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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Did Russia achieve its objectives when they invaded Afghanistan during the 80s?

First if all, it was USSR and not Russia. And, if you understand that then you will get answer as well.
Let the Putin get free from this conflict, I will ask in person or at-least arrange a conference call for you. You are throwing questions like I am paid for your Tuition and education. Do you even consider to understand objectives means? Indeed, USSR didn't achieve anything and in-fact, returned in broken manners.
Kadyrov’s dogs are nothing to worry about. Last time they came in 2015 half of them left in shoppers(plastic bags) and the other half ran away.

Plus the Ukrainians have Sheikh Mansur’s men(real chechens) fighting for them. They are the actual battle hardened veterans from the wars in Chechnya and they want russian blood.

This is them:
Following post shows Chechens fighting for Russia...

So are there Chechens in both militaries I guess?

Could you try to not pollute this thread with your Islamist obsession over a fabricated entity? keep the fairy tales of 'palestine', Narnia, Neverland etc to the appropriate forums. Thanks.
It's Israel that's fabricated.
Are you sure they need them?
Never say never

And didn't the turks try to buy from Ukraine or partner up or something like that on the heli engines and the gov vetoed it.

So I guess the answer would be yes.
Freedom - that is one word in the English language that has been abused beyond redemption. Obama should be more concerned about freedom that is visited upon his fellow Negroes then Ukraine.
The West truly is appalling. They have made noble words like "freedom" and "democracy" disgusting. They've turned them into curse words.
The major reason for inflation is the US Fed policies. This fiasco is just used as a scapegoat for political reasons. ( Not that this war will not uptick inflation but its like adding a liter in a bottle which already holds 10).
Actually it's Biden that caused inflation by printing money through the Fed and spending trillions he doesn't have.
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