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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Absolutely wrong before that for sake of anti-China stance, the western hesitate about putting more pressure on India not to buy S400 but with invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Western definitely want to save face since they cannot use military method on Russia. Western are now united to sanction against Russia. Any countries not joining western will be enemies of western. India is not excluded. India continue to trade with Russia including military deal is giving Russia much needed financial which the western will not tolerate. Western know India is not in position to withstand western sanction as they do not have the financial power like China.

Forcing India into western camp will be a triumph for NATO. India interest is always the lowest priority for western world.

India has unparalleled diplomatic abilities.
France may have Nuclear weapons but that doesn't make them solid but it is disfunctional and on top of that it has vastly unpatrioting civilians as the ethnic french themselves are extremely unpatrioting and unwilling to take any risks in life example remember that 9 days surrender despite having a top army in ww2 that says alot about France it is a sitting duck a couple of nuclear strikes and France surrenders without conditions.

Whereas in WW1 it took an unprecedented 10-15m armed men to push Turkey back into it's current boundaries from Arabia, Europe and other parts it occupied they fought like a honey badger and even that large coalition took to much casualites once they reached inside Turkey as the casualities on both sides raeched above 5m slayed in unprecedented scale you had Greeks, French, British, Australians, American volunteers, Arabs, Kurds, Georgians, Russians and East Europeans against the Turks. They stragetically lost WW2 but they couldn't be destroyed completely leading to the coalition settling for negotiation when they have pushed the turks passed Ismir... What makes Turkey a mountain to climb is the resolve.

The British have resolve and so do the Americans but not the french..

US-> Uk -> Turkey
France has megaton nukes that can wipe off entire population centers of Turkey in a matter of minutes and because it is a UNSC permanent member, France won't even be condemned at the UNSC. You are comparing apples and oranges. France successfully compressed uranium to 3.5 times of its original density in 1960s when it became a nuclear power. It has decades of experience with nuclear miniaturization. France can domestically produce every component it needs for its nuclear triad. They have been doing that since late 1960s. It has had several Fields medalists and Nobel laureates. And France historically leads the world in the number of battles won in modern history.

Even conventionally France is stronger than Turkey. France has been producing commercial airplanes and jet fighters for decades. Turkey cannot produce even UCAVs without foreign assistance. Turkey is a joke compared to any of the leading world powers. But this thread is not the right place for discussing this.
Germany is a free country. They are free enough to become dependent on Russia for energy.

Well they are as free as the US would be if the German parliament got to decide what weapons the US will have and what range its missiles will have and what type of weapons the US is allowed to make. And if Germany had bases all over America.

Yeah, its not a free country, it is an occupied country. It doesn't mind the occupation because it doesn't really have a choice.
Dude, Turkey doesn't have nukes. Holding NATO's nukes in your land doesn't mean that you have them. And Turkey definitely has no nuclear triad. And it will never become a permanent member of the UNSC either, not in our life times. So, your comparison makes absolutely no sense. Sorry.

Turkeus conventional military is bigger than UK + France put together, and they have own defence industry.

And yes, without 100% own nukes, they are not in ranks of superpowers. Major power yes, superpower no.
Turkeus conventional military is bigger than UK + France put together, and they have own defence industry.

And yes, without 100% own nukes, they are not in ranks of superpowers. Major power yes, superpower no.
That's because Turkey is expanding its military now. France and the UK do not need to expand their military power when there's no credible threat to them, they have NATO, and they have been major nuclear powers since over half a century ago that nobody dares to mess with them.
France has megaton nukes that can wipe off entire population centers of Turkey in a matter of minutes and because it is a UNSC permanent member, France won't even be condemned at the UNSC. You are comparing apples and oranges. France successfully compressed uranium to 3.5 times of its original density in 1960s when it became a nuclear power. It has decades of experience with nuclear miniaturization. It has had several Fields medalists and Nobel laureates.

Even conventionally France is stronger than Turkey. France has been producing commercial airplanes and jet fighters for decades. Turkey cannot produce even UCAVs without foreign assistance. Turkey is a joke compared to any of the leading world powers. But this thread is not the right place for discussing this.

Turkey could get Nukes and make the playing field level but the fact that you think France is conventionally stronger is an absolute joke.. Also the fact that you think France could even conventionally head to head overcome the turks in a conventional engagement setting is simply ludicrous..

It is Turkey that was the hegemony in Europe and not France for a very good reason. The french can't compare to anywhere near the resolve of the turks that is just a simple fact
Turkey could get Nukes and make the playing field level but the fact that you think France is conventionally stronger is an absolute joke..

It is Turkey that was the hegemony and not France for a very good reason. The french can't compared to anywhere near the resolve of the turks that is just a simple fact
The fact that you are comparing Turkey which is at best a regional power alongside Iran and Saudi Arabia with a permanent UNSC member like France is an absolute joke but then what else can I expect from a Pakistani fanboy of Erdogan? lol

Turkey is not even a global power to be compared to the likes of France. This is ridiculous.
The amount of Russian trolls on this forums are a joke. Pure manipulation. Russia and Iran on here want to really cause trouble they need to be encircled and stopped.

Brother, where there is a problem, do analysis, make the decision, and solve the root problems. Cosmetic changes won't do good in real life and the world.
The fact that you are comparing Turkey which is at best a regional power alongside Iran and Saudi Arabia with a permanent UNSC member like France is an absolute joke but then what else can I expect from a Pakistani fanboy of Erdogan? lol

Turkey is not even a global power to be compared to the likes of France. This is ridiculous.

Forget the Nukes? France is not a freaking god what is this UNSC shxt you are talking about? France is not formidble or a force to be reckoned? You sound like someone who has been living under a stone..

Iran is 10 times tougher to conquer then France in real life.. In truth both France and UK shouldn't be in UNSC but instead Pakistan and India who are geninuely stronger then both militarily that is a simple ground fact but just because they are angle-saxon they got admitted but militarily both are not formidble..

Do you really think France can defeat Pakisan in 1v1 or France can defeat India in 1v1? Or Britain vs India? Do you really think the British can overcome the Indians in this age and time? you gotta be kidding me bro.. This is not the 18-century.. India can make quick work of the British without getting out of the first gear.. There is scale to this
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The french can't compare to anywhere near the resolve of the turks that is just a simple fact
Only agree on this part, the rest is just illusions, but with will and determination, only the sky is the limit
Forget the Nukes? France is not a freaking god what is this UNSC shxt you are talking about? France is not a formidble or a force to be reckoned? You sound like someone who has been living under a stone..

Iran is 10 times tougher to conquer then France in real life.. In truth both France and UK shouldn't be in UNSC but instead Pakistan and India who are geninuely stronger then both militarily that is a simply ground fact but just because they are angle-saxon they got admitted but militarily both are not formidble
The UNSC is the United Nations Security Council. Read chapter VII of the UN charter. Once the UNSC decides that a country is a threat to the world peace, the UN can pass resolutions to use punitive measures against that country, including military force. Article 42 of the Chapter VII of the UN charter talks about how all UN members are obliged to abide by the decisions of the UNSC. France is a permanent member of the UNSC which means that it can suggest resolutions to be discussed at the council and veto resolutions that it deems against her interests.

Iran is tougher to conquer than France in real life only if you forget about the nukes. However, in reality, if there's a credible threat to Paris, France can use its strategic nukes to wipe off entire population centers of the invading force. Although they would probably start using their tactical nukes long before any threat approaches Paris.

I agree with you about the resolve of the Turks though. But that's cultural. Yeah, Muslims are more determined to defend themselves than today's Europeans, but that should not make us blind to other facts as well.
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