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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Here we go again with "frontline" :laugh: Which in your words is only south of Irpin. So in range weapons in Bucha, for your understanding, are not at "front". What is utter nonesence.

Sure Kiew would be in range of ToS if ToS were deployed in Bucha! Even the thermobarics have a range of 6 km.

Sure it make this missile silo include into "front"! Cause it is in range and can impact. Or will you say that there is no "front" if two countries only exchange nuclear missiles? What does the word "confront" mean?

So you will say that ToS in Bucha cant reach the "stretch of land" between Irpin and Kiew?

No, not anything is possible. You can view vids from e.g. Aleppo to answer your question.
...said the moron who insists that there is no "front" if two countries only use nuclear missiles cause nuclear missiles are not "at the frontline" :dance3:
Now you progress toward Dumbass level. I am going to consolidate the reply to a single post because I lack the patient to deal with you anymore.

I never said there are no Front, I said that line I draw in the previous Map is "Arbitrary", I used it to illustrate what is a Frontline loos like, then you go talk about how Artillery can rain down on your position and you need to know what's ahead and that's where the "Front" is. Then I retorted, you can send missile from 100 miles away, does that move the "Front" there?

At any time, any unit can be at the receiving end of Indirect Fire, does that mean I need to send ISTAR asset to cover the ENTIRE Range? What does it mean by Entire Range? It mean for example, a TOR-1A Launcher have a range of 10 km, which mean anywhere within the circle with me being the centre, extended outward to a radius of 10km can hit me. That's the definition of Range.

So, If you need to pick that up any TOS launcher that can hit you at a certain point, you will need to send ISTAR asset on the entirety of that area (The Area = Pi*R*R = 314 square kilometers) even if I say half that because I only have 180 degree front facing enemy, you are looking at 157 sqkm. With a scan resolution of 200mx200m, you are talking about 785,300 image to cover the entire area, and having it taken twice a day is pointless, stuff move on and they don't need 12 hours to move, you need to have at least once every hour, that's around 20,000,000 SAT Image you need to go thru a day to look at specific target that can reach me within that semi-circle, Good Luck going thru all that. And that's just for TOS-1A, Grad have a longer range (20.4km), which mean the circle you draw is a lot bigger which cover the twice the area of TOS-1A.

On the other hand, if I am at Irpin, what make you think only Artillery in Bucha can get me, Depends on where in Irpin you are, potentially a TOS-1A launcher at Hostomel, Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka, Vorzel' and anywhere in between can hit me if I am on the Western side of Irpin, and Horenka, Vyshhorod, Novi Petrivtsi and anywhere in between those town can hit me if I am in Eastern Side of Irpin. And we are talking about just TOS-1A. that list quadruple if we also include BM-21 Grad and 2S19 Msta..

Which mean why would I just send ISTAR asset in Bucha? Why not Hostomel? Why not Vorzel for example? Set aside the fact that YOU WANT TO POSITION YOUR ARTILLERY ON THE OUTSKIRT OF YOUR RANGE, not in the middle of it, which mean if Irpin is the place for contention, I would look at further out like Hostomel or Vorzel instead of Bucha for artillery piece. If we don't know there is a massacre there, Bucha have no to little intelligence value. And your "weapon Range" does not make sense, because those weapon don't need to be in Bucha to fire on you, if you are pushing in Irpin.

Dude, you have no idea how stuff work and you make stuff up on the go.
Hard to see how the russians are winning? They haven't even conquered Mariupol yet which is completely cut off. And word on the street is that they are ready to peace out of Kherson as well in order protect the roads to Crimea.

Not to mention the debacle in the North. pretty embarrassing to loose the men and material they did in the battle for Kyiv with nothing to show for it and "strategic repositioning"

Russia annexed Kherson. Ukraine will never get it back. Kherson is very heavily defended by anti tank missiles, MANPADS, Black Sea fleet ships, subs, planes.
I know how you feel. Unfortunately, people like us have to put up with people like him for the sake of informing everyone else. But I have to give him credit for being supremely confident in his ignorance and making military decisions based upon that ignorance.
lol, did you see his other post?

He put it like they can only hit Ukrainian in Irpin from Bucha and no where else....that's why Bucha must be under surveillance all the time.

That guy is nuts.....

And when I ask him how do you suggest you can travel on a road that you bomb the entire city in ruin, his reply was "I am not going to tell you as I may have to try it on Germany" LOL.

This guys is sure as hell funny, but as I said, I can only laugh so much, and I am starting to lose my patient on him.

By not calling this war a war, Putin is limiting his own ability to mobilize man power. Many historians who write about World War 2 comment about Hitler's stupid mistakes. I'm sure that the historians of the future will cite this self deception as Putin's big mistake :laugh:

China has the largest population and the smartest men in all of Afro-Eurasia. To go up against China is foolish. They will pay. You will see.

By not calling this war a war, Putin is limiting his own ability to mobilize man power. Many historians who write about World War 2 comment about Hitler's stupid mistakes. I'm sure that the historians of the future will cite this self deception as Putin's big mistake :laugh:

For Putin, this is not a war. This is a game of killing and destruction. This is real world combat training for Russian military.

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Russians actually keep barking, but bite less. if they said to sell energy in Rubles, they should stick to it. Saying, barking and not actually doing it in practise makes them look like weak sissies. Looks like Putin has a bunch of non-performing associates who simply are yes man and doesn't do any work. Otherwise they would have looked remotely competent as compared to their current situation.
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