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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is losing armor at the rate where they will be defeated by the end of the year.

They are an extremely weakened force even today.

Without armour they cannot attack, but they still can entrench, and defend in large towns with light weapons just like Ukrainians did just few weeks ago.

Killing 20k of infantry is a monumental task under any conditions, even with minimally defensible positions, and medium local force concentrations, opposing force will take big losses on its own.

It's very visible now that Russians keep sending low value cannon fodder (DPR troops,) to buy time to go on defensive with its regulars.

I believe it's 50/50 that Ukrainians will not get an offensive in time before Russians can switch to organised defense.
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Without armour they cannot attack, but they still can entrench, and defend in large towns with light weapons just like Ukrainians did just few weeks ago.

Killing 20k of infantry is a monumental task under any conditions.

Tigr amphibious armored cars can attack.

Without armour they cannot attack, but they still can entrench, and defend in large towns with light weapons just like Ukrainians did just few weeks ago.

Killing 20k of infantry is a monumental task under any conditions, even with minimally defensible positions, and medium local force concentrations, opposing force will take big losses on its own.

It's very visible now that Russians keep sending low value cannon fodder (DPR troops,) to buy time to go on defensive with its regulars.

I believe it's 50/50 that Ukrainians will not get an offensive in time before Russians can switch to organised defense.

It’s all about attrition. Russia is getting attrited to the point where the Pentagon no longer views them as a threat outside their nuclear arsenal.
It’s all about attrition. Russia is getting attrited to the point where the Pentagon no longer views them as a threat outside their nuclear arsenal.

You say attrition, but they are only loosing relatively low value units.

As I said, even if they lose two Russian style BTG per month, they can last a really long time. And the longer they last as a coherent force, the better will be their defensive organisation.

I am equally sure about Russians not being able to replace losses in 100% officer staffed units, as them being easily able to field cannon fodder with AK, and one RPG per squad in large amounts, for a really long time, even without a partial mobilisation.

So, they can still make a lot of grief even if they loose all of their offensive potential with their current tactic.

You guys are trivialising the fact that Ukrainians will have to dismantle world's No.2 military. They have to do it on their soil, with home turf advantage, with Russian stretched supply lines, low morale, weak air support, but still f***ing 4-6 field armies worth of bodies to grind through.

The scale of upcoming losses on both sides will be enormous, unseen by the world since the Korean war.
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