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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

There are real reasons why this war is happening, Putin and the Russians aren't stupid. They wouldn't risk the entire country on this adventure if they didn't have good reasons.

The US has been supporting the neo-Nazis in Ukraine to lead an anti-Russian agenda, attempting to ban the Russian language, etc simply to get one back at the Russians and to loosen the Russian influence in Europe. They hated European reliance in Russian energy and gas, the money laundering by European banks and financial institutions of the Russian oligarchs, and Russia's ever increasing encroachment into European politics.

The rednecks on this forum are too stupid, ignorant, or don't want to acknowledge that this war has been precipitated by direct US meddling in Ukraine and Europe. Putin and the Russians knew all this. They know it's a trap. But they gambled that they would rather take on Ukraine now while they still have a chance, rather than wait any longer before it became too well armed by the US.
Yes but a solider in the service of a national army acting in self defense cannot by logic or reason or rhyme fit the defenition of a terrorist.


A solider or member of an armed force of a country acting in self-defense does not fit the definition of terrorism!
Yes but a solider in the service of a national army acting in self defense cannot by logic or reason or rhyme fit the defenition of a terrorist.

View attachment 839005

A solider or member of an armed force of a country acting in self-defense does not fit the definition of terrorism!

Where in that definition you pulled from Google does it mention anything about excluding a soldier in an army? It simply states "a person". Try harder. And while you're at it, you need to explain the same argument to the US who want to label the Russians as a "terrorist state"...western hypocrisy again. The Russians are also claiming "self defence" of the ethnic Russians in the Donbas persecuted by the Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis.
Where in that definition you pulled from Google does it mention anything about excluding a soldier in an army? It simply states "a person". Try harder. And while you're at it, you need to explain the same argument to the US who want to label the Russians as a "terrorist state"...western hypocrisy again.
I don't need to try harder at all. Why don't you educate yourself on the difference between soldiers and terrorists:

Funny how you live in the UK but call a British solider a terrorist. You people are disgusting.
Things are happening fast. If it gets out of control, the whole of Europe could be embroiled in a war and the US will be responsible for it. Good for the rest of the world, the white people have been killing non-whites in their imperialist wars for too long. I hope they fight each other.
You’re a sad person hoping for war 🙄
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I don't need to try harder at all. Why don't you educate yourself on the difference between soldiers and terrorists:

Funny how you live in the UK but call a British solider a terrorist. You people are disgusting.

STFU...you can label it however you want to, and he wasn't a British soldier, even by your own description, he was a Ukrainian soldier. Funny how many Brits are rallying around the neo-Nazis in Ukraine, found their natural allies. Don't f***** make any judgements about me mate...if it wasn't for my grandparents fighting in the British armed forces in WWI and WWII along with millions of others from the British empire...you'd be speaking German you twat!
STFU...you can label it however you want to, and he wasn't a British soldier, even by your own description, he was a Ukrainian soldier. Funny how many Brits are rallying around the neo-Nazis in Ukraine, found their natural allies. Don't f***** make any judgements about me mate...if it wasn't for my grandparents fighting in the British armed forces in WWI and WWII along with millions of others from the British empire...you'd be speaking German you twat!
You're grandparents? I come from a generation who have all served in the British Army. My Great grandfather and granduncle also fought in Flanders
USA is too big.
Needed to be re sized into 50 different countries

The whole world will be a lot more safe that way.
Chyna is too big, needs to be resized into 150 different countries.
See how stupid you sound?
One is laid out like a US IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit complete with hemostatic dressing) and the other is some garbage. Clearly Russian doesn't value the lives of their soldiers, imagine sending soldiers out in a war zone without even so much as a torniquet.

Ah look at you, someone doesn't agree with what you say and you get your knickers in a twist?! You f**** twat...what happened to your precious freedom of speech all of a sudden? And if you find this forum so offensive, why are you on here? I couldn't give a flying f*** about you or your service...you know absolute f*** all about me or my ancestors who f***** saved the likes of you and your British Empire...so take your racist rants and f*** off you twat.
I'm not racist at all you are a moron and an illiterate who is mooching off the UK and our good nature. If you don't like the UK and have no loyalty to our country - leave.
Russia will HAVE to take over all of Ukraine. No half measures.
Otherwise, NATO will keep supplying western Ukraine to keep attacking the Russian occupied part forever.
The only way to stop it is to have a border with NATO since NATO will not launch attacks from its own territory.
Well we saw how that worked last month, guess that’s not happening.
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