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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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After the approval of the Senate....the US House of Representatives formally approves the Ukrainian Defense Act.. with (220-205 votes) to strengthen democracy and defense in Ukraine.

The bill would allow the US president to provide military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine without any financial or quantitative restrictions and bypassing lengthy bureaucratic procedures..

A war next to your border is a objective failure, even if you win.

It's not only Putin fault, it's whole Kremlin fault.

Wars next to USA borders: zero.

So we can conclude than the people who rule USA is smarter than the people who rule Russia. That's all.

Russia elite is not brilliant, USA elite is.

A person who never catches flu will have immune system so weak they easily die. War makes people stronger. Human evolution prior to 1950 was primarily driven by war. After 1950 because of no war people got much weaker, dumber, less healthy, less fit, lower birth rate.

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Nope, it is now more going in the direction of ignoring the bear.
The proper way is to ignore the pressure to poke the bear. Regardless of the history, Russia is Poland's neighbor and a militarily-strong neighbor. No one can remove your neighbor. Depending on and wiping a distant power's *** is not going to reinforce Poland's peace and it could even be seen as threatening your neighbor's existence.

Peace to Poland.
A person who never catches flu will have immune system so weak they easily die. War makes people stronger. Human evolution prior to 1950 was primarily driven by war. After 1950 because of no war people got much weaker, dumber, less healthy, less fit, lower birth rate.

If you are poor in USA you will live worst than in a war zone.

USA is hard for lazy stupid people, and is paradise for rich/smart/hardworking people.

USA is maybe the country with more meritocracy in the world.

There is no idiocracy in USA. Idiots in usa remain poors and powerless.

Better see in a mirror if Chinese Communist party power is giving through merits or through descendency from dad to sons. The same in Russia, there is meritocracy in Russia? can a normal smart person become rich? can a Russia member of elite become poor if they make wrong decisions? Modern Russia is feudalism.
After the approval of the Senate....the US House of Representatives formally approves the Ukrainian Defense Act.. with (220-205 votes) to strengthen democracy and defense in Ukraine.

The bill would allow the US president to provide military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine without any financial or quantitative restrictions and bypassing lengthy bureaucratic procedures..


The US is driving itself into demise. Will the Biden admin print more money in this hyper-inflation economy? The result...?
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Apparently the Israeli authorities have asked their citizens to leave Transnistria.

Anybody with any info on what is happening there?
This is Lara Logan, a South African female war correspondent in the United States.

She used to host the Sixty Minutes show and CBS's evening news,

This time in an interview with Fox TV, she told the truth of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The other hostess in green hearing from Lara was at a loss,
and the interview was recorded live and was picked up by the Chinese and was reproduced with Chinese subtitles.

However the interview was immediately removed from the Fox News channel after it was aired live !

Exchange Rates UK News

Euro / Dollar Exchange Rate Collapses​

James Elliot
28 Apr 2022

The Euro faces a number of significant problems, with the latest Gazprom news only the latest in a long line of negative drivers.

Euro Collapses​

EURUSD has been supported in recent weeks by a technical trendline running through the 2016 low and the 2020 lows – it led to the bounce in March and another last week but finally broke this week. Not even the 2020 lows at 1.063 provided any support on Wednesday’s collapse and EURUSD just traded below 1.05 on Thursday for the first time since April 2017. More and more traders and analysts are now talking of targets at parity.

“The FX options market assigns a 35% probability to EUR/USD trading 1.00 at any time before year-end. This is up from 25% earlier this week and just 15% a couple of weeks ago,” observed ING on Thursday.

The Euro has been facing a number of challenges, but the final straw this week comes from Russia’s Gazprom cutting off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria after the countries refused to pay in Roubles. It has threatened to do the same to other countries, and gas prices have soared higher from already elevated prices. Europe’s energy crisis is deepening.

Such is the need for Russian gas supplies, it looks like suppliers will meet Russian demands and pay in Rubles, although the European Commision has not given the green light for this.

“Ten European companies have already opened the accounts at Gazprombank needed to meet Russia's payment demands, according to Bloomberg, and four European buyers have already paid for gas in roubles.

Sources told Reuters many companies were waiting for clearer guidance from the European Commission before opening accounts at Gazprombank, but that time was running out,” reported Reuters.

This particular problem may therefore have a fairly easy solution, but paying in Rubles would show the world that Russia is winning the war of sanctions.

Unfortunately for the Euro, the energy crisis is only one of the negative drivers pushing down prices. The ECB is in a bind as inflation is starting to weigh on economic activity but with the economy in such a fragile state they can’t make any aggressive policy changes to combat it. There has been some talk of a rate hike in Q3, and as early as July, but the timetable is non-specific. Even if there was a rate hike in July, the ECB will lag the Fed significantly and there is no option of an early, aggressive assault on inflation like the Fed are planning. This means inflation could drag on much longer in Europe and may get out of the ECB’s control (if it’s not already). This is not a healthy environment for the economy and the Euro looks set to continues its downtrend.
The conditions were good. Russia economically opening up to Europe and building giant gas projects there. Germany, Europe and even the US were investing in Russia with strong resources, food was available, and energy prices were good..

The only problem is that NATO continued to expand without a real reason. We all saw the Russians and their forces have neither the desire nor the strength to attack Europe conventionally..

The expansion of NATO is not justified after the end of the Soviet Union. The attempt to confine a nuclear Russia to a corner is meaningless unless its aim is the detonation of an unnecessary war..

The Minsk Agreement was positive for everyone and gave autonomy under the state of Ukraine to the Donbass while giving Russian nationalism and the Russian language importance, which gives the Russians room to breathe and say that they are defending the Russian-speaking and achieved something through negotiation and pressure. At the same time, Ukraine maintained its unity and did not threaten Russia by joining NATO.

Why push Ukraine to NATO and what is the importance of Ukraine to NATO in light of the state of world peace and why the Minsk agreement has been obstructed for many years..

The US has the answer.. but not only the US..

The UK has the answer too, because as we said; there was a nice amount of investment and partnership between Russia and the EU, after the Brexit has weakened a bit the EU, there was some initiatives from the EU and Russia to extend the partnership to even a proposal of the integration of Russia into the EU.. Then came the case of skripal (in the poisoning affair) where the UK accused Putin, and the it accused Putin again in the case of Navalny (another poisoning attempt).. all this to create dirt on Putin government.. let's not forget since Putin took over he was the most Russian pro- European president; he was ready to build up with the EU.. and the loser in all this was the UK, especially after it left the EU.. That's apparently why Mr. Jonshon is keeping on flaming the situation, when EU leaders still looking for a peaceful getaway, the UK is keeping the escalation because any strong economic proximity between Russia and the EU will be a geopolitical threat to the UK and decrease its value and actions at a worldwide level..
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International nazis you mean
Well they wanted a war - looks like they finally got one. Russia has heavily invested manpower and equipment in Mariupol to create what it calls the “cauldron”.

After the approval of the Senate....the US House of Representatives formally approves the Ukrainian Defense Act.. with (220-205 votes) to strengthen democracy and defense in Ukraine.

The bill would allow the US president to provide military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine without any financial or quantitative restrictions and bypassing lengthy bureaucratic procedures..

Ukraine getting the Israeli treatment.

This is Lara Logan, a South African female war correspondent in the United States.

She used to host the Sixty Minutes show and CBS's evening news,

This time in an interview with Fox TV, she told the truth of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The other hostess in green hearing from Lara was at a loss,
and the interview was recorded live and was picked up by the Chinese and was reproduced with Chinese subtitles.

However the interview was immediately removed from the Fox News channel after it was aired live !

Thank you for sharing this - yes isn’t it interesting that this interview was taken down so far you would think it was a state secret 🤫😂
The conditions were good. Russia economically opening up to Europe and building giant gas projects there. Germany, Europe and even the US were investing in Russia with strong resources, food was available, and energy prices were good..

The only problem is that NATO continued to expand without a real reason. We all saw the Russians and their forces have neither the desire nor the strength to attack Europe conventionally..

The expansion of NATO is not justified after the end of the Soviet Union. The attempt to confine a nuclear Russia to a corner is meaningless unless its aim is the detonation of an unnecessary war..

The Minsk Agreement was positive for everyone and gave autonomy under the state of Ukraine to the Donbass while giving Russian nationalism and the Russian language importance, which gives the Russians room to breathe and say that they are defending the Russian-speaking and achieved something through negotiation and pressure. At the same time, Ukraine maintained its unity and did not threaten Russia by joining NATO.

Why push Ukraine to NATO and what is the importance of Ukraine to NATO in light of the state of world peace and why the Minsk agreement has been obstructed for many years..

The US has the answer.. but not only the US..

The UK has the answer too, because as we said; there was a nice amount of investment and partnership between Russia and the EU, after the Brexit has weakened a bit the EU, so there was some initiative from the EU and Russia to extend the partnership to even the proposal of integration of Russia to the EU.. Then came the case of skripal (in the poisoning affair) and the UK accused Putin again in the case of Navalny (another poisoning attempt).. all this to create dirt on Putin government.. let's not forget since Putin took over he was the most Russian pro- European president; he was ready to build up with EU.. and the loser in all this was the UK, especially after it left the EU.. That's apparently why Mr. Jonshon is keeping on flaming the situation, when EU leaders still looking for a peaceful getaway, the UK is keeping the escalation because any strong economic proximity between Russia and the EU will be a geopolitical threat for the UK and decrease its value and actions at a worldwide level..
Gasprom is making a huge profit nowadays due to higher prices.

Russia has a record breaking current account surplus, a budget surplus, etc.

Don't look as if Russia is collapsing to me.
Well they wanted a war - looks like they finally got one. Russia has heavily invested manpower and equipment in Mariupol to create what it calls the “cauldron”.

Ukraine getting the Israeli treatment.

Thank you for sharing this - yes isn’t it interesting that this interview was taken down so far you would think it was a state secret 🤫😂

Question what’s your feeling down the road this’ll create unrest in bordering countries around Ukraine?
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