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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Afghanistan was asked to hand over bin Laden. It chose its fate.

On a sidenote, in Europe we currently kick out Afghans to make room for Ukrainians.

If you realy care for Afghans, now is your time to shine

simple question is why allies did not show the body of Osama to media?
Do you even know the history of Bin Laden? Did you bother to read the paper?

Are you using the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Afghanistan as somehow justified given the means used to achieve the ends? And what did the US achieve in Afghanistan? Zilch! Nada! Zero! Squat!

In Early December 2001, the USAF dropped a 15,000 bomb off the back of a C130 in Tora Bora which shook the mountains for miles after impact. In April of 2017, the US went one step further and dropped a 21000lbs MOAB on an ISIS tunnel complex.

Based on available statistics between 2006 and 2019 the allied forces dropped 47,081 bombs in Afghanistan. Let that sink in!

Now I could go on for hours about Afghanistan given the fact I have actually been to the country, live next to it and been through the aftermath of the 80's, 90's and both during the GWOT and after evacuation. So if you do want to discuss Afghanistan feel free to DM me, otherwise lets not compare Afghanistan to the Ukraine and try to present it is a justified policing operation.
It gotten to a stage that NOTHING USA saying and doing ever believable anymore.

Never before such a collection of crooks and liars and thieves can be seen.

Everything USA did is for their own vested interests, including killing of millions

As we seen Madeline declaring the deaths of 600,000 worth it .

Never can there be something more sickening than her declaration of pride in the deaths of 600,000 kids that she destroyed
He died for the efforts to save the fraudulent fiat money.
Playing stupid games
Win stupid prize.

He should easily win Darwin Award as well.


Together with all the other gungho volunteers
Ukrainian Modern weapons can kill those vast numbers of soldiers and make that advantage disappear

The thing is it's Russia which is outnumbered here.

Russia today is not a zerg army, but that of a lot of unwieldy, and expensive wunderwaffe hardware no conscript can use. Basically, they have very, very few officers who know their shit.

From telegram groups of people supplying Ukrainian frontline:
  • Intercept: unit A - got 150 satellite guided rounds, but has no programmer for them
  • Unit B - was supposed to laser paint targets for helis, but their target painter didn't work
  • They change encrypted radio keys, but no officer in the field has the key programmer, so they switched back to HF walkietalkies.
  • Equipment dying to bad fuel, or multi-fuel engines failing to work on gas because no engineer knows how to switch them
  • T80 units got smart frag shells long past storage date, half of them fail to detonate
  • Their fleet tried to fire ASMs on land targets, and simply forgetting that it has no satellites there to relay guidance
And of course, as Russia is losing the few of its very valuable, and irreplaceable high value units, Ukraine will only be getting stronger PGM-wise, and with ranged fire.

Russians basically used up their trump card for nothing bombing cities, and killing territorials, while regular force, and high value Ukrainian units will now outnumber Russians even without reservists, and territorials.

Russia was a protos player, thinking it was a zerg, and using all of the high value stuff as a cannon fodder.
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