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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Explainer: How Orwell's '1984' Looms Large in Wartime Russia​

In theory, “1984” has not been banned and can be distributed freely.

Lawyer Anastasia Rudenko and businessman Dmitry Silin began distributing free copies of “1984” last month to passersby in the city of Ivanovo, northeast of Moscow.

The pair spent about $1,500 on copies of “1984,” giving them away in the town’s parks and squares. They have distributed 500 copies so far this month.

But the pair were detained and charged with discrediting the Russian army, which is punishable with a jail term of 15 years in prison.

If you hand out the book 1984 in Russia, you can end in a 1984 Russian prison.

Some belive it to be Harpoons. Better use them before Tai Hai Chens imaginary fleet of russian attack helicopters hovering over Ukraine are destroying them.


Jun 18, 2022 - Press ISW

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Karolina Hird, Mason Clark, George Barros, and Grace Mappes
June 18, 3:30 pm ET
Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.
Russian forces made marginal gains on the outskirts of Severodonetsk on June 18 but have largely stalled along other axes of advance.
Russian troops are likely facing mounting losses and troop and equipment degradation that will complicate attempts to renew offensive operations on other critical locations as the slow battle for Severodonetsk continues. As ISW previously assessed, Russian forces will likely be able to seize Severodonetsk in the coming weeks, but at the cost of concentrating most of their available forces in this small area. Other Russian operations in eastern Ukraine—such as efforts to capture Slovyansk and advance east of Bakhmut—have made little progress in the past two weeks. Russian forces are continuing to fight to push Ukrainian troops away from occupied frontiers north of Kharkiv City and along the Southern Axis, but have not made significant gains in doing so, thus leaving them vulnerable to Ukrainian counteroffensive and partisan pressure.
The Russian military continues to face challenges with the morale and discipline of its troops in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate released what it reported were intercepted phone calls on June 17 and 18 in which Russian soldiers complained about frontline conditions, poor equipment, and overall lack of personnel.[1] One soldier claimed that units have been largely drained of personnel and that certain battalion tactical groups (BTGs) have only 10 to 15 troops remaining in service.[2]
Key Takeaways
  • Russian forces secured minor gains on the outskirts of Severodonetsk and likely advanced into Metolkine, but Russian operations remain slow.
  • Russian forces continued efforts to interdict Ukrainian lines of communication along the T1302 Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway and conducted ground and artillery strikes along the highway.
  • Russian forces seek to push Ukrainian forces out of artillery range of railway lines around Kharkiv City used to supply Russian offensive operations toward Slovyansk.
  • Russian forces did not take any confirmed actions along the Southern Axis and continue to face partisan pressure in occupied areas of southern Ukraine.

We do not report in detail on Russian war crimes because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.
  • Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts);
  • Subordinate Main Effort—Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts
  • Supporting Effort 1—Kharkiv City;
  • Supporting Effort 2—Southern Axis;
  • Activities in Russian-occupied Areas
Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine
Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces continued ground assaults against Severodonetsk and its outskirts and secured minor gains in the southeastern suburbs of the city on June 18.[3] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops had partial success while attacking Metolkine, (just south of Severodonetsk) where they have been fighting for the last few days, though ISW cannot independently confirm what areas of the town Russian forces seized.[4] Russian forces likely intend to capture the southern suburbs of Severodonetsk and advance to the bank of the Severskiy Donets river before assaulting the center of Ukrainian resistance in the Azot chemical plant. Russian forces are additionally fighting for control of Syrotnye, another nearby suburb of Severodonetsk.[5] Russian forces continued to fire on Severodonetsk and Lysychansk.[6]

Russian forces continued to launch attacks toward Slovyansk from the southeast of Izyum on June 18 but did not make any confirmed advances.[7] Fighting continued around Krasnopillya, a village along the E40 highway less than 20 km northwest of Slovyansk.[8] Russian troops exerted continual artillery fire on settlements southeast of Izyum and west of Lyman in order to set conditions for further attempts to advance on Slovyansk.[9] Russian forces seek to capture Slovyansk to sever one of Ukraine’s lines of communications to Severodonetsk and Lysychansk but are making only incremental progress towards the city.
Russian forces continued ground and artillery attacks east of Bakhmut in order to interdict Ukrainian lines of communication along the T1302 Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway on June 18.[10] Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Serhiy Haidai stated that Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian attack in Nyrkove, a settlement along the Luhansk-Donetsk Oblast border within 5 km of the T1302 highway.[11] Russian forces additionally conducted unsuccessful attacks against Hirske and Berestove, likely with the intent of interdicting Ukrainian lines of communication along the T1302 highway and complicating Ukrainian operations to support the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk area.[12]

Supporting Effort #1—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Withdraw forces to the north and defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum)
Russian forces continued offensive operations to prevent Ukrainian troops from advancing further toward the international border on June 18.[13] The Ukrainian General Staff noted that Russian forces are taking measures to prevent Ukrainian troops from reaching Russian rear areas that are supporting operations toward Slovyansk and are laying additional railways to restore supply lines to Slovyansk.[14] Russian-controlled rail lines in northern Kharkiv Oblast are likely the primary means Russian forces are employing to supply ongoing operations to capture Slovyansk, and Russian forces have prioritized securing and repairing railways in this area throughout the war. While Ukrainian forces are unlikely to be able to quickly advance the dozens of kilometers into Russian-held territory in Kharkiv Oblast that would be required to directly sever these rail lines, Russian forces likely seek to push back Ukrainian forces to prevent their artillery from interdicting Russian supply routes. Russian forces additionally continued to fight for control of Dementiivka and Pitomnyk, both north of Kharkiv City, and conducted artillery strikes around northeastern Kharkiv Oblast.[15]

Supporting Effort #2—Southern Axis (Objective: Defend Kherson and Zaporizhia Oblasts against Ukrainian counterattacks)
Russian forces fired on Ukrainian positions along the Southern Axis but did not make any confirmed attacks on June 18, a pause from the steady localized attacks of the past several weeks.[16] Russian forces continued efforts to improve engineering equipment along the Inhulets River.[17] A Russian Telegram channel noted that Russian forces launched massive, unspecified strikes along the Mykolaiv-Kherson Oblast border, likely in response to recent limited Ukrainian counterattacks in the area.[18]

Activity in Russian-occupied Areas (Russian objective: consolidate administrative control of occupied areas; set conditions for potential annexation into the Russian Federation or some other future political arrangement of Moscow’s choosing)
Russian occupation authorities continued to face partisan activity in occupied areas on June 18. The Ukrainian Resistance Center reported that unidentified Ukrainian partisans conducted an IED attack against Yevhen Sobolev, a Russian collaborator, in Kherson City on June 18.[19] Such partisan actions will likely continue to complicate the implementation of occupational agendas and pro-Russian sentiment in occupied areas.
Trump is the Deepstate.

Backed by the mossad deepstate, backed by the cia deepstate, backed by the British "crown" MI6 deepstate. And Trump wants to destroy the EU with buddy Putin.

How Putin got away with being part owner of the Conservative Party of the UK, with MI6 "looking the other way", as Putin got the UK conservative anti-Muslim rabid Trumpers "white nationalists" in the UK to back brexit.

Brexit Wasn’t About Economics. It Was About Racial Hatred​

Racism is fundamental, not incidental, to British and European societies.

MI6 and the cia wanted to destroy the EU. The Trump cia of Pompeo and the British Crown MI6 of the old Rhodes Roundtable that both Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton learned about and supported a globe dominated by an Britsh-American Federation. The EU stands in the way of this 130 year old goal by the British "Crown" to own Europe and the rest of the globe. This history of British quest for owning the globe was taught to Bill Clinton at Georgetown University and millions of others are fully aware of this (both supporters and opponents) because it is 100% documented, even the New York Times covered this story. There are dozens of history books that cover this history. Putin is a tool of the British Crown to destroy the EU. The US-UK side with the EU/Europe/Ukraine to devastate the EU with a prolonged war with a potential economic collapse. And Putin is doer of the deed of the cia goal.

In the summer of 2012, Sergey Nalobin, a senior diplomat, whose father was an FSB general and whose brother also worked for the Russian intelligence agency, hosted a party at the Russian Embassy establishing the Conservative Friends of Russia. For three years, as donations from Russian oligarchs increased, he befriended senior Conservative (Party member)s and their contacts, and particularly those associated with what would become the official Vote Leave campaign to exit the EU, including Boris Johnson, John Whittingdale and Matthew Elliott.

Yakovenko was recalled to Moscow after Boris Johnson took over the leadership of the Conservative Party in the summer of 2019. He was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky medal by Vladimir Putin himself and made President of the Diplomatic Academy.”

We now know more about the extensive funding of the Conservative Party by Russian oligarchs and their high-level access to politicians. Other senior business figures, who have funded either the Leave campaigns or Brexit think tanks, made their millions in Russia or have major investments there.

As reported by Catherine Belton, another Soviet-born oligarch and major Conservative donor, Alexander Temerko, claimed that Johnson was finally persuaded to back Brexit by a group of ‘eastern European businessmen’. Temerko refused to elaborate when questioned further by Belton, and there are numerous candidates who could be part of that group. But it certainly looks like the Lebedevs were involved.

MI6 is working with Putin buddies in the UK to weaken the EU. The war by Putin is backed by the British MI6, the US cia, Trump-Putin partnership. The arming of Ukraine is half-hearted and with the purpose of destroying the EU economically and later politically.

The economic fallout of war in Ukraine will hit the European Union hard.

That is why the Pompeo-Trump-Bush cia is sending arms to Ukraine, so this war drags out and the EU is on her knees. US wants the EU in shambles from this. Who are the two countries that are delaying the JCPOA - the UK and calling the IRGC terrorists and the US with getting out of the JCPOA. The EU is filled with green politics, peace-niks who do not want US endless war and conflict, wanted trade with China, wanted trade with Iran and the JCPOA.

Finishing off China and the EU is the final solution. After that is what the British have laboured for for 130 years - British owning the globe, along with puppets in Washington and friends in Russia and zionst and French friends (enter the stage Le Pen).

Trump and Vladimir Putin 'want to DESTROY the EU' – former Italian leader WARNS

‘Very dangerous’: Putin, Trump want to weaken the European Union, top official says

Trump, Putin want to destroy the competition in Europe to cia monopoly.

Trump Brags He Threatened to Not Defend NATO Allies From Russia

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance, according to new book

Trump: EU is one of United States’ biggest foes

Trump just threatened to dismantle the European-American alliance as we know it

Putin appointment to be successor of Yeltsin was approved by cia agents in the Kremlin

The cia has used Putin, Russia, and Putinites to attempt to weaken or destroy the EU for over 15 years. I know, I followed the movement from infancy.

So the very individuals Chinese and Muslims think they are fighting against - white Trumpers in Ukraine to defeat those wide eyed Europeans, are the very individuals these same Chinese are Muslims are supporting in the MI6, cia, and the mossad.

The Turkish backed FSA figured out this whole scheme in Syria, that the zionists were arming both sides to destroy Syria.

You would think that Israel would be on the side of defeating Assad.

‘Israel wants to keep Assad in power (to keep Syria weak),’ FSA claims​

US an UK are sending arms into Ukraine to keep the war going to collapse the economy of Europe to usher in an age of cia bitcoins.

Trumpers hate the EU. Putinites hate the EU. cia hates the EU, hated Adenauer's dream of a united Europe. The cia sees the EU and continental Europe as COMPETITION to hegemony. The FSB hates the EU. MI6 hates the EU. mossad hates the EU. Rothschild is handler of the EU with Macron and other bankers to be the handlers of the EU so the EU does not get out of hand for the British-American Federation. The same way Rothschild was handler with Kissinger for China. And the Trilateral Commission and Rockefeller are handlers of Japan so that Japan does not leave the reservation. We are witnessing in this war a final solution. What we would have witnessed had Trump started a war on China. And China supports Russia and Putin. Never forget. Europe did not draw first blood on China. China drew first blood on Europe in supporting Russia and Putin. The Trump War on the EU began through Putin, and China sides with the Trump/Putin.
Highly suspicious how Ukraine is being downsized economically and militarily and highly suspicious how the Syrian game is being replayed by the same big players. The only winner is China as the US will be bankrupt by next year and China will have an easy ride into Taiwan. Only question is which other countries are marked for downsizing.
Highly suspicious how Ukraine is being downsized economically and militarily and highly suspicious how the Syrian game is being replayed by the same big players. The only winner is China as the US will be bankrupt by next year and China will have an easy ride into Taiwan. Only question is which other countries are marked for downsizing.
Inflation and depression are accelerating in Europe....UK is marching...Paris next...America can use export/price control to reduce oil prices at home. Europe will be desperate when winter comes early this year as NG soars into stratosphere. Russia is an energy powerhouse...EU just overestimated its abilities.

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