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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This guy has been bought by Russians it seems. He wont be able to stop Finland joining.
Possible.. but the best guess is that he doesn't want further escalation and widening of the conflict..
Good for Finland that croat president cannot stop it.

Russians can enjoy extra 1300km border with NATO.
He's a total maniac. The Prime minister thinks he's ready for the mental asylum. At one point he used to be quite normal socialist politician, until Russian money came.

When Trump started all these nonsense of sanctioning individuals, i have opined and reminded all the viewers that the US in setting the precedence, all this will returned to haunt the US and the West. China did just that and now Russia is also doing just that.

Who can you blame?

Although this report was from 3 years ago, it was largely ignored in the West and censored by the US.

And yet today they show so much concern for Ukrainians ignoring the atrocities and genocidal killing by the Ukrainian AZOV neo-NAZI battalion in Donbass and Lugansk.

Are you serious? China is a fortress. You need to do amphibious assault. And J-20 eats Typhoon for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert.
It was a joke since what you suggested was triple the size of the UK’s assets.
And based on Russian hardware this far and the fact that China fields mostly Russia hardware, my reply wasn’t too crazy.
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