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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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In two years it will be replaced.
and what will European citizens and businesses and manufacturers do While they have to wait 2 years? Why buy US gov propaganda without thinking it through 1st? you write ok but your logic is poor, thats why i came for your posts.
and what will European citizens and businesses and manufacturers do While they have to wait 2 years? Why buy US gov propaganda without thinking it through 1st? you write ok but your logic is poor, thats why i came for your posts.
Well russia wont cut the gas even EU dont pay in rouble.

And it took three decades to be dependent on russian gas. this war is only one month old. Process is already underway to reduce the exposure. Give it some time.

Initially, it was believed that it was a tank of the Russian army that fired at a group of Ukrainian military at point-blank range, but then it turned out that Ukrainian taxi drivers fired at their own at point-blank range. There was an abandoned Russian BMP next to the soldiers, the tankers thought it was the Russian military and opened fire. There is already a video of the dead, but there is one tin on it..

An armada of Russian troops is marching on Kharkiv. Ukrainian media reported satellite images showing a giant Russian column of military equipment with a length of 12 km, going in the direction of Kharkov. Eyewitnesses from Ukraine have already started posting videos of this column of troops. As part of the special operation in Ukraine, a major battle will soon take place in the Donbas. After that, most likely, the troops will go to Kiev, since the success of the peace talks is very doubtful due to the statement of the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrel, where he reports the need to resolve the conflict in Ukraine "on the battlefield", the actual Ukraine was told to fight.

@jhungary , have you ever seen so many turrets fly off their vehicles so easily and frequently when they're hit, as in this war?

Something is really flimsy in the turret-spinning design & build the Russians are using when they assemble these things. Never before, when you look at the history of tanks battles -- and there have been many to go by -- including our Arab/Israeli wars where there were hundreds of tanks duking it out in not only wide open desert terrain, but in very close proximity as well. Granted in 1973 and earlier, ATGMs were only being introduced into the battlefield like our use of the SAGGER wire guided ATGM probably didn't have the explosive level that today's ATGMs and MANPADs have, but the devastating result to enemy tanks from these new weapons were very obvious that they were about to change tank warfare as it was known, and it did.

Now we're seeing MANPADs take the lead in making tanks almost obsolete on the battlefield, especially in these heavily dense rural areas where there's an abundance of spots for soldiers of all types to hide and ambush enemy tanks.

No longer is infantry that useful to accompany armored vehicles like it used to be. As a matter of fact, that only adds them to the tanks depletion and becomes a useful collateral damage for the personnel firing the MANPADs.

Still, the frequency of Russian turrets flying off and traveling great distances when hit in this war is staggering.

I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this today lol.

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We can take it for granted.
US sats will mark every Russian tank so Ukraine artillery can shoot them like chickens.

Drones i guess?

NATO should send more drones asap. Seems very effective.
Confirmed. The vid of the T72B3 firimg a HE shell at that group of soldiers up close turn out to be Ukrainian soldiers. I wont share the vid as its not safe for life. Here is the twitter link to the other link tho. Be warned though. Its not nice
Yee seen that one look similar but was to gore to actualy watch it :sick:

So now its to end US domination, they changing the targer every week now
Well russia wont cut the gas even EU dont pay in rouble.
this implies EU CANT replace Russian gas, which was your intial argument. Congrats- you provided the evidence that your argument is false and you've proven that no matter what, the EU IS dependent on Russia for gas. if it took them 30 years to get dependent, then it will take them at least 10-20 years more to become nonindependent, if thats feasibly possible. smh
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this implies EU CANT replace Russian gas, which was your intial argument. Congrtas- you provided the evidence that your argument is false and you've proven that no matter what, the EU IS dependent on Russia for gas. if it took them 30 years to get dependent, then it will take them at least 10-20 years more to become nonindependent, if thats feasibly possible. smh
Russia wont cut gas since they have nothing else to sell lol. They simply dont have the balls to keep there own word. Its a pathetic country which depend on gas and oil money from EU.

It will be replaced in next 2 to 5 years max. North korea version 2.0,
No I don’t know maybe you can tell.
it also was not called a war, it called protecting civilian, well the majority of protection happened in areas hundreds of km away from any settlement
Yee seen that one look similar but was to gore to actualy watch it :sick:

So now its to end US domination, they changing the targer every week now
That’s Lavrov the liar.
Some days ago he says he wants to build a “new democratic world order” with China.
That’s why Russia goes to war.
He means serious. A new democratic world order. With China.
Politburo and party central commission.
The world needs it.

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