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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeh , but the Russians are insisting that the agreement was with the old pro-Russian gov and not the new anti-Russian gov in Ukraine. Also NATO promised not to expand towards RUSSIA and they did.
Nyet, tovarisch.

I have not gone thru all 150+ pages of this thread, but am willing to surmise that most simply echoed on the weakness of the US/NATO...etc...etc...etc...I do not expect much from this forum, any way.

There is a WRITTEN promise by Russia to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, not to militarily attack Ukraine, and not to use economic coercion against Ukraine. That WRITTEN promise was witnessed by countries, not individuals. And in return, Ukraine must do <something> which Ukraine did that <something>. NATO was not mentioned.

I can practically feel it thru the Force a great cry of anguish from the many in this thread: "What if I was wrong about Russia?" o_O

Am going to dinner with my family now, chili cheese dogs, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, beers, and bourbon. Let us see if someone managed to find that doc.

See @Wood

I told u , western pressure comes swift and fast. India either stand with western or Russia. There is no neutral. Both options are dead end for India.:enjoy:
The war for Kiev begins

Russian troops began to attack with all their might. They must be trying to get the job done before the international pressure gets higher. Neither Russian military casualties nor Ukrainian civilian casualties appear to be priority issues at the moment.
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