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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I will personally treat all news from UK Daily Mail with a pinch of salt.

BTW Did they included Baby Powders.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

On personal note, how you like the new starstreak system delivered to Ukraine? It appears to be extremly effective in destroying russian tanks and helicopters. The constant flow of advanced weapons forced Putin to retreat. He hopes he can hold Donbas but NATO now ships in heavy weapons to allow Ukraine cleansing that area too.
He cant even take Ukraine, so its important to smash his army. He doesnt have the force anymore to do anything.
That is because you do not understand how European and Russian fights their wars.

If Russia really wants to take over Kiev, Kiev would have fallened.

But as I pointed out Kiev is never Russia main objective. It is basically to tie down the Ukrainian Army.
That is because you do not understand how European and Russian fights their wars.

If Russia really wants to take over Kiev, Kiev would have fallened.

But as I pointed out Kiev is never Russia main objective. It is basically to tie down the Ukrainian Army.

Yeah sure, he sacrifced 15.000 soldiers, got thousands of tanks, almost 100 helicopters and dozens of jets destroyed...all to tie down ukraine army...which was not tied down and now hunts his troops even as they run away.

Its 5 weeks war now and he has not even got mariupol. Time to finish them off.

According to you he does not want mariupol either since it has not fallen.

He simply cant, his army is junk.

Did he plan losing 7 generals too?
On personal note, how you like the new starstreak system delivered to Ukraine? It appears to be extremly effective in destroying russian tanks and helicopters. The constant flow of advanced weapons forced Putin to retreat. He hopes he can hold Donbas but NATO now ships in heavy weapons to allow Ukraine cleansing that area too.
That is what UK News Media claimed?

Can anyone verified it?

The warzone around Kiev and many cities are basically flat and so Russian soldiers are using these APC and Tanks as shields in their encirclement.
So they are sitting targets as the Russian order is to encircle and not attack.
So one one gets close enough, even a RPG is good enough.

All these won't be able to alter the course or the destiny of Russia Special Operation in Dombass and elsewhere.
That is what UK News Media claimed?

Can anyone verified it?

The warzone around Kiev and many cities are basically flat and so Russian soldiers are using these APC and Tanks as shields in their encirclement.
So they are sitting targets as the Russian order is to encircle and not attack.
So one one gets close enough, even a RPG is good enough.

All these won't be able to alter the course or the destiny of Russia Special Operation in Dombass and elsewhere.

Their destiny is to become fertilizer on ukrainian fields. The west can deliver weapons faster than Russia can deliver cannon food. Its simple math. Now even in Lughansk russian helicopters are shot down by western manpads. Ukraine is saturated with advanced weapon systems. Its basicly poisoned for Putin.
Yeah sure, he sacrifced 15.000 soldiers, got thousands of tanks, almost 100 helicopters and dozens of jets destroyed...all to tie down ukraine army...which was not tied down and now hunts his troops even as they run away.

Its 5 weeks war now and he has not even got mariupol. Time to finish them off.

According to you he does not want mariupol either since it has not fallen.

He simply cant, his army is junk.

Did he plan losing 7 generals too?
Once again you are citing from sources that can't be verified.

Russia officially confirmed only approx 1,500 dead if I am not mistakened.

Even the UK News Media that published these allegations come with a disclaimer.

Some of the Generals have resurface and they were not evem there it seemed.
So are these guys invincible, it seemed sniper bullet can't killed them.

But it is true Russian Generals lead their army in battles unlike those from the US and West, in a safe sanctuary somewhere.

They called these sancturies command post.
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Their destiny is to become fertilizer on ukrainian fields. The west can deliver weapons faster than Russia can deliver cannon food. Its simple math. Now even in Lughansk russian helicopters are shot down by western manpads. Ukraine is saturated with advanced weapon systems. Its basicly poisoned for Putin.
You mean weapons from old Soviet era collected and donated by former SU nations?

Don't make us laugh. As I say let explore all these news with an open mind and filter them.

You are just looking for news that your mind is telling you.
Need to take Melitopol and Berdiansk, split the enemy force in two. I've seen reports the Russians may blow up the bridge at Kherson city, so the Ukrainians may have to go around. But looking at the map some of the cities nearby Donbas region will be important in defense and offense against the Russian forces. Don't know what the status of the Russian forces from Kiev operation but they should be in shambles and morale really low, I wouldn't be surprise many would quit or desert.

Ukraine has taken the best of Russia's blow's and they are still standing. Can Russia take Ukraines blows? Especially with NATO and EU support of weapons and intelligence information? Russia's hasty withdrawal from the north and redeployment of their forces to the south suggests they are massively worried about the Ukrainian counter-attack and they run the risk of now losing Crimea and the Donbas regions if they don't reinforce those regions.

All of Ukraines actions have been tactical and centred around "holding the line". This war is now changing to the next stage of the war.

The west is now going to provide Tanks and more offensive weapons not because Russia has destroyed Ukraines - but because more Ukrainian men and women have now been trained and are now coming online and combined with offensive equipment like tanks and artillery, they can now take the fight to the Russian's directly rather than defending which has been what Ukraine has been doing since the start of this war.

You may now even see those Mig29s turn up as the direction of war has changed and they represent more value now than at the beginning as Russia is running out of precision/smart weapons.
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You mean weapons from old Soviet era collected and donated by former SU nations?

Don't make us laugh. As I say let explore all these news with an open mind and filter them.

You are just looking for news that your mind is telling you.

StarStreak is quite modern. So is Javelin and MANPADS.
We slaughter the swine (old saying of churchill) before it can cause danger to Europe.

Ukraine is saturated with weapons now and flooded with more and more. Its poisoned for Russia.

Btw Russia admitted 9000 dead troops but deleted it within minutes. :D Since Russia is always based on lies you can multiply by two or three.
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