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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Must probably the same “encirclement” on three sides announced the last couple of days.
The real danger to the ukrainian forces is the russian airborne forces and wagner mercenaries west and northwest of Poposna. They seem to be the only russian forces able to do offensive operations. Ukraine will probably have to retreat from Severodonesk if those russian forces have the power to keep pushing north, because they will have to go all the way to the Donesk river themself, since the russian forces north of it cant seem to cross it.
Only silo based missiles are really first strike grade - only they can be fired within minutes. Everything else is 2nd strike, or follow up to 1st strike, to finish an enemy.

If they fire everything they can physically fire, Russia gets 1500 warheads. Realistically, even a preplanned attack will see 800 warheads launched at most, if they really want to committ to all in attack on both EU, and USA.

Given that Russia will reserve something for China, and the fact we observed that they pick missiles from Siberian bases, and move them to the West for drills across the whole country, rather than firing missiles already there, they will only have missiles in European part of Russia firing.

300-600 warheads instant launch, 200 more within 30 minutes. Nowhere near to even blunt NATO's conventional forces. There are more than 1000 military sites in France only.
You truly are detached from reality of nuclear war and talk about it as if it is a solution to all Europe's problems. Once nukes are used it will be the beginning of a catastrophe and suffering not seen in human history. What sort of like have you lived where you hate life so much that that you want to end it for yourself and others?
The Russian military used the Ukrainian captured anti-tank complex "Stugna-P" to strike at the fortified positions of the Ukrainian army.

Russian soldiers carried a wounded Ukrainian soldier for two kilometers, who was abandoned by his squad, the video was published to show that there should be a manifestation of humanity even in war.

French self-propelled guns "Caesar" manufactured by Nexter were spotted in Ukraine. The Caesar self-propelled gun entered service in France in 2003. The ACS has a 155-mm caliber and can carry up to 18 shells, the installation crew is 5 people, but it is possible to control three. The ACS is equipped with a Sigma-30 fire control system, with a NAVSTAR navigation system receiver. The installation is easy to maintain and manage. The rate of fire of the ACS is 6 rounds per minute. The maximum firing range when using active-reactive ammunition is 42 km.

Actually, the CAESAR ranges 55km+ with rocket-boosted shells.
The long barrel and advanced computerised fire-control allow 1m accuracy at 40km WITHOUT GPS guided shells.

The Bofors/Nexter Bonus 155mm shell allows to blow 2 tanks with guided ammos similar to the sensor fused ones in the CBU-97/105 up to 55km if used with the CAESAR

US Army is now buying the BONUS too... Considering the US NIH syndrome, they try to NOT buy EU-made gear as much as possible, this shell must be freaking devastating : US Army already has the M712 Copperhead and the M982 Excalibur. Note that the NIH syndrome is more at the congress and senate level : the DoD is way more open, even saying they'd need more and more gear from European allies in the future, their choice for the A330-MRTT which was congress-torpedoed, or the recent order for 20 FREMM stealth frigates while they abandoned the insanely expensive Zumwalt-class stealth destroyer after only 3 purchases are rather good signs that their usual protectionism has became unworkable... Who knows, since F-35 has been deemed as unable to fill in the F-16's and F-18's job and there is no other game in town, what gen. Charles Q. Brown described as a need for USAF would definitively be filled in by Rafale, and for US-Navy/USMC too...

John Mearsheimer explained so clearly and succinctly that the crassness and stupidity of USA in formenting and instigating
the war on Russia is making Russia and China to get a lot closer and in tighter friendship as both saw they facing a ruthless backstabbing evil untrust worthy common enemy USA out to try to destroy both of them.


WhatsApp Image 2022-05-24 at 12.59.24 PM.jpeg
Russia loses its highest-ranking pilot yet in Ukraine as former Air Force Major, 63, comes out of retirement… and is blasted out of the skies

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