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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@LeGenD please thread ban persistent off topic trolls Thanks

Dbc, you are supposed to be a think tank so think. Apollon started about seeing Russians fry in tanks and then the conversation proceeded naturally from there. Who are you to decide that I am a troll ? You are a NATO troll yourself. Why didn't you -ve rate @kingQamaR because he too posted to me about Poland ? I wish I could -ve rate you.

You source say that if White Phosphorus is used for its toxilogical effect (what toxilogical effect?) it is considered a chemical weapon because of how the treaty on chemical weapon is written.

And because of the fact that white phosphorous since its inception has been a multi-use item, not restricted to producing smoke but also meant as a means to burn people to death, as extensively witnessed during WW1.

Zelensky's rants against Russian forces and their alleged deployment of white phosphorous munitions were baseless, but the reason he attempted to push this narrative is because under certain circumstances, white phosphorous attacks constitute war crimes.

The treaty on incendiary weapons says that smoke munitions are not incendiary weapons.

White phosphorous is not exclusively a generator of smoke, just like knives were not only created to slice bread.

You are welcome to produce a single case where someone has been poisoned (and not burned) by a shell with White Phosphorus.

Better yet, I can produce numerous cases of white phosphorous being fired upon military personnel with the express intention of killing or incapacitating them, consistent with the definition of an incendiary weapon according to Article 1.1 of the treaty.


I do not want to deviate from the main topic here, but I do not care who is your 'informed analyst'. Given the differences of flight training of when I was learning how to fly versus the technology of Sept 11, 2001, I have no problems declaring that the maneuvers to make ANY airliner fly into a WTC tower is well within the skills of any student pilot that passed ground school.

In fact...

In an interview with NBC's "Today," Darren Harrison describes how he managed to land a plane with zero flight experience after the aircraft's pilot became incapacitated.​

That does not mean anyone can fly in an emergency situation like above. But flying airliners into the WTC were not emergency situations. The issue is settled like gravity.

You're preaching to the converted though. Because the source I cited is referencing a whole spate of aviation experts as well as experienced pilots (quoted from both mainstream and dissident media) who were actually flying the same machines allegedly slammed into highrise buildings by some total novices who had never been trained to man these types of aircraft (one of whom is said to have been a highly mediocre student), nor to execute the complex maneuvers that were performed by at least one of the planes.

Some of these testimonies can be found here:


It is noteworthy that none of the pilots under the above link are harboring any hostility against the USA, in fact they're considered as patriotic Americans so their views aren't informed by political bias.

And with regards to the World Trade Center attacks, users who value critical analysis over state-sanctioned narratives may reinform themselves as to the massive inconsistencies of the official version here:

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83 days of inflation, domestic US consumers stock crashed hard today, Dow drops 1200 pts, all consumers staple stocks drop double digits. Biden got a lot of explaning to do while sending $40 Billion for this proxy war stoking inflation around the world. 8 Trillion USD in market cap is wiped out in US alone post ukraine War. Who says Russia is the only country to suffer economically? The whole world is suffering.

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And because of the fact that white phosphorous since its inception has been a multi-use item, not restricted to producing smoke but also meant as a means to burn people to death, as extensively witnessed during WW1.

Zelensky's rants against Russian forces and their alleged used of white phosphorous were baseless, but the reason he attempted to push this narrative is because under certain circumstances, white phosphorous attacks constitute war crimes.

White phosphorous is not exclusively a generator of smoke, just like knives were not only created to slice bread.

Better yet, I can produce numerous cases of white phosphorous being fired upon military personnel with the express intention of killing or incapacitating them, consistent with the definition of an incendiary weapon according to Article 1.1 of the treaty.

Unlike the treaty on Chemical Weapons, the treaty on Incendiary Weapons does not care how a weapon is used.
Unlike the treaty on Chemical Weapons, the treaty on Incendiary Weapons does not care how a weapon is used.

The treaty on incendiary weapons distinguishes the latter from other munitions according to what their primary purpose and effect is. With white phosphorous (unlike other munitions), purpose and impact vary according to the intent with which it is fired (and thus, towards what or whom it is fired).
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Sorry dude,I,unlike some of you who masturbate on Russia every hours of each day,I do work and have a family,can't be here 24/7.

You sure have been here far longer than anybody here. It is just that Russian advancing gradually and the fall of Azovstal have taken a toll on you.
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The treaty on incendiary weapons distinguishes the latter from other munitions according to what their primary purpose and effect is. With white phosphorous (unlike other munitions), purpose and impact vary according to the intent with which it is fired (and thus, towards what or whom it is fired).
A White Phosporus Smoke Shell is NEVER an Incendiary Weapon.
That is explicitly stated in the treaty.
The treaty does not even mention White Phosphorus.

Russia unveils its latest more agile and cost effective tactical troop transport for its ongoing de-nazification operation = illegal war in Ukraine.
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View attachment 845231

Russia unveils its latest more agile and cost effective tactical troop transport for its ongoing de-nazification operation = illegal war in Ukraine.
This reliant robin was sick of all the other cars making fun of him for his tri wheel setup (making him turnover onto his side when turning). He decided to take matters into his own hands.
83 days of inflation, domestic US consumers stock crashed hard today, Dow drops 1200 pts, all consumers staple stocks drop double digits. Biden got a lot of explanation to do while sending $40 Billion for this proxy war stoking inflation around the world. Who says Russia is the only country to suffer economically, the whole world is suffering.

In this time period of human history economics are linked together like never before --
Any conflict will effect all countries in some sort of way. But when you have major powers moving pieces it shakes the ground.
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