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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The UNSC is the United Nations Security Council. Read chapter VII of the UN charter. Once the UNSC decides that a country is a threat to the world peace, the UN can pass resolutions to use punitive measures against that country, including military force. Article 42 of the Chapter VII of the UN charter talks about how all UN members are obliged to abide by the decisions of the UNSC. France is a permanent member of the UNSC which means that it can suggest resolutions to be discussed at the council and veto resolutions that it deems against her interests.

Iran is tougher to conquer than France in real life only if you forget about the nukes. However, in reality, if there's a credible threat to Paris, France can use its strategic nukes to wipe off entire population centers of the invading force. Although they would probably start using their tactical nukes long before any threat approaches Paris.

I agree with you about the resolve of the Turks though. But that's cultural. Yeah, Muslims are more determined to defend themselves than today's Europeans, but that should not make us blind to other facts as well.

I know what that is and I am saying there veto rights is bogus.. If by strength Pakistan and India should have veto not them.. I have never acknowledged UK and France veto rights and it is due to favouritism farce and lobbying
That's because Turkey is expanding its military now. France and the UK do not need to expand their military power when there's no credible threat to them, they have NATO, and they have been major nuclear powers since over half a century ago that nobody dares to mess with them.
Do you think NATO is still a thing? Albania is in NATO. Hypothetically if Russia attacked them, do you think NATO would go to war with Russia over an Albania, or North Macedonia etc?
  1. This is today, here and now, naked aggression.
  2. It is also the Russian reaction to continued and sustained NATO pressure on Russia, by extending NATO boundaries eastward directly threatening Russia.
  3. Russia will seemingly create a buffer zone to the east, consisting of its Russian-language majority in the Donbas region, and additional strips of land to the west of this zone, to create a buffer to the west against land attack.
  4. Ukraine will be kept demilitarised by force, under threat of renewed attack.

  1. Putin has made it clear that he will react to these pressures violently.
  2. He has not made it clear how he hopes to keep Russia in working order under the massive weight of sanctions imminent.
  3. China may or may not provide the economic counter-balance against sanctions.
  4. It is possible that this presages the final downfall of the Soviet Union, as its most important successor component, Russia, heads for decline. Perhaps sharp decline.

  1. India is very awkwardly placed.
  2. Supporting Russia sets her against her supposed new allies of the west.
  3. Breaking ties with Russia
    1. guarantees vast streams of surplus arms and ammunition into Pakistan, and
    2. the abrupt end to supplies of spares for the enormous Indian inventory of Russian weapons.
  4. She will also be left friendless against China.

  1. We are likely to see/hear/read verbiage in plenty, basically trying to say nothing against Russia and yet not annoying the USA.
  2. We are likely to see this response angering the US and Europe.
  3. This is also likely to chill relations with Korea and Japan.
  4. China and Pakistan are likely to look on with cynical amusement, as the Sanghis take India down with them.
I think the Russians waited for the PMIK visit before launching their offensive to guarantee a split in the American bloc (Quad+UK+Israel). Israel is mostly of Russian origin and will remain neutral. Japan and Australia are too far and weak to bother Russia in Ukraine. The PMIK visit was a clear message to New Delhi, back the USA in Ukraine and Russia will tilt its support in S. Asia.

Puts India in a huge bind since it will look hypocritical to the west....India is only the Wests friend when it needs them for something.......India only opposes bad behavior if China or Pakistan carry it out (even this only on its own borders).

Pretty astute geopolitics from the Russians, IMO. Won't see anything like this from American foreign policy experts (they are mostly factional lobbyists not strategists).
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Do you really think France can defeat Pakisan in 1v1 or France can defeat India in 1v1? Or Britain vs India? Do you really think the British can overcome the Indians in this age and time? you gotta be kidding me bro.. This is not the 18-century.. India can make quick work of the British without getting out of the first gear.. There is scale to this

I think the British would start a civil war in India and the Indians would pay them to rule them again.
Do you think NATO is still a thing? Albania is in NATO. Hypothetically if Russia attacked them, do you think NATO would go to war with Russia over an Albania, or North Macedonia etc?
It's still a thing but not for defending countries that do no matter to world powers.
The US, the UK and France continue to be important global powers. Sure, the UK and France are nowhere close to the power of the US and even the US is a declining power now. And sure, Muslims are becoming more powerful day by day, and China will soon surpass the US economically and militarily. But as of today, the UK, the US and France can defend themselves against Russia and China.

Their hallucination of monopoly that they had after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990s is fading away now fortunately, and we are entering a multipolar world again which is good for sovereign nations. But that doesn't mean that the UK or France are no longer global powers. They are global powers, only way less powerful than before.

The real change will happen when more countries with opposing views to the Westerners join the UNSC or the UN as we know it today gets dismantled.
That was the ukr Su-27 downed by russian airdef. Already posted here. Kiev have gone to full retard fake news propaganda. Same story with the recaptured airport near kiev. Never happened and russia is now flying troops to the Gostomel airport.

This aircraft claimed to be a Russian aircraft downed last night in the centre of Kiev would upon closer examination appear to be an Ukranian Su 27
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Do you think NATO is still a thing? Albania is in NATO. Hypothetically if Russia attacked them, do you think NATO would go to war with Russia over an Albania, or North Macedonia etc?

Us and Uk would go to war over Albania. Russia would not be allowed to have a warm water base in Europe.
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