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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Apparently Russia Special Force has just captured a huge cache of arms from foreign mercenaries in its latest operation including Javelin portable SAM.

Russia says they will supplied these weapons to the Armies of the breakaway Republics in Eastern Ukraine.
They can also pay Chinese men to fight in Ukraine. China has millions of single men who would love to fight for land and women in Ukraine. Unlike Syrian men who are not adapted for cold climate, Chinese men are well adapted for cold climate and are well suited for combat in Ukraine in winter.
That is true China could provide cannon fodders in ridiculous magnitude.. If Xi says okay I will give you cannon fodders the Russians will be surprised as a train with 2 million will arrive:lol:

The Russians will be like Holyshxt that is more then we asked for... but pleasantly great
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Russia should mobilise it's reserves and put industry in war mode. NATO is pouring more and more weapon systems into Ukraine.

Putin got himself into a sticky situation, he has options but is he willing to exercise them.
Suppose to be a special operation or peacekeeping mission not a full blown war. He could mobilize the reserves, but he have to be nuts to put in hardly remembered or old men troops which he has to spend resources to feed and armed into Ukraine. Which means more casualties. Just as bad as conscripts, maybe even worse since many are fathers compared to younger conscripts.
Russia wants territorial concessions as condition for peace treaty.
Good luck with that. Ukrainians are at a point of wanting them back even if they have to kill every Russian soldier in the country.
Russia should mobilise it's reserves and put industry in war mode. NATO is pouring more and more weapon systems into Ukraine.

Putin got himself into a sticky situation, he has options but is he willing to exercise them.

Russia only has 25% of its BTGs left. The rest are all untrained conscripts that would get slaughtered in Ukraine.
That is true China could provide cannon fodders in ridiculous magnitude.. If Xi says okay I will give you cannon fodders the Russians will be surprised as a train with 2 million will arrive:lol:

The Russians will be like Holyshxt that is more then we asked for... but pleasantly great

Chinese men are some of the most heavily armed in the world. You'd see HJ-12 anti tank missiles, Wing Loong 2 attack drones, QBZ-191 rifles. It would be pillaging of epic proportion. It would make Mongols look like a joke.
The Russians were forced to do this. The blame lies with the US.
Uh no, the Ukrainians were forced to do this when Russia invaded their territories and have done so again prior to the invasion which makes Ukraine want to join NATO in the future because they will never trust any word Russia says as many generations will remember.

Even if Putin is eliminated/replaced with an opposition leader, I am not sure Europe/Nato would still trust Russia. I think this go's beyond Putin, they are wary and scared of the 5000+ nukes, massive amounts of natural resources Russia has and how they can influence the world (abit like China) and Russian history which has been expansive in nature.
Even if Putin did try to kill the leader of Ukraine, he has to deal with a hostile population.
Russia lost that war, no?

I think a lot of civilians have already lost their lives in this war. But do we know that the number of Ukranians killed so far is half of Afghan civilians killed in Afghanistan? Because as per count in Western media, almost half as many Russians have died in Ukraine as those in Afghanistan :undecided:

EDIT: Kill ratio of Russians to (Ukranians + Foreign fighters) is just about 1:1 :rolleyes1:

Not really, they left with a functional Afghan government in control and with dignity. They didn't run with thousands of citizens stuck there and collaborators hanging to the landing gear of transports taking off while being shot at.

If you believe the 1:1 kill ratio idea when Russians are bombing and artillery striking cities, allegedly in war crimes, then I believe the Jawans from Galwan who threw 20 PLA soldiers off a cliff with his bare hands and the Ghost of Kiev are teaming up for Ukraine.
Meh. Lancet is way scarier than Switchblade.

I be scared of a loitering weapon launch from mortar and can hit from 50km to 80km away. That includes hitting SAMs, artillery, rocket launchers, supply vehicles and depots, etc.

Imagine West sending these sophisticated SAMs and they ending up in the wrong hands …. Who will be responsible?

Ukrainians have been dropping their Javelines and running away as if they are too hot to handle.

Wait until these start showing up in the middles East …
Still costing Russians their lives in tanks and other vehicles. Another reason why many abandoned their vehicles besides getting stuck.
But didn't USA try to change the government in Cuba as well? And I'm not a communist. I'm just talking about the double-standards.
Sure you are not. :rolleyes:

Ukraine was off-limits for the West. But you had USA,Britain and a lot of NATO and EU leaders trying to make Ukraine into an American protectorate.

If Mexico had joined the Warsaw Pact,would you have felt ok with that? If Canada had joined the Warsaw Pact let's say,would you have tolerated that?
So now we can put John Mearsheimer's theory of great powers geopolitics to the test where, for the sake of discussion in this little corner of the interweb, we will legitimize his theory as valid justification to respond under the national security umbrella. We have two relatively contemporary real world situations.

Situation 1:
The US is a great power and is the leader of the democracy bloc.​
Cuba is a neighbor and is a member of the communist bloc, not of the Warsaw Pact in particular, but of the communist bloc in general.​
Cuba hosts nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union, the leader of the communist bloc.​
The US responded with a blockade of Cuba.​
The US negotiated with the Soviet Union for a successful settlement.​
The Soviet Union withdraw the nuclear weapons.​
The US ended the blockade.​

Situation 2:
Russia was once a Soviet state, leader of the Soviet Union, and leader of the communist bloc.​
Russia today is a great power and is no member or leader of any bloc.​
Ukraine was once a Soviet state, not an allied country but a member of the Soviet Union who had full jurisdiction over Ukraine.​
Ukraine today is an independent country next to Russia and is no member of any bloc.​
Ukraine expressed an interest in being a member of the democratic bloc and specifically NATO but no actual admittance occurred.​
Russia responded by invading Ukraine.​
We can see the different responses by both great powers regardless of their neighbors. Both great powers felt threatened but at different stages of the national security crisis.

So under Mearsheimer's theory of great powers geopolitics, to what degrees of response is acceptable?
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