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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Iraq vs Ukraine

1. Hundreds of followers asked us to comment on the comparisons to US invading Iraq and Russia invading Ukraine. Let's break it down a little bit.

2. USA took 300.000 soldiers to Iraq-- a country considerably smaller than Ukraine, and not nearly as densely populated. It took the US 3 weeks to take Iraq. Iraq was getting 0 outside support and had no intelligence capability -- nor was Iraq being fed intelligence around the clock.

3. Ukraine, by contrast, has full intel around the clock from the entire NATO, is armed and is still being armed by NATO, is very densely populated, much larger and Russia has only about 30-40k troops inside of Ukraine at the moment.

4. Russia is moving quickly, while doing an outstanding job at avoiding civilian casualties in an invasion of a country this large and majority of Ukraine's forces using cities as strategic assets.

5. From a military perspective, Russia is still employing a minimum of its capability in terms of manpower, & especially, firepower. Russia is using very simple weaponry & used nothing it has developed in the last 20 years -- except Kalibr. No evidence of combat drones, loitering munitions, hypersonic missiles, EW, or widespread airstrikes. This is a fraction of what RUS uses in Syria.

6. Casualties, a realistic estimate which is still likely inflated if considered for Russian forces on their own -- is from the British MOD, which estimates 400 Russian losses. This is likely accurate IF combined with forces from LPR and DPR.

7. The most contrasting thing is this: the US was not worried about civilian casualties, they were simply collateral-- and it still took them 3 weeks. Casulties: This is from 2008, number is much higher these days -- Iraq conflict has killed a million Iraqis: survey.

8. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has only just started, and that is in context of timeline -- and also capability employed. Russia is moving much faster through densely populated land, with 7x less manpower being used That's our view on it, for those who asking. Hope it helps.
The scuttlebutt is that Putin is furious at his generals. He wanted the war to be over or at least greater than 50/50 over. But that is not what is happening. The low civilian casualties came from Ukrainian resistance, not because the Russian army have any compunction about brutality. The minimum the Russian army is using came from the lack of logistics, which came from the economy, which was already in poor state. Nice spin, though.

Hahahaha, they'll die like their friends, dozens of armored columns have been destroyed.
I remember a quote about the red army during WW2....Red army was the biggest meat grinder in human history.....not only to its enemies but also its own troops. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who are you? we are here to watch how this war plays out, not your mindless ranting.
I also watch how this war played out, that's just my analysis.
It's insane how bad the Russian military is.
Tanks out of fuel, a bunch of junk inside them, unprotected columns of supplies, artillery and troops getting massacred.

Russia has so many casualties, in 44 days of Gulf War the US didn't have a number of casualties that's even close to what the Russians got in just 2 days in this conflict.
I remember a quote about the red army during WW2....Red army was the biggest meat grinder in human history.....not only to its enemies but also its own troops. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Insane how the Russians never learn.

'Enemy' based on your invasion of a sovereign nation on pretexts that were later revealed to be fake/fabricated? Don't defend this shit, please. These moral quandaries can't be reduced to simple tactical explanations, as you have put forth.

What you were even doing there is the bigger question. The only way you'll be taken seriously by balanced minds on this forum is if you can first confront the atrocious human rights record and hypocrisy of the US (especially relative to the fact that it's apparently a liberal democratic nation). You cannot claim any form of moral high ground when successive governments have conveniently weaponized the idea of human rights and liberty as tools of hegemony.

For the US, Israel's occupation and apartheid-like tactics in Palestine are totally fine. Removing democratically elected leaders to install autocratic US puppets is fine (you have a long history of this, from South America to Iran). Selling billions in arms to dictatorships like you have been in Saudi Arabia is fine.

The above examples demonstrate that human rights, occupations, and democracies are not what matter --- it's just grand strategy and hegemonic interests. All that matters is who is doing what - and how they fit into America's worldview.
To defend Russia, the US and Israel had to be dragged in. :lol:
From the avaible footages we didn't see large scale bombing and shelling like what Nato did whey they fight in foreign lands, it's not actually a full scale war and Russians are clearly restrained from using all its force. The strategy is more about putting pressure on Ukraine over future talk.
From the avaible footages we didn't see large scale bombing and shelling like what Nato did whey they fight in foreign lands, it's not actually a full scale war and Russians are clearly restrained from using all its force.
Because the Russian economy could not support the logistics of the war.

The strategy is more about putting pressure on Ukraine over future talk.
Given the support Ukraine is receiving, militarily and morally, looks like that pressure is deflating.
Idiotic low IQ ape, this president has more balls, is more honest and is smarter than any leader your country has ever had.

Ukrainians aren't paying the price, Russians are, Russian casualties are massive.
Are you seriously comparing the Clown Ukrainian Clown President with the Lion Prime Minister of Pakistan????

Really????... You mean this guy?

Versus this guy???...

Not quite so it is complex. As Pakistan is hovering on the other side. Politicians are different than the Armed forces ,they will calculate the pros and cons before attacking, and the cons are more. Bangladesh has too much dependency and friendly relations that attacking it won't serve any purpose. Forcefully annexing it will create a huge war on multiple fronts.
Subtle... 😉

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