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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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another fantasy... Here is a good analysis of it by this guy:

Russians are trying to destroy the ukrainian army. They want to remove it as a fighting force. That is the main goal. And ukie "counterattacks" perfectly play into Russian hands. every professional military analyst is telling the ukies to pull back to a defensible line.

But with a string of defeats, and moral collapsing, they are now taking political decisions and sacrificing their men en mass to hold every inch of territory. This is purely political decision.

Russia is using massed artillery, and only moves into lightly resisted areas. They even cede territory to strong counter attacks. instead of sacrificing men in unfavourable defensive positions, let the ukies come close, and pound them with massed artillery. And they are literally taking shifts, and doing it 24/7. No sleeep for ukies. the only time artillery hell ceases, is when Russians start advancing and probing for survivors....

And for all the delusional people counting on an insurgency.... They only need to look at chechnya. A muslim warrior territory, with a fierce hatred of anything Russian in the 90s. Nowt they are some of the best troops fighting for the Russians... You really think Ukraine who are much closer to Russia will be different?

Also all the fighting men willing to fight Russia have been turned into natural fertilizer from Russian artillery strikes. You simply cannot create armies out of thin air, and throw them into a battle. The Ukie army that took 8 years of peace time planning to create got anahiliated... now they are going to create some new army from the ashes? with the Russians pounding them? another western delusion.

So has Russia won their special operation? Asking for a friend.
They won 3 days into it, now it’s just a mopping up operation per twitter 🤣

That is a questionable statement.

Seeing this war has only been ongoing for about 3 months…

Based on previous experience with the Russian Army…

It's far too early to make any realistic judgement — whatever armchair-generals and NATO fanboys/girls say.

Secondly, if they're losing so badly then why haven't they been pushed out yet?

Why is about 20% of Ukranian territory under Russian control?

Why is Russia advancing and that area seems to be increasing?

Finally, why does the Russian military seem to be able to bomb targets all over Ukraine — given that even cities in West Ukraine have to regularly take cover from air attacks and the Russian Army is in the East of the country?


Your last paragraph is completely false

I'm surprised the Russian army hasn't already collapsed given all the reports in the Media The tank drivers froze to death, the trucks got stuck in the mud because Putin bought cheap tyres, all the guns are from the 1930's and the remaining infantry were left with no option but to rob petrol stations or starve to death. Frankly its a miracle there even is a Russian army left, if you believe everything you read in Media
Seriously what metrics are you using to judge success. Any western military would have had air dominance 2 weeks into this war, Russia does not.
Please spare me all the this is how Russia fights slowly grinding, they’re an utter disgrace of a fighting force and this is coming from someone who highly respected them 3 months ago
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Do you know how to recognize a good song? It's rearranged in all possible styles and everybody loves it!
Путин-Хуйло (Putin Khuilo) means...Putin d*ckhead
View attachment 852336
In front of the Kremlin:
Ukrainian Army parade :
dubstep remix
Folk version:
Luga Style Beatz remix :
Dj Martin Garrix , Dj Haywall , Dj Sand_Storm Techno mix:
Vilnius live version, in front of the Russian embassy (Jazz) :
Dance Club Mix
Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia:

Russians sing your UkroNazis a hello :
I'm surprised the Russian army hasn't already collapsed given all the reports in the Media The tank drivers froze to death, the trucks got stuck in the mud because Putin bought cheap tyres, all the guns are from the 1930's and the remaining infantry were left with no option but to rob petrol stations or starve to death. Frankly its a miracle there even is a Russian army left, if you believe everything you read in Media

Because they learnt, and after few shot, fired, replaced generals they scaled back their ambitions, and started fighting by the book.

The west has squandered the precious opportunity to capitalise on Russian screwups early on. Such opportunity is only given once.

It's summer now, the front has unfolded, stalled, and supply issues are nowhere near as damaging.

When the winter will start, we will see less fighting in the field, and even more brutal losses to artillery. It will be then when the bets will rise to bigger cities, as both sides will pull their forces there.

I still see the picture being static for 1+ month:

Russians have 7 armies worth of cannon fodder, and artillery.

They lose ~2 battalions per week, and get resupplied at ~2 battalions per week.

They still have huge advantage in long range fires, SAMs, and air.

Ukraine still cannot use any of Western gifts offensively.

Long range SPGs are preserved at all cost to do counterbattery.

SAMs are far from froontlines, and tons of them are defending cities.

Airforce is interception only now, and is only used offensively during the time of extreme need.
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Some people on this PDF are overly optimistic in thinking that Ukraine is beating Russia, influenced by the surprise expressed in media about the struggle of the Russian army.

However, the media (or at least the serious ones) are all saying that Ukraine is being pushed back. What is surprising is how the Russian army, thought to be one of the strongest army in the world, is underperforming. It doesn’t mean Russia is losing. It means Russia is winning at a far higher cost than anticipated.

Some other people on HERE have mentioned a narrative shift in medias, how they were saying Ukraine was winning last week and how they now say Ukraine is losing. However, if one actually reads the medias like BBC & Co, it’s easy to see that the narrative hasn’t changed: Ukraine is losing far slower than anticipated

Russia literally lost the Battle of Kyiv and Kharkiv. Russia has gained a few dozen kms at a massive cost over the last month, but considering the Ukrainian ground regained at Kharkiv Russian gains over the same period are negligible.

Conducting mass attrition of Russian armor and personnel at this stage is winning for Ukraine.

Time for some perspective:

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