasons to do it the Russian way, but there is also good reason not to. Certainly on the negative side is that it means asking a lot of their troops.
The brazen helicopter assault on Gostromel Airport was the most dramatic example of this, but really all Russian troops that have been committed are being asked to do brazen stuff with not much cover.
Small units of 800 men are being told to drive along a road 50 kilometers into the enemy’s rear and to go around major cities.
It has been less Ogarkov and more Tukhachevsky. Less the long-range fires apocalypse of non-contact warfare and more the deep battle of columns racing for the rear and fighting fights that are very much contact, sometimes after driving into an ambush or running into Ukrainians head-on.
The troops themselves have done rather well actually, but of course there is a limit to how far 30K troops can go.

the Ukrainian military has led to losses, prisoners.
For example. Rosgvardia and OMON are going together with the military to “take Kiev”(!). Internal troops should follow the military AFTER the army destroys the Ukrainian army in a given sector. This did not happen. They just go ahead into Kiev blindly.
The Ukrainian army will still be destroyed, but the Russian army is suffering unjustified losses that could have been avoided
Not bad for 30K troops and 48 hours — would have been further along if more of the assembled forces and fires were committed from the onset
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