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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I haven't read every post but imo its time to look deeper into things. I did some research and was like OMFG,these guys,the Caucasus people,which incl the Crimeans have never known more than a decade of peace!



The Caucasus (/ˈkɔːkəsəs/), or Caucasia[3][4] (/kɔːˈkeɪʒə/), is a region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea; mainly comprising Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and parts of Southern Russia. The Caucasus Mountains, including the Greater Caucasus range, have historically been considered as a natural barrier between Eastern Europe and Western Asia.[5]

The Caucasus is also the homeland of the Chosenites now in Palestine screeching how Yahweh gave them and ONLY them the Promised Land for ever and ever,


Ofc,over centuries the borders varied but that was the basic homeland of the Khazars til Slavic king Sviatoslav revved them out for good for their constant criminality incl extortion,identity theft and other ishyt.

Peering further into history:

The original Caucasus since prehistory has been a zone of mass warfare,genocide and low level insurgency. Looking at the history it seems like a chronicle of slaughter briefly interrupted by occasional peace. Since the early 1800s there've been at least 10 major wars.

The caucasian War (Russian: Кавказская война; Kavkazskaya vojna) of 1817–1864 was an invasion of the Caucasus by the Russian Empire which resulted in Russia's annexation of the areas of the North Caucasus, and the ethnic cleansing of Circassians. It consisted of a series of military actions and atrocities waged by the Empire against the native peoples of the Caucasus including the Chechens, Adyghe, Abkhaz–Abaza, Ubykhs, Kumyks and Dagestanians as Russia sought to expand.[6] Among the Muslims, resistance to the Russians was described as jihad.[7]

Fyi,that was a 50 yr campaign!

The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (Turkish: 93 Harbi, lit. 'War of ’93', named for the year 1293 in the Islamic calendar; Bulgarian: Руско–турска Освободителна война, romanized: Rusko-turska Osvoboditelna vojna, "Russian–Turkish Liberation war"
was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Orthodox coalition led by the Russian Empire and composed of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro.[9] Fought in the Balkans and in the Caucasus, it originated in emerging 19th-century Balkan nationalism.

A 100,000 Turks died in this war that gave birth to Bulgaria.

The Russo-Circassian War (1763–1864) involved a series of battles and wars in Circassia, the northwestern part of the Caucasus, during the course of the Russian Empire's conquest of the Caucasus. Those who use the term Russian–Circassian War take its starting date as 1763, when the Russians began establishing forts, including at Mozdok, to be used as springboards for conquest; [6] and only ending approximately 101 years later, with the signing of loyalty oaths by Circassian leaders on 2 June [O.S. 21 May] 1864.

This may have been a true genocide. Nearly 4 mn died during the fighting while at least 0.5 mn Caucasians were deported.

The Russo-Persian War of 1826–1828 was the last major military conflict between the Russian Empire and Iran.

After the Treaty of Gulistan that concluded the previous Russo-Persian War in 1813, peace reigned in the Caucasus for thirteen years. However, Fath 'Ali Shah, constantly in need of foreign subsidies, relied on the advice of British agents, who pressed him to reconquer the territories lost to Russia and pledged their support for military action.

The first war with the Persians in which Vlad gained Daghestan.

The Russo-Persian War of 1722–1723, known in Russian historiography as the Persian campaign of Peter the Great,[9] was a war between the Russian Empire and Safavid Iran, triggered by the tsar's attempt to expand Russian influence in the Caspian and Caucasus regions and to prevent its rival, the Ottoman Empire, from territorial gains in the region at the expense of declining Safavid Iran

Ofc,during WW1 there was no peace!

The Caucasus campaign comprised armed conflicts between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, later including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus, the German Empire, the Central Caspian Dictatorship, and the British Empire, as part of the Middle Eastern theatre during World War I. The Caucasus campaign extended from the South Caucasus to the Armenian Highlands region, reaching as far as Trabzon, Bitlis, Mush and Van. The land warfare was accompanied by the Russian navy in the Black Sea Region of the Ottoman Empire.

After communism collapsed there were the 1st and 2nd Chechen wars which bled into a new conflict in neighbouring Dagestan late 90s. Nagorno-Karabakh involved competing Armenians and Azeri border claims with Shlomo supporting the latter at the same time. By the standards of the Caucasus it was a minor quarrel with only 50,000 killed in the 3 different wars in the early 90s,mid 90s and 2010-16.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is a territorial and ethnic conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts, which are de facto controlled by the self-declared Republic of Artsakh, but are internationally recognized as de jure part of Azerbaijan. The conflict has its origins in the early 20th century. Under the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin decided to make the Nagorno-Karabakh region an autonomous oblast of Soviet Azerbaijan.[18] The present conflict began in 1988, when the Karabakh Armenians demanded that Karabakh be transferred from Soviet Azerbaijan to Soviet Armenia. The conflict escalated into a full-scale war in the early 1990s.

Who can forget tiny Georgia provoking the Bear in 2008?


Look at the map-who does that!?


At least it gave us one of the earliest memes. Prez Saakashvilli chews tie.


Its not oil,uranium,gold or even coal! It may be a socio cultural,environmental or maybe even DNA thing-ideally a poster from the region should tell us.
What's happening now is just the latest episode of a long running war lasting over a millennium.
So why is NATO fighting war by proxy, what does it achieve other than millions of refugees and death and destruction? If the West was serious for peace they would have negotiated peace but instead they chose to further fuel and incite the war. Poor Ukrainians have become victims of a sick group of people bent on war and destruction. Like in Syria the suffering is too painful to watch.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns countries subverting sanctions imposed on Russia that they'll face consequences for their actions. "Sanctioning countries will not be indifferent to actions that undermine the sanctions," she said. (April 13)
Source: AP

So, this terrorist threatens the people of the world ?
As revealed by French Journalist at Zero Hedge who is an eye witness, the US is in fact in command of the Ukrainian operations in Dombass and East Ukraine.

If it is true, that explained why they are so desperate at this point.

With 1000 UKR elite soldiers having rumor to have surrendered, then there will be only approx 2000 of them left and mostly foreign mercenaries.

So who is really in charge of the Ukrainian Military at this moment?

Unverified reports suggested that the AZOV neo-nazi battalion at now hiding in underground bunkers and tunnels in AZOVstal Steelworks and there is a biolab below.

The Russians are now considering flooding them with water.
How China is making a huge profit by selling gas bought from US @US$235 per 1000m³ CIF to EU @^US$3500 per 1000m³!

In October 2021, on the basis of the original Sino-US energy agreement, the US energy giant signed a 20-year natural gas permanent supply contract with China. The unit price of the contract is constant @$235/1000m³. The United States was worried that China will go back on it in the future, and so has set an astronomical amount of liquidated damages if either party defaults on this deal.
After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Feb22, the international natural gas price skyrocketed, reaching $3,500 per thousand cubic meters. However, Russian natural gas was sanctioned by the West and could only be sold to China at a very low price according to the past Sino-Russian natural gas contracts, which directly led to China's import of Russian natural gas in March exceeding the share of the whole of last year.
In consequence, China's natural gas imports from the United States will be grossly in excess. So, what did China do with this excess?
Answer: China sells the US natural gas to the EU at a tenfold price increase.
Furthermore, because the contract price of natural gas between China and the United States is the CIF price, even the freight is saved. It only needs the Chinese side to issue an order, and the US side has to use its own precious ships to transport the Chinese natural gas to Europe for sale.
The Chinese side now earns hundreds of millions of dollars with even a single ship. After more than a month of the Russian-Ukrainian war, China has already sold dozens of ships of American natural gas to Europe at 1000% profit! The profits made by the Chinese side is used by China to reimbursed China’s national vaccine expenses last year and made it richer.
Because the natural gas contracts signed by China and the United States take up a huge share of the total natural gas output in the United States, although the people in the EU are about to riot (Russia used to provide 150 billion cubic meters to the EU every year), the United States can only squeeze out 15 billion cubic meters of natural gas to sell to EU. The EU and the rest of the U.S. can only helplessly watch China as a middleman earning enormously.
It is very strange to say that China was originally a major importer of food and energy, because of the perfect cooperation of the two Presidents of the United States - signing a food and energy export agreement, and setting sky-high liquidated damages. This series of wonderful operations made China unexpectedly become the richest country in the world in wheat and energy, with the largest wheat reserves in the world and so much energy that it can sell to the EU in large quantities.
This result of lying and winning made the Western media jealous, and Bloomberg sourly accused China of making "war money", although China has always been trying to persuade peace and talks.
Ex-President Trump wasted no time to jump in as soon as the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, to claim that if he was still President, there would have been no war between Russia and Ukraine and thus China would not make such a God-sent profit.
Biden is of course unable to express his sorrows of allowing China, his biggest strategic opponent, to win several rounds by using US natural gas to make EU money.
Other unexpected gains made by China from the War so far are:
1. Russia's grain that cannot be sold to the West has now helped China to build up the world's largest wheat reserve by country; and
2. A large number of EU safe-haven funds have started flowing into China in the past two months, resulting in increase by as much as 37.9% foreign capital inflows into China year-on-year...
This is probably God's blessing of China for doing good things for mankind!

That is one powerful ship easily sunk by a modern missile. Like tanks they are no match for modern missile systems.

So why is NATO fighting war by proxy, what does it achieve other than millions of refugees and death and destruction? If the West was serious for peace they would have negotiated peace but instead they chose to further fuel and incite the war. Poor Ukrainians have become victims of a sick group of people bent on war and destruction. Like in Syria the suffering is too painful to watch.

NATO is a US construct and by large a US organization.

Europe after WW2 was completely devastated, while the USA was totally intact and profited from the war. After end of WW2 there were really only two countries who had the power and logistics to wield large scale operations in Europe; The Soviet Union and USA. While the US took control of western Europe, the Soviet took control of eastern half of Europe. That was the setup for almost 40 years during the cold war.

After the cold war, Soviet lost control and influence over its posessions in Eastern Europe. The USA OTOH had no reason to give up its posessions in Western Europe, quite the opposite. As the sole remaining power in Europe it could do whatever it wanted and expanded its posessions way up to Russian border, and thats where we are today. Rest is just wish wash mumbo jumbo.

So this conflict, is not a NATO vs Russia conflict. In fact its a continuation of the long standing power struggle between the big boys in town; USA and Russia. European countries are only spectator and mere chess pieces. The players are USA and Russia.
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That is why French President Macron was talking about the formation of a new EU Army to be headed by only European.

One that has no connection or relation to NATO headed by a US Commander and its deputy, a British but never an European.

NATO is by and large a creation by US to counter the Soviet Union Warsaw Pact.

Since Warsaw Pact is already dissolved, NATO is no longer needed.

Its primary purpose is to serve the hegemonic ambition of the US today.
That is why French President Macron was talking about the formation of a new EU Army to be headed by only European.

One that has no connection or relation to NATO headed by a US Commander and its deputy, a British but never an European.

NATO is by and large a creation by US to counter the Soviet Union Warsaw Pact.

Since Warsaw Pact is already dissolved, NATO is no longer needed.

Its primary purpose is to serve the hegemonic ambition of the US today.

I am neither kidding nor trolling when i say this. The reality is that Europe is so cucked that most Europeans are totally oblivious about whats really goin on.
Thats a fair position. Sweden will have to do that if Turkey asks.

If NATO door is closed I think US and UK will give Sweden and Finland a formal treaty alliance by forming a totally different alliance, Something like ANZUS or the treaty with Japan.

I think both the UK and USA will need to form an alliance separate from NATO as a "bridge" into NATO as the application process and acceptance is so long and Russia can start military operations against both which will then rule out their addition into NATO as they will be countries under conflict etc..

If Turkey is going to veto or have its interests seen to first - hopefully those conversations are happening now so that they can be resolved ahead of any application which must be approved as quickly as possible after the initial application.

Hungary is going to need the royal squeeze on them to make sure they dont veto...


This was the day before. Coincidence?

Ukraine managed to marshal her resources for a strike at that ship for sure - it was/is no ammo accident.

Ukraine has been in defensive mode since the start of this war and with the Russian failure in the north, northwest and northeast, they can now go into offensive mode which is what this attack represents.

Timing is not a coincidence. The morale of the country and armed forces are an important factor in the war and this is time for maximum boosting of morale esp ahead of the bad news coming out of Mariupol.

The transfer of tanks and MLRS and artillery systems is part of transitioning the war from defensive to offensive.
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