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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There were shots of the retreat of individual units of the Ukrainian army from the territory of the Red Estuary. The settlement of Krasny Liman is of strategic importance in Ukraine, since it opens up directions for advancing towards Slavyansk with Kramatorsk and towards the grouping of Kiev forces concentrated near Lisichansk and Severodonetsk.

Russian troops launched a missile attack on the Ukrainian plant "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye. As a result of the missile strike, the plant's workshops and the administrative building were destroyed. The Ukrainian plant "Motor Sich" was engaged in the production, repair and maintenance of aircraft engines and also produced parts for Turkish UAVs "Bayraktar" and "Akinsi".

In Ukraine, a self-propelled mortar of a colossal 240-mm caliber was spotted near Severodonetsk. The king of Russian mortars, like many Russian artillery, is romantically named 2C4 "Tulip". The pretty name of the flower hides a monstrous power that inspires fear and respect, by the way, the shot of its 130 kilogram mine leaves a funnel in the ground with a diameter of 10 and a depth of almost 6 meters. Now there are no analogues of the Russian "Tulip": it significantly surpasses conventional artillery and is a record holder. 2C4 "Tulip" is designed primarily for the destruction of bunkers and fortified positions.

Nobody has fear for Russia any more since Saint Javelin has called the Russian bluff. Nobody respects Russia since Rasputin, even less since Putin.
The only fear to have for Russian neighbours? Not having purchased enough NATO-standard weapons [BTW, Russians are unable to detect Rafale, SCALP-EG...]

Russia : BIG GUNS, small d*ck, zero❤️

"In 2 years of Mariupol’s occupation during World War II, the Nazis killed 10,000 people. Russians have doubled the number of victims in 2 months of the Mariupol siege" - Vadym Boychenko, Mariupol mayor
Yes believe me, Russia has no future in Europe, no future in America, no future in Africa, no in Far East, she is finished. Putin’s last hope is China and India.
Actually I will skip the believing an idiot part.
China territorial claims:


As recently as 1969, Russian and Chinese troops harassed each other across the border in northeast China. This eventually “escalated into a shooting match on March 2 and 15, resulting in heavy casualties.” Although a shooting war over such matters presently appears remote, complaints over Chinese immigration in Siberia continue today. Those who are interested can even view on Amazon a 2018 documentary titled “When Siberia Will Be Chinese.”

In 2020, the Chinese state media was sure to remind the Russian regime that Vladivostok was Chinese “before Russia annexed it via unequal Treaty of Beijing.”
Disclaimer: I don't respond to @Raffie, who in my view doesn't really deserve a serious response. Only to the post.

I don't know what they were cooking when they wrote this. They purposely misinform the concept of China and Chinese.

Chinese, in the current term, is predominately Han Chinese, who don't have the territorial ambition as Manchurian who ruled China during Qing Dynasty. The modern Chinese inherited the large part of Qing Dynasty but only to the extend that we can hold on. We naturally have no desire to revive the "glory" of Manchurian. Otherwise, why revive the "glory" of Manchurian? Why not revive the "glory" of Mongols who ruled China during Yuan Dynasty?
China territorial claims:


As recently as 1969, Russian and Chinese troops harassed each other across the border in northeast China. This eventually “escalated into a shooting match on March 2 and 15, resulting in heavy casualties.” Although a shooting war over such matters presently appears remote, complaints over Chinese immigration in Siberia continue today. Those who are interested can even view on Amazon a 2018 documentary titled “When Siberia Will Be Chinese.”

In 2020, the Chinese state media was sure to remind the Russian regime that Vladivostok was Chinese “before Russia annexed it via unequal Treaty of Beijing.”
The thousands of russian nuclear warheads ensured that China would rather treat russia as a worthy friend than an invasion target. Only western lunatics would think that china would invade russia.
Unless the wars in past didn't have a global impacts like today. World economy and politics were not as intermingle as they are today.
You'd better be careful with your wish. We don't who is down the line will replace Putin, what they are capable of and whether they are less or more hawkish than Putin. Seeing the 1st two weeks of this war I had an impression that Putin is being softer than a usual Russian leader should be. I don't know, I could be wrong.
Putin wants to be like Stalin.
The thousands of russian nuclear warheads ensured that China would rather treat russia as a worthy friend than an invasion target. Only western lunatics would think that china would invade russia.
No need : Russian birth rate is hitting the bottom and eastern regions are emptying...Note that China's birth rate is falling apart too.
Maintaining nukes costs big money, and even more for their vectors... You know, the 1st launch of an hypersonic Zirkon they've shown, was in fact an old P-500 Bazalt...
With 20-25% of the military budget embezzled, what is the less likely to be used is the more likely to get stolen... Most of their NPPs are running on military grade uranum or plutonium since the cold war... Are you sure they still have thousands of nukes???
The same lunatics that thought PRC would never invade Tibet then illegally occupy it for 7 decades+? Or the lunatics that thought Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine?
Mao tried to invade the USSR while he had no nukes and soviets already had thermonuclear, you know...
The thousands of russian nuclear warheads ensured that China would rather treat russia as a worthy friend than an invasion target. Only western lunatics would think that china would invade russia.

Why Invade? Just Ask. Russia already leased us like 1 France worth of land in the Far East. We just need to work a bit to make these leases perpetual. Or wait until Russia kicks the bucket, and pull Manchukuo 2.0 on them.
Why Invade? Just Ask. Russia already leased us like 1 France worth of land in the Far East. We just need to work a bit to make these leases perpetual. Or wait until Russia kicks the bucket, and pull Manchukuo 2.0 on them.
Whose we?
Russia today in the first trial of its kind has dismissed 115 national guard members from Kabardino Balkaria for refusing to fight in Ukraine.
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