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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It was a typo ,… you were clearly equalling the current German chancellor with Hitler and as such the FRG with Nazi Germany, this is open insult, a lie and nothing but propaganda. Therefore a negative rating.

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@Deino you dodged my question couple of pages back.

Now that you are giving negative rating and you explained why. Will the same apply for members who spread lies about Russia, russians or call Putin Hitler or similar rhetoric.

I believe moderation should be applied in a fair way.
@Deino you dodged my question couple of pages back.

Now that you are giving negative rating and you explained why. Will the same apply for members who spread lies about Russia, russians or call Putin Hitler or similar rhetoric.

I believe moderation should be applied in a fair way.

In fact I did and do whenever I see blatant lies and insulting propaganda. In fact I have not the time to read all the fuss posted here but even if I‘m „only a small moderator able only in the China section“ I at least try to correct the worst misinformation and posts spreading lies.

Problem is, the first victim as ever it the truth and I think we all should be aware that there are war-crimes from both sides, the spreading of faked propaganda and lies as well as constructed explanations for justifying the own wrong-doing, but I am convinced none of this is either a justified reason for own lies and crimes and even lesser for this war.

Again, I never denied there is a severe Nazi-problem in Ukraine, that the West hs surely his own part of being responsible for this mess and that - depending your own background and sources of information - one must accept other members with contradicting opinions, but blatant lies like his posts, pure propaganda is something I cannot accept and if you know the SDF I‘m probably the moderator who banned the most such trolls permanently from this forum due to spreading lies, posting images of war crimes and violence. At the same time I‘m well aware that the West - especially the USA have a twistetet relationship to facts too but again this cannot be taken as an explanation for this unjustified war as well as spreading lies to try to justify in in retrospect.
Neither side was ever serious about negotiations. Both sides play the negotiations game as a propaganda ploy to say 'look we tried to be reasonable but the other guys are impossible'.
Depending on which gets the upper hand the sides think that they can pull it off militarily and hesitate from negotiations but as the conflict shows military solution is highly costly for both sides.Russia is asymetrically strong in eastern parts and would give continious damage to Ukraine forces. In west with continious arms support and heavy arms Ukraine forces are strong and can take back Kherson. They will threaten Crimea as well which is geographically hard to support which only has Kerch strait and sea lines other than Russian controlled land route with Donetsk. Russia will have losses there. There is risk of Russian nuclear in Crimea but if Ukraine just harasses and hit run attacks saying leaving Crimea issue to table Russia wont be using nukes at least not by claiming risk of disintegration or similar.

Now if mariopol final operation is postphoned a few days and Ukraine does not accept new negotiations that would be a Russian opportunity to say that Ukr does not want negotiations. Inverse is also true if Mariopol Russian final op starts Ukraine would say Russia is not after any negotiations that is why they started. They have agreed a few items in Istanbul meeting and they can continue from there. At least they can build a few items on top of previous negotiations.
Here is the harsh truth...Given what we have seen so far, what Russia can do in terms of technology is now in serious doubt.

That is not so. Please read this post of mine from yesterday.

Give it a rest. So you will acknowledge Russian troops looting but not rapes and murder.

I am just mentioning NATO crimes where needed. :) As for Russian looting, two vids of some Russian soldiers collecting some material from a supermarket and the vid having the background of a comedy music, you cannot propagate these Zelensky thoughts. Rather than looting, the Russians have been delivering tons of food and other emergency supplies to Ukrainian citizens in the cities they took control of. Why don't you acknowledge that ? This might have been the context of those Zelensky comedy vids.
Did not know you had to ration sympathy now . Stupid argument.

its already sanctioned , what we see is show run by hypocrites.
not a single of the one who cried here cried for those countries .
not a single wealthy of those countries had a cent of their wealth confiscated.
not a single one of them helped those countries in their fight.

and suddenly when come to Ukraine everyone run to give hand out , every one ran to condemn it. everyone run to confiscate something . and meanwhile what do Ukrainian oligarch do, sell those handout in black market and stash the money in their offshore bank account .
there are reports from EU that Ukraine report using one week worth of ammunition in just one day ,what you think really happen to them . do you think one third of USA and NATO stock pile of weapons is a joking matter that is not accounted for after just 50 day and Ukraine again ask for more and more of them. open your eye and you see what Ukraine oligarch are doing there
Recently Zelensky said the negotiations would be off if Mariopol is taken out completely. I dont know what is the stance of Russia about this but if the operation is postphoned several days 400-800 militia+soldiers trapped there wont be a security issue and there is the opportunity of negotiation table again. Also transfer of heavy weapons can be asked by Russia to be delayed entering from Polish border while Russia regroup inside its border during negotiations. That can be an opportunity to consider.
don't be naïve , when the Mariupol ends , Russia will free lots of its force to do operation in Donbas and then Zelensky beg for negotiation
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