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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Meaning that the heavy artilleries are already in position. Just waiting for the order to rave the steelwork to the ground.

Why bother with artillery? Why not just 'special delivery' of a cruise missile? It's not like the target is going anywhere.
Why bother with artillery? Why not just 'special delivery' of a cruise missile? It's not like the target is going anywhere.
That is the most cost effective and destructive method in an encircled situation.
It is very deadly and devastating.
Russia army systematically destroys Ukraine agra infrastructure and supply chains.

Countries like Egypt and many other poor in Africa, Asia, America that rely on foods imports will suffer mass hunger and starvation.

People being ruled by someone they loathe is beautiful? Being given the choice between bad and worse is desirable?

Merkel, Macron, Trump go out of office only to be replaced by a person who will pursue the same fundamental policies, because guidelines are set by unelected lobbies, private interest groups, esoterist secret societies as well as banksters. Six of one and half a dozen of the other.

Voters aren't offered any real alternative in liberal so-called democracy, they never were. It's just hollow theatrics to try and legitimize organized theft, war crimes and subtle but totalitarian control over the masses.
Nobody stops you don’t want to live in the west. Yes the West is corrupt, decadent, selfish. Please go.
Movement of columns of Russian troops in Ukraine, Kharkiv region

The work of Russian electronic warfare systems in Ukraine. The video shows the Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system and the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system. The company commander spoke about the use of the Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system in Ukraine. "The complex has proven itself very well, works flawlessly in all weather conditions. Our main task is to cover the grouping of troops from radar reconnaissance and targeted enemy air strikes. During the operation, 12 Bayraktar complexes were discovered, we suppressed them and the complexes could not make a targeted strike on our groups."

Nobody stops you don’t want to live in the west. Yes the West is corrupt, decadent, selfish. Please go.

Ah, the classical, inevitable ad hominem one will with sooner or later get confronted with when daring to call out the true nature of oppressive secular liberal "democracy"... The procedure doesn't really strengthen the case of those resorting to it, but hey, that's nothing to complain about from my perspective now is it.

I'd suggest inviting me to leave this sorry place on the day NATO regimes stop trying to impose their failure of a social, political, economical and cultural model on our nations. On the day they shut down their mischievous propaganda and psy-ops operations of colossal proportions, cease their illegal wars of expansion and disband their terrorist proxies, dismiss their fifth columns wrecking havoc on our societies.
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Ah, the classical, inevitable ad hominem one is confronted with sooner or later when daring to call out the true nature of oppressive secular liberal "democracy"... The procedure doesn't really strengthen the case of those resorting to it, but hey, that's nothing to complain about from my perspective now is it.

I'd suggest inviting me to leave this place on the day NATO regimes stop trying to impose their failure of a social, political, economical and cultural model on our nations. On the day they shut down their mischievous propaganda and psy-ops operations of colossal proportions, cease their illegal wars of expansion and disband their terrorist proxies, dismiss their fifth columns wrecking havoc on our societies.
But you don’t have to go to Your own country, you can go to some Great place like North Korea or Cuba.

Anyway. Are you sure your own county was doing that great before the west took over?
But you don’t have to go to Your own country, you can go to some Great place like North Korea or Cuba.

Anyway. Are you sure your own county was doing that great before the west took over?

My country's doing great, thank you. It's one of the few independent ones, much like Korea.

I was merely trying to get back on topic, since I doubt my individual biography is of any relevance to a thread titled "Russia-Ukraine war - News and Developments". You appear to insist though, so let me provide a random example of why someone like me can be obliged to stay in a western country. Imagine one has a parent who, unlike oneself, wishes to reside here and is moreover an elderly person suffering from illness. Ironically, if one was to adopt the kind of individualist-materialist "values" promoted by western regimes and their oligarchies, one might be encouraged not to care about the parent and leave the place. Not if one intends to keep intact one's authentic culture of origin though. Just one example. There are various others, you may use your imagination.

As concerns nations wrecked by zio-American imperialists, yes, things got comparatively worse for them once the latter started meddling in their affairs.

By the way, aren't you and user @Viet praising the western system for its supposed freedom of speech? So the mere fact that I strongly criticize western regimes shouldn't normally bother you. Would you rather grant me the possibility to express my thoughts freely here and now, or do you believe I ought not enjoy this right on western soil, which in turn would contradict your advocacy of free speech?
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NATO regimes stop trying to impose their failure of a social, political, economical and cultural model on our nations

Rich people have a good life in any country on Earth. The good thing about Western countries is that middle class and poor people also have a decent standard of living, and there are ample opportunities to climb the economic ladder honestly without selling your soul and resorting to corruption. This cannot be said in most non-Western countries.

As far as political freedom, the fact is that most people in the West don't even think about it. We have federal elections in Australia next month and I don't know or care about the different candidates. Most people I know are the same except a few nerdy guys who are deep into politics.

P.S. I am talking about domestic situation, but I will agree that many Western countries have foreign policies which violate their own liberal democratic principles.
Ah, the classical, inevitable ad hominem one is confronted with sooner or later when daring to call out the true nature of oppressive secular liberal "democracy"... The procedure doesn't really strengthen the case of those resorting to it, but hey, that's nothing to complain about from my perspective now is it.

I'd suggest inviting me to leave this place on the day NATO regimes stop trying to impose their failure of a social, political, economical and cultural model on our nations. On the day they shut down their mischievous propaganda and psy-ops operations of colossal proportions, cease their illegal wars of expansion and disband their terrorist proxies, dismiss their fifth columns wrecking havoc on our societies.
You are paranoid.

Nato is a military alliance, not a religious organization. She is not there to teach you on liberty, democracy, socialism, communism, sociology nor anything else. It’s like a closed party club. East european countries have reasons to join the club because they fear a certain hooligan.

I hope the NATO will expand to Far East.
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