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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I don't think about nonsense.
It is too bad that you think PLA related issues are nonsense.

Remember when I showed how corrupt is the PLA, particularly when PLA officers sells/buys ranks and assignments and that it WILL result in incompetent officers at all levels of leadership? How about the possibility that the PLA falsely negative assessment of the Ukraine situation came from those incompetent officers? Your PLA leadership is watching this Russia-Ukraine war closely and they do not like what they see.
Certainly they are different and flight paths much different. But the weapon itself is not that much more advanced than an SRBM Iskander. It could even be cheaper since it doesn't require the initial boost stage. However it requires a Mig-31 and a sortie.

Well this is a big assumption. For all we know maybe there are targets worthy of using a Kinzhal. And if no target worthy, it still doesn't logically dictate Kinzhal cannot and would not be used.

Maybe the Russians just wanted to use it. Maybe the target they considered to be moving out. Maybe the Russians have a few Mig-31 armed with Kinzhal doing sorties 500km + away and any time they receive intel about vital and important high value targets on the move, they fire Kinzhal for the time sensitivity reason.

Who knows.
Well, they claim they had targeted an underground weapon depot with it (that is what the Russian release said)
Which unless they have some sort of bunkerbusting warhead we dont know about, it's unlikely a 500kg warhead can penetrate underground. Again, that's more or less like a 1000 pound snakeeye

I personally saw a 2000lb JDAM didn't even dent the ground (probably making a 3 meters crater), I doubt they are getting anything underground with this.
Israeli investigators proved that was a hoax.
What is a hoax?

The missile attack or the damage? You do know the damage is well documented and there are numerous photo showing the damage of the memorial.

And if you are talking about the missile attack is a false flag, then you need to show proof.
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What is a hoax?

The missile attack or the damage? You do know the damage is well documented and there are numerous photo showing the damage to the exterior and interior of the memorial.

And if you are talking about the missile attack is a false flag, then you need to show proof.

Memorial still stands with photo evidence

Memorial still stands with photo evidence
The photo was a fake.

You can see snow fall on it when it was claimed to be shot on March 2.

Go look up any weather apps. There were no snow fall in Kyiv on March 2, average temperature is 2C - 5C, too warm to snow, and it is also raining (2.7 mm participation) , I don't know how you can have snow on the ground when you have rain, rain would have wash away the snow on the floor..More importantly, there were no reported snowfall on March 1, then where is the snow come from??

Just because some one put on a photo saying there are no damage, it does not mean it is true. And as I said, there are numerous photo of it being damage, you can take an undamaged memorial any time you want, but you can only have it being damaged after they are damage.

As I said, I used to do Military Intelligence for a living, unlike most people (Probably including you) I can spot a fake photo from a mile away.
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Remember when I showed how corrupt is the PLA, particularly when PLA officers sells/buys ranks and assignments and that it WILL result in incompetent officers at all levels of leadership?
PLA's progress and development is obvious for anyone to see and Xi is well known for his zero tolerance for corruption, it's US which should worry about corruption and messed up chain of command, your top general can even get around your president and directly called his Chinese counterpart without US president's prior knowledge, we actually start to wonder who should we talk to in the future and who really calls the shots in US.
It is too bad that you think PLA related issues are nonsense.

Remember when I showed how corrupt is the PLA, particularly when PLA officers sells/buys ranks and assignments and that it WILL result in incompetent officers at all levels of leadership? How about the possibility that the PLA falsely negative assessment of the Ukraine situation came from those incompetent officers? Your PLA leadership is watching this Russia-Ukraine war closely and they do not like what they see.

If corruption was a problem then Ukraine would've been fucked as it is even more corrupt than Russia. Ukraine stole China's investment in Motor Sich. Ukraine has rock bottom GDP per capita not much higher than Iraq or Libya, poorest country in Europe.

If corrupt incompetent PLA can save an LHD from a fire in 30 minutes with minor damage, what does that say about godlike angelic USN which lost an LHD to an equal fire?
The photo was a fake.

You can see snow fall on it when it was claimed to be shot on March 2.

Go look up any weather apps. There were no snow fall in Kharkiv on March 2, average temperature is 2C - 5C, too warm to snow, and it is also raining (2.7 mm participation) , I don't know how you can have snow on the ground when you have rain, rain would have wash away the snow on the floor..

Just because some one put on a photo saying there are no damage, it does not mean it is true. And as I said, there are numerous photo of it being damage, you can take an undamaged memorial any time you want, but you can only have it being damaged after they are damage.

Ok you can take it up with the Israeli news website that posted this. As far as I know Israelis are generally super pro Ukraine.
Ok you can take it up with the Israeli news website that posted this. As far as I know Israelis are generally super pro Ukraine.
Well, you quoted them. Why would I need to deal with it?

As I said, there were no reported snowfall on March 1 and there were snow on that picture, that's a fake, regardless of who posted it. And whether or not I need to take it up to that post does not take away the fakeless of that photo.

I don't really care if they are pro-Ukrainian or whatever.

By the way, you do know there are way more Jew in Russia than Ukraine, right?
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