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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You don't get what the 3rd gen stealth that was mounted onboard the M51.3 SLBM is!!!

it simply absorbs ANY type of radar waves, including from OTHRs like the 29B6 Konteyner. It's in service since June 2020 for the M51 missile. Rafale F4 receives this too and so will the ASN4G hypersonic nuclear cruise missile...
So, what happens? No detection from where it comes before the MIRVs are released... This is no 200 seconds warning, it's 20 to 30s and it's a bit too late to order retaliations in case of first strike... Moreover, go figure who launched, how it did happened... Who knows, it may even be launched from Iranian territorial waters, some unloaded missiles with stealth off may even be launched towards Israel and USA : you just need to read Khamenei's Twitter to conclude he's totally bonkers...
With such a tool, we can absolutely play dirty.

Moreover, France LIES about its nuclear stockpile, I'm well placed to know this: the public is only told about the peace-time "active" nukes : this means those ready to be launched 24/7/365 in retaliation for a surprise attack, so this means the 2 SSBNs that are permanently at sea with 16 M51.3 SLBMs, each having 10 MIRVs...
Following Popovs' nuclear threats, guess what? The 4 subs are at sea and the ASMPA-R Mach-3 ALCMs have been deployed... Aren't there some Rafales in the Baltic states? ASMP ranged 300km+, ASMPA ranged 500km+, ASMPA-R has seen its range extended (likely 750-800km now) and, how funny, France did another test on March 23rd 2022...

Then, you know, there is no need to fully destroy Russia!!! The 3 quarters of the country are near empty :

So, you know, with 640 MIRVs and 58 ALCMs, knowing that the French ones are often confused with neutron-bombs due to enhanced radiation effect that implies that the lethality is multiplied by 10, so, e.g. a 100 kt will send ad patres as much ppl as if it was an 1 megaton one, except that instead of being immediately wiped out by the thermal effect, they will suffer a slow and painful death by ARS while survivors will be slowly eaten by cancer... It's even nastier is case of surface blast as the ground materials that are neutron-activated will be way more radio-active, in case of surface blast, the fallouts would look like Chernobyl's Red Forrest in May 1986, except this intensity would spread to about 5000km²+ for a 100kt and to 10,000km²+ for a 300kt while you can double-triple the area for the edge of 1 rad/h zone. Pay a visit to Pripyat and the guide will tell you to move away from the area when it barely radiates 0.05 rad/h. OK, at 1 rad/h you would only start to puke and defecate in your pants after a week, you'll only be a castrated zombie after 2 weeks and reach a lethal dose after a month, and, any way, even at 0.1rad/h, the area is FUBAR...
Now you surely know that in order to please the ecologists, French govt. publishes nuclear dismantlement, don't you? Take the Hades which was similar to the Iskander, except there were two per TEL and the TEL looked like a normal truck:

On 23 June 1997 the last of the Hadès missiles was destroyed... Now, if all the cold war IRBMs on the Plateau d'Albion etc, were dismantled, I've NEVER read about the dismantlement of the 452 Cold War era city-buster warheads between 800 kt and 1.2 Mt, but one thing for sure : the 250kg payload of the MdCN is enough for 1 megaton, the 450kg payload of the SCALP is enough for 1.8 megaton

So, you know, it makes no difference if Russia can fully destroy the UK, France or the USA: the only difference is that Russians will die slowly, first symptoms will be a headache like they never had, then diarrhea and puking and I prefer not speaking about further effects of ARS, so, you know what? I definitively prefer being at the receiving end of the Tsar-Bomba than by a TNO (Tête Nucléaire Océanique) or by a TNA (Tête Nucléaire Aéroportée) and not being wiped out due to the rather moderate yield and the even less destructive surface burst, because I know about the totally insane levels of radiations and fallouts that will be released...

Then, some more fun : Map of French NPPs:

Near all French NPPs have 4x 3817 MWth reactors, sometimes only two... In Chernobyl, there were 4x 3200 MWth reactors and only one was blown up... Just nuke the area where I live, get 4.77x the Chernobyl disaster as a special prize :lol: I can tell you that the Chernobyl fallouts did their world tour several times, just like Céline Dion :lol:
Moreover, EDF owns the biggest stockpile of enriched uranium, and this is not including the 30t+ of mil-grade plutonium which is assuredly stored in a military facility... My 2 cts that if these end in a nuke's fireball, there won't be any need for these to reach the critical mass to detonate, you know, same effect as a thermonuclear when you have a double flash :lol: Now I can't tell about the exact effect but with such a quantity, the only thing that is certain, it'd make the Tsar Bomba look like a joke, so... maybe... :lol:

There's something dumber than nuking Russia : it's nuking France because it's the most nuclear country on the planet...

And, another point for fun? Ever heard about the CERN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN
You surely know that it's the #1 antimatter production + storage facility and that they allegdly have already opened two tiny wormholes for short time, but, IDK if it's still on their Facebook page,, but there once was this in the pictures...

Some feared they may create a blackhole by accident while using the LHC. They said it can't happen as an accident, they didn't said that it can't happen at all... And the LHC is dug enough deep to withstand direct nuke blasts, so, you know, Putler can have as many nukes he wants :lol:

Why limiting yourself at destroying Russia when you can do a nicer fireworks?

Frankly? Who wants to live in Mordor with a Putler (or uncle-Xi) posing as Sauron and with orcs everywhere?

Keeep the stupid kindergarten propganda for yourself. Go and play Xbox or watch Star Strek or something.
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As i said you dont get it. This is not US war, this is our war. Putin is a facist who dreams about an eurasian empire. Its better to slaughter them in Ukraine then here.

We will have peace when we have crippled them beyond repair.

No Putin doesn't want Eurasian empire, he's not that stupid. You're too gullible to believe the US puppet Zelensky.
Same fantasy that saw NATO defeated in Afghanistan.
Always this BS.
NO one, not even god, could have stopped US military personal from executing every Afghan man and selling the women to slave markets.
Taliban are there because they (US/others) didn't kill the Afghans and pathetic ANA didn't fought vs Taliban, except the SpecOps.
But when 5-10% of the force are taking 90% of the fights, what do you expect.
As next u wanna tell me that Iraqi insurgents crushed US military.
Same for Palestinians.
The Jews could round up every non jewish Arab and kill them in under a month, IF THEY WANTED to and the West would be THAT bad (as always portrayed) to support THAT.
Always this BS.
NO one, not even god, could have stopped US military personal from executing every Afghan man and selling the women to slave markets.
Taliban are there because they (US/others) didn't kill the Afghans and pathetic ANA didn't fought vs Taliban, except the SpecOps.
But when 5-10% of the force are taking 90% of the fights, what do you expect.
As next u wanna tell me that Iraqi insurgents crushed US military.
Same for Palestinians.
The Jews could round up every non jewish Arab and kill them in under a month, IF THEY WANTED to and the West would be THAT bad (as always portrayed) to support THAT.
You are truly out of it, do you think that Germany wasn't defeated in the second world war?

Take it to a new thread if you want to discuss US/NATO defeat in Afghanistan:-
Always this BS.
NO one, not even god, could have stopped US military personal from executing every Afghan man and selling the women to slave markets.
Taliban are there because they (US/others) didn't kill the Afghans and pathetic ANA didn't fought vs Taliban, except the SpecOps.
But when 5-10% of the force are taking 90% of the fights, what do you expect.
As next u wanna tell me that Iraqi insurgents crushed US military.
Same for Palestinians.
The Jews could round up every non jewish Arab and kill them in under a month, IF THEY WANTED to and the West would be THAT bad (as always portrayed) to support THAT.
Actually, Israel is the only state currently fighting the insurgency the way it should be fought. Clamping down hard on the civilians from which the terrorists are coming from,isolating the hostile population in camps,behind scrutinised walls.
They are successful ,that's why the crocodile tears from their enemies. The US was unwilling to herd all the Afghans in concentration camps and cleanse them from their ideological trappings....so they couldn't win.Israel doesn't give a shit,shoots first,asks questions later. See that Palestinian journalist who got killed lately.
NATO won the conventional war in Afghanistan in a matter of days. I'm not talking about the guerrilla war afterwards but the

Might as well say Japan won Pacific war when TORA TORA TORA was carried out successfully


And Hitler won when evacuation at Dunkirk was forced on Brits


And USA won the Iraq war and unsee how it ended



People care how it ended.

And not give a flying ph**k to the beginning :enjoy:

And rotten despicable USA was kicked out of Afghanistan and humiliated out of Afghanistan and shamed out of Afghanistan :D
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Low IQs here can't make difference between conventional and unconventional warfare.
Forgive me, but the low IQ is the one who think that conventional and unconventional warfare still matter when Russia is in direct war against NATO. When they enter a direct war against each others, it will directly going to nuclear. Russia may perished, but the same fate also happen to European and US. They may survived. But at that time, They will become the poorest nations in the world.
You are truly out of it, do you think that Germany wasn't defeated in the second world war?

Take it to a new thread if you want to discuss US/NATO defeat in Afghanistan:-

I never said that Germany wasn't defeated.
But that's conventional REAL war. Look where Germany is today.
Same goes for Japan, South Korea and even Vietnam which will have 25 generations gene defects in a high percentage.
But they aren't shitholes anymore like the "typical" countries who even had better/several Marshall Plans to better conditions...
Not short symetric phase bc of a weak enemy (like Taliban) and then a insurgency where the much stronger part has to fight with both hands behind his back.
Today pervert "Liberalism", same lying "liberal" media which pushes for the colonial skirmishes in the first instance and make propaganda for the ordinary people so they support these useless "humanitarian" ops.
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