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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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More than 5.5 million people have left Ukraine since the start of the Russian military operation, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said. He stated that more than 70.5 thousand people left the country during the past day.

So I guess that means Ukraine's population has dipped to about 35 million considering Ukraine's population was about 41 million at the start of the year. Of course, this also includes people who live in rebel controlled part of Ukraine.

The new t tanks design , :



T-72B3 main battle tanks which were fitted with raised mesh screens above their turrets.

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The Russian response to the attack on the island of Zmini was not long in coming.. 3 TB2 were downed and much more..

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The new t tanks design , not exactly low profile :



T-72B3 main battle tanks which were fitted with raised mesh screens above their turrets.

they might as well put up a beach umbrella and a deck chair. Same level of protection.

Poor guy on top of the tank, I bet he wishes he stayed at school and hung out with the smart kids.
USSR was a Russian show with side actors, just like NATO is an American show with side actors. Everybody knows who calls the shots.
Ukraine was a very important part of the Soviet Union and in someway it was created so big to counter balance Russia, even Putin said it was a construct of Lenin. USSR was a Eastern Slavic show with communist ideaology.

I would not mix it USSR with Russia.

Central and Eastern European countries can be welcomed in the EU, but NATO is a military alliance. Any NATO country can veto the addition of a new member, but we all know who calls the shots. What surprises me is that Germany and France allowed NATO to expand when they could have pushed for EU expansion instead, possibly even including Russia eventually.
Well most of the Central-Eastern European countries are already in NATO and EU since 20 years or so. Why Germany or France would block it ? They agreed to both. Is their interest to have the "West" in the West and in the East ;) The so-called "NATO threat" is mostly a Russian paranoia.
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The video shows a tank battle in which a Ukrainian T-64BV tank attempted to destroy a Russian tank but eventually retreated and shot itself down. Two crew members managed to escape, leaving a third apparently injured or killed as artillery fire covered the mortar crew position.

Shamil Al-Tayyar, a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party, responded sharply to Vladimir Zelensky's statements regarding Russian tourists in Turkey

He called him a stupid comedian

Zelensky felt insulted by Turkey for accepting Russian tourists. While Turkey did:
Send drones
Accepted thousands of orphans
Delivered hundreds of relief trucks
And you don't blame yourself for missing peace
Then you go tell nonsense on the Greek channel.... you are a stupid comedian

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