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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is not USSR.
Russia is much smaller in size, less population, zero ally, small economy, little manufacturing accept military complex, more propaganda, more corrupt. It’s leadership is one man rule vulnerable to disaster. Russia can’t sustain a long war of attrition.

Ukrainian Modern weapons can kill those vast numbers of soldiers and make that advantage disappear
Those are some very impressive trenches by the Ukrainian forces.
Incorrect usage of grammar.


Those were some very impressive trenches by Ukrainian forces
Incorrect usage of grammar.


Those were some very impressive trenches by Ukrainian forces
Video doesn’t show the aftermath or effectiveness of the strike only puffs of smoke. As far as I’m concerned those trenches still have defenders inside them.
Video doesn’t show the aftermath or effectiveness of the strike only puffs of smoke. As far as I’m concerned those trenches still have defenders inside them.

You got a point.
But I seen so many of Nazis sprawled outside those trenches as result of Russian cleansings.

One series of trenches look about the same to me.
And you might well be right as perhaps those trenches not worked over into past tense.

But I think that be very very soon , if not already done


Russia is not USSR.
Russia is much smaller in size, less population, zero ally, small economy, little manufacturing accept military complex, more propaganda, more corrupt. It’s leadership is one man rule vulnerable to disaster. Russia can’t sustain a long war of attrition.
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Putler ask to get fucked and fall in to trap of usa. No one else to blame but him self.

Dont call him Putler. Hitler had at least military sucess. Pussolini fits better

The support for Russia is not about Russia. It is the desire to see NATO take a punch in the face for a change, even indirectly through Ukraine, for all the death and destruction NATO has caused in the Muslim world.

It doesn't matter who is giving the punch, as long as the punch lands on NATO.

Its do funny to read something like this...while at same time russia got its teeth punched out... before NATO even arrived at the scene.
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Lol, NATO killed Gaddafi,
Civil War and Instability brought by NATO.
How long did you expect could gaddafi opress the various tribes?

Beside that, NATO was not involved in Libya
don't think the Russain army ever had a reputation for brilliant tactical decision-making or flawless operations. What it had was vast numbers, which was usually good enough in the end.

Russian war doctrine relies on the law of large numbers. Never were they technologically advanced since WWI to present — so those talking about Russian tech this and that forget that Russia was modeled differently they knew from beginning they can’t match the quality and capability of Western nations.

What went wrong initially is they tried to conduct war NATO style with limited numbers and limited tech. Problems were bound to arise when you don’t have the tech and order of battle planning to play that style.

However if this drags on longer then you’ll see Russia roll into Ukraine how they should’ve done from the beginning, unless a settlement is made.
Lol get a clue. Afghanistan was a civil war?

Dont house terrorists. Afghanistan was asked to hand over bin laden. It did chose its fate
Russian propaganda epic fail …

Dont house terrorists. Afghanistan was asked to hand over bin laden. It did chose its fate
Do you even know the history of Bin Laden? Did you bother to read the paper?

Are you using the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Afghanistan as somehow justified given the means used to achieve the ends? And what did the US achieve in Afghanistan? Zilch! Nada! Zero! Squat!

In Early December 2001, the USAF dropped a 15,000 bomb off the back of a C130 in Tora Bora which shook the mountains for miles after impact. In April of 2017, the US went one step further and dropped a 21000lbs MOAB on an ISIS tunnel complex.

Based on available statistics between 2006 and 2019 the allied forces dropped 47,081 bombs in Afghanistan. Let that sink in!

Now I could go on for hours about Afghanistan given the fact I have actually been to the country, live next to it and been through the aftermath of the 80's, 90's and both during the GWOT and after evacuation. So if you do want to discuss Afghanistan feel free to DM me, otherwise lets not compare Afghanistan to the Ukraine and try to present it is a justified policing operation.
Dont call him Putler. Hitler had at least military sucess. Pussolini fits better

Its do funny to read something like this...while at same time russia got its teeth punched out... before NATO even arrived at the scene.
ha ha good one pussolini sounds much better
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