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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie arrived in Ukraine. She was noticed in one of the local cafes in the city of Lviv. Apparently, the actress visited Ukraine as part of a program to help the people of Ukraine together with the UN Ambassador for Refugees.

Guess in your culture is no western justice system?

Its up to Ukraine how they decide about the law. If a case is brought up to the international court in Hague, the court decides if any law was broken or not.

You can be quite sure that no case will be brought up against any ukrainian soldier.

In short for you: no court decission-> no law broken
That is not how it works at all.

Geneva convention are rules. If you break it, then its broken. Nothing more nothing less. Evidently UKR has been executing its pow. Thats a warcrime. Russia has also committed warcrimes.

And again you are justifying war crimes. Lol
Guess in your culture is no western justice system?
I live in the UK
That is not how it works at all.

Geneva convention are rules. If you break it, then its broken. Nothing more nothing less. Evidently UKR has been executing its pow. Thats a warcrime. Russia has also committed warcrimes.

And again you are justifying war crimes. Lol

I live in the UK

Has any court so far decided that law was broken?

US founded Nazi Azov kill kids. USA must be proud.

Chechen Soldier in Mariupol Recalls Moment Where He Saw Azov Battalion’s True Face

Translated and subtitled by Leo V.

April 25, 2022

Zaur – Military serviceman of Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov’s Regiment:

It’s possible that before I came here, I doubted [the stories] a little bit. But back then when we freed the first prisoners from the house, which was directly situated nearby the Azovstal’ [factory], when those prisoners and civilians came out from the basements, they hugged and kissed us. And told us that they are happy to see us. They cried with tears in their eyes! I then realized that I ended up exactly for… (holding back emotions) what was needed. And I don’t doubt one drop that it was the right idea.

I remember that moment, that fragment which laid into my head, when we stormed a house where there were a lot of civilians, and many of those very Azov fighters. (Azov is an extremist organization that is banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.) A mother with her child runs outside, and we’re looking through binoculars. We can’t storm, we can’t enter, we can’t do anything. And then they shoot the mother in the spine. The mother falls… and we scream to the child: “RUN!!! RUN!!!” from all sides. The child froze, not understanding what to do. On one hand he wants to run, but on the other he wants to help his mother. And then suddenly his head, get this, this child’s HEAD gets shot by this scum, this evil BEAST. In this very moment, we all just suddenly forgot what death means, we forgot that there could be snipers there, just as a Crowd, Broke In! We threw smoke grenades so that they couldn’t see us. We broke in and just tore up all of them [fighters] that were inside. Well we got in there, but not just got in there. In the sense that people sacrificed their lives. Many soldiers sacrificed their lives in that moment. But we entered and fulfilled our task.

We could care less about our lives when we saw the life of a child being gone. When we realized that these are not people, but are animals, nothing less than beasts, that can allow themselves to… to kill a child. These are not people. Therefore I think that I ended up here exactly for the right reason. And everything that I have done here, I have done for these people who live right here and are smiling and hugging us. They even take the coordinates of where I live, as well as of my other fellow combat comrades, they want to come to our homeland and thank us for the liberation.

People are fed up with USA (comedian Zelensky regime).

They've Had Enough: Mothers And Wives Of AFU Are Rebelling - Won't Let Their Men Die​

Khust, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine.
Another video from the protest of mothers and wives of the local "territorial defense" against the sending of their husbands to the front line."

Less and less people are wiling to die for USA (Bandera)
Another one bites the dust.

Mega yacht Amades did run from Europe to avoid sanctions and now got catched on Fiji islands. 😅

russian oligarch Kerimov tried evrything to save his 350 million € yacht...all futile 😅👍

@Foinikas @Vergennes @F-22Raptor
I am amazed they don't know each shipment coming into Ukraine and are not hitting them on the way to Ukraine...ie as the shipment crosses the border. Satellites are not functioning for Russia???
I am amazed they don't know each shipment coming into Ukraine and are not hitting them on the way to Ukraine...ie as the shipment crosses the border. Satellites are not functioning for Russia???

Russia has very dysfunctinal space program. It lacks funds and manpower. It appears even heavy equipment like tanks, artillery and so on can not only cross the border into Ukraine easily but also get transported to frintline. Which means Russia obviously has no functional satellite network running.
How did the most powerful woman in Russia save her country's economy from collapse?

'Effective technocrat'

Nabiullina is no stranger to crises. She is credited with steering the Russian economy through a series of shocks since taking over as the head of the Central Bank of Russia in 2013, including Western sanctions following the annexation of Crimea.

She was praised for her steely determination to crack down on corruption in the Russian banking sector. Hundreds of banking licenses were withdrawn, including from institutions considered untouchable until then, nearly halving the number of Russian banks to around 500.

As the Russian ruble plummeted against the US dollar in 2014 amid plunging oil prices and crippling Western sanctions, Nabiullina raised the interest rates to 17.5% and transitioned the ruble into a free-floating currency.

Her conservative monetary policy, which helped Russia return to growth and bring down inflation, won her global accolades. Western publications, including Euromoney and The Banker, lauded her as one of the world's best monetary policymakers.

"I think Elvira Nabiullina is an effective technocrat, but she is still ultimately a part of the Putin system," said Maximilian Hess, a Russia expert at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in London. "And in the Putin system, a technocrat's job is not primarily to do what's best for the Russian people, but instead to do what's best for the Putin system."


A liberal in Putin's close circle

An ethnic Tatar — the largest minority group in Russia — Nabiullina is a rare female senior official in Moscow. The 58-year-old's father was a chauffeur and her mother worked as a manager in a factory. A lover of French poetry and opera, she graduated in economics from Moscow State University.

Nabiullina became the first woman to head the central bank of a G8 country in 2013, prior to Russia's suspension from the grouping of rich countries following the annexation of Crimea. She previously served as Putin's economic adviser, a job she took up following a stint as economy and trade minister.

"Until now, I think Putin cared that she was respected in the West. He saw her as not motivated by the same kind of rapacious corruption and party interests that existed in much of Russian elite circles," Hess said. "He saw her as somebody competent, who he could appoint to genuinely do the best job in his interest."

Nabiullina is often lauded as an effective communicator for her ability to explain complex macroeconomic concepts in relatively simple language comprehensible even to ordinary Russians.

"Her little wardrobe tricks are part of her communication style; just to make it more understandable for not just the analysts, but also the general public," Orlova said.

At the height of the pandemic in 2020 when the government called on people to self-isolate, Nabiullina wore a house-shaped brooch. That was followed by a pigeon brooch when she announced an interest rate cut to underscore her dovish or easy-policy stance. A brooch in the form of a pause button meant a freeze in rate cuts and a hawk brooch symbolized higher interest rates.

Softly spoken, Nabiullina has long been viewed as a liberal in Moscow's officialdom and is often criticized by hardline government advisers and lawmakers for her policies. But with her decision to remain in office perceptions are changing. She has been sanctioned by Canada and Australia for her close links to the Russian regime.

"Her decision not to quit suggests that she's not as liberal as people thought her to be," Ash said. "In the end, she's helping Putin sustain the war in Ukraine by staying around. Her legacy will be damaged."

A challenging stint for Nabiullina

Nabiullina starts her third five-year term in June, which promises to be the most challenging period yet in her central bank career. The Russian economy hit by several rounds of sanctions is expected to shrink 8.5% this year, according to the International Monetary Fund, the steepest contraction in decades. Inflation has accelerated to the highest level in almost 20 years.

The central bank has responded by raising interest rates and introducing capital controls to artificially prop up the ruble, which fell to record lows against the dollar following the start of the invasion.

Nabiullina, who helped build "Fortress Russia" over the past few years to blunt the impact of Western sanctions, is left having to contend with sanctions that have frozen a large chunk of the central bank's $630 billion (€696 billion) foreign reserves, severely limiting her ability to deal with the economic crisis. Nabiullina's problems could be compounded by further bans on Russian energy — the country's biggest source of revenue — something that is being debated in the European Union, the biggest buyer of Russian energy by far.

"She is the best person to deal with the current crisis. I wish Russia had someone as competent as her as the president," Orlova said. "She has her work cut out. It will be an extremely challenging period in her career."


Watch Putin's speech video at the end..
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