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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Nobody stops you don’t want to live in the west. Yes the West is corrupt, decadent, selfish. Please go.
Honor is more important than food and bread in some case.
German " explains " what other races are like.... Never heard that before huh......
Relax, she just says what many think, Russians are Asian savages. Without Ukraine, Russia is an Asian country like China or Bangladesh. Not anything against Asians I am Asian myself.
Polish General Waldemar Sciczyk:

"The Kaliningrad region has been under Russian occupation since 1945... Now we should remember it, and it's time to return to Poland."

View attachment 835075

The Polish and American armies began military exercises 70 km from the borders of the Russian Kaliningrad region.

If you use the same pervert obscene logic that Russia is attempting to use on Ukraine - then Germany has every right to conquer Kaliningrad take it over as they have a much better historical claim over the land as does Poland to an extent as well though further back in time.

Russia has no business owning Kaliningrad.
Relax, she just says what many think, Russians are Asian savages. Without Ukraine, Russia is an Asian country like China or Bangladesh. Not anything against Asians I am Asian myself.

Yes, Russians are Asian savages as against the kindly Anglos of USA military who used depleted uranium ammunition in Iraq and caused cancers among two generations of Iraqis or the other kindly European Belgians who massacred Libyans.
This may end up being one of the most extraordinary revelations of this entire conflict so far. One of the main grievances Russia had with Ukraine was the fact that it was being groomed for NATO membership – a national security risk which Moscow deemed as completely unacceptable.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal revealed how German chancellor Olaf Scholz had offered Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky a peace deal only days before Russia launched its “Special Military Operations” in Ukraine on February 24th. But Zelensky turned down the deal – claiming that Putin couldn’t be trusted to keep his promises.

It turns out that Scholz was in the process of brokering a deal and told Zelensky during his visit to the Munich Security Conference on February 19th, “that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia,” and that “the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.” Incredibly, Zelensky rejected the offer to make a concession by declaring NATO neutrality, and thus avoid a war with Russia, and claimed that, “Putin couldn’t be trusted to uphold such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO.”

This revelation really exposes two key points. Firstly, that as a head of state, Zelensky is either grossly incompetent or completely reckless to needlessly place his country on the path to war with its neighbour. Secondly, it indicates the level of control that Washington has over his government, as he is being advised at every step of the way by the US State Department and CIA.

It’s no secret that the US and UK have been egging-on Kiev to fight NATO’s war with Russia on their behalf – even if that means placing Kiev into an unwinnable position where it may end up having its armed forces completely destroyed, and Ukraine losing even more territory than it already has. Maybe Zelensky could have defused tensions 6 months ago by disavowing NATO aspirations and declaring Ukraine a neutral state. Such a declaration would certainly be welcome by Russia today, but in light of the West’s continued proxy war against Moscow, and the US and UK-led campaign to ‘cancel’ Russia from the global economic and financial system, as well as media, culture and sport, then it’s safe to say things have moved on considerably from this being just a NATO issue.

All of this makes Zelensky more a liability than an asset for the future of Ukraine.

“the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.”

Putin wanted Ukraine to renounce NATO aspirations but he also wanted to 'liberate' Russian speaking regions in eastern Ukraine. So it's not clear how he would reconcile his two demands.
You are paranoid.

Nato is a military alliance, not a religious organization. She is not there to teach you on liberty, democracy, socialism, communism, sociology nor anything else. It’s like a closed party club. East european countries have reasons to join the club because they fear a certain hooligan.

I hope the NATO will expand to Far East.

I'd advise to read again. I wrote 'NATO regimes', not simply 'NATO'. And NATO's the collective military arm of these imperialist regimes, used by the latter to impose their yoke on nations. There's no paranoia in this statement, given how it reflects reality.
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You are paranoid.

Nato is a military alliance, not a religious organization. She is not there to teach you on liberty, democracy, socialism, communism, sociology nor anything else. It’s like a closed party club. East european countries have reasons to join the club because they fear a certain hooligan.

I hope the NATO will expand to Far East.

You did not reply to my post in 'Whatever'.
This may end up being one of the most extraordinary revelations of this entire conflict so far. One of the main grievances Russia had with Ukraine was the fact that it was being groomed for NATO membership – a national security risk which Moscow deemed as completely unacceptable.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal revealed how German chancellor Olaf Scholz had offered Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky a peace deal only days before Russia launched its “Special Military Operations” in Ukraine on February 24th. But Zelensky turned down the deal – claiming that Putin couldn’t be trusted to keep his promises.

It turns out that Scholz was in the process of brokering a deal and told Zelensky during his visit to the Munich Security Conference on February 19th, “that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia,” and that “the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.” Incredibly, Zelensky rejected the offer to make a concession by declaring NATO neutrality, and thus avoid a war with Russia, and claimed that, “Putin couldn’t be trusted to uphold such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO.”

This revelation really exposes two key points. Firstly, that as a head of state, Zelensky is either grossly incompetent or completely reckless to needlessly place his country on the path to war with its neighbour. Secondly, it indicates the level of control that Washington has over his government, as he is being advised at every step of the way by the US State Department and CIA.

It’s no secret that the US and UK have been egging-on Kiev to fight NATO’s war with Russia on their behalf – even if that means placing Kiev into an unwinnable position where it may end up having its armed forces completely destroyed, and Ukraine losing even more territory than it already has. Maybe Zelensky could have defused tensions 6 months ago by disavowing NATO aspirations and declaring Ukraine a neutral state. Such a declaration would certainly be welcome by Russia today, but in light of the West’s continued proxy war against Moscow, and the US and UK-led campaign to ‘cancel’ Russia from the global economic and financial system, as well as media, culture and sport, then it’s safe to say things have moved on considerably from this being just a NATO issue.

All of this makes Zelensky more a liability than an asset for the future of Ukraine.

Neutrality would not hinder the war. Zekenskky is right. Because the war is on since annexing of the Crime, plus, people forget Russia since years staging proxy war with Donbas separatists. Ten thousands of Ukraine died. Putin said he wanted to liberate Ukraine from Nazi. He wants Ukraine to disarm. He wants the East. He wants lots of things. NATO free is just one of multiple demands.
By the way, aren't you and user @Viet praising the western system for its supposed freedom of speech? So the mere fact that I strongly criticize western regimes shouldn't normally bother you. Would you rather grant me the possibility to express my thoughts freely here and now, or do you believe I ought not enjoy this right on western soil, which in turn would contradict your advocacy of free speech?
Noone is stopping you. Certainly not me. But we do give the option of finding a better place to live if you don't like it in the west.
You are paranoid.

Nato is a military alliance, not a religious organization. She is not there to teach you on liberty, democracy, socialism, communism, sociology nor anything else. It’s like a closed party club. East european countries have reasons to join the club because they fear a certain hooligan.

I hope the NATO will expand to Far East.
NATO could expand to Japan and Korea and anyone else in Asia who wants it, but these countries already have a better defence pact than NATO. I am sure Japan does not want to feel obligated to defend Montenegro and Macedonia if they were ever attacked.

But maybe an asian NATO should be formed, preferably with democracies. Phillipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore. Korea,

You are Vietnamese, I dot know how you feel about Vietnam being democratic at least to some degree.
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