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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

:coffee: :coffee:

Wagner recruit

Russian who put girlfriend’s body through meat grinder pardoned for fighting in Ukraine​

A Russian convicted murderer who was sentenced to 11 years in prison after he killed his girlfriend and put her body through a meat grinder has been pardoned after fighting against Ukraine, his mother said.
The vast majority have had enough of the clown of Kievs antics....

How does he imagine to force peace?
Anyone likes peace, but if there is just one who likes war more, wtf is there to do?
What wont work is putting your head in the sand. It is emberassing that the eastern members of EU/NATO are the first to fold after crying the loudest. First poland and if that dude wins slovakia next. Then again maybe it is less about that, but more about nationalism, where everyone is closest to themselves. Whatever the reasons they got if they are not happy with EU OR NATO then they are free to leave!
The Muscovite conflict spreads:

Tensions rise amid claims of Russia, Serbia interference in Kosovo following recent bloodshed​

"Preliminary intelligence analysis suggests that the persons involved in the deadly clash near the village of Banská in northern Kosovo on Sept. 24, were connected to Serbian special forces and Russian military intelligence," Rebekah Koffler, president of Doctrine & Strategy Consulting and a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer, told Fox News Digital. "The attackers appeared professionally trained and some of them spoke Serbian and Russian. While the presence of Wagner mercenaries could not be confirmed, I don’t rule out the possibility of their participation in these recent events."

With fake victimhood for the Third Shromers:

Putin wants to sell fake victimhood to expand the conflict in Europe to the Balkans and in the Caucasus to Azerbaijan to "liberate" them of Azerbaijani oil and gas, as Ukraine is being "liberated" from their natural resources. (1)(2)(3) If the global community does not buy these fake-victim and staged events by the Kremlin, the less likelihood of expanding the war. Putin was behind the covert greenlighting of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin wants you to demand of Russia payback for "Azerbaijan crimes", so Russia can annex Azerbaijan. The same "crimes" the Russians greenlighted.

Serbia did not chill relations with Russia over the Ukraine War. (1) This is kickbacks for the Serbs. The temporary Russian abandonment of Armenia is payback for "betrayal" to Russia for Armenian independence. Putin is a mob boss. The more you deepthroat the boots of Putin, the more Putin would support your wars. No morality code, no ethical code. Mafia style if you don't bow before Putin, you could be invaded, if you kiss the hand of Putin, then Russian protection and support for your wars.

Europe has to adapt to this.

Once you join Team Russia, you cannot have independent thought. You must toe the line of Putin demands or else face the wrath of Putin for "betrayal".
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A russian tank with the turret still attached? Must be a pre war version.
Europeans, go to this thread.

You don't see hamunaptra, f22 raptor, or Get Ye Whig Split defending Europe. mention Tesla and insult it, and the cia and their shills have pages long debates with the Tankie 50 centers to defend tesla and elon muscovy.

The USA empire is being surpassed by china, MAGA was tasked to defeat it and MAGA lost, and US cia is exporting that defeat of MAGA to Europe. China is cheering for this.

As the financial crisis of 2008 was exported to Europe to have years of stagnation be in Europe, not in the US. US surpassed the GDP of the EU from the 2008 financial crisis resulting in stagnation in Europe.

The MAGA loss to China is being exported to Europe in Europe losing to Russia. When Europe loses and takes the defeat, MAGA wins and Europe loses to the cheering of Chinese.

That is the SOP of the cia. "You believe our house will burn. No, your house will burn." And Chinese 50 centers are part of that burning of the European House (EU). Chinese take their marching orders from Trumper Kissinger and Trumper Putin.

"Bully the whitey of Europe" - the new foreign policy of China. Why bully Europeans - "because the whitey of Europe has the white skin, the NATO white skin". And Germans are building and expanding factories in China, as Europe suffers from the monetary policy of the Germans to have slow growth to keep the value of the euro up with higher interest rates. Which is the smart thing to do - protect your currency.

This was the view for over a decade for the stagnant areas of Europe:

Germany wanted to protect her savers and kept interest rates high. And the rest of Europe went along as many of their economies remained very low growth or negative growth.

Germany did well economically and did not invest totally in Europe, rather invested in Asia,

invested in the global economy, for the rest of the globe to buy German cars and goods.

And the German policy of hurt the entire EU for German success with China and Russia is coming home to roost:

Germany had to protect the euro AND invest and promote growth in the EU, to build up the EU to benefit Germany. Instead, Germany went and made the EU vulnerable with investments in Russia and China. And is still doing so with China.

Globalism (send your jobs overseas to China) replaced many German export jobs. Germany chose to be highly dependent on China for export profits, the very thing that destroyed German dominance in export. Germany accepting China-dominated globalism was a Kissinger trap, a change from Germany being the 2nd place globally in exports, to Germany dependent upon China for buying German goods. This is the final phase of German dominance in exports. Germany has to be not reliant on China for export business and invest in Europe for jobs to not fall for the trap.

If you have a family and abandon some of your children with neglect. You have trillions of euros, though instead spend it on Russian and Chinese investments, your children have a claim to rightly grumble that the rest of Europe is being neglected and the success of Europe is being neglected for former business relations with Russia and continuing business relations with China. Globalists are not on the side of Germany. The entire plan was the replacement of Germany. You use the global economy for the benefit of Germany and Europe, with the knowledge that your business partners in other nations are not seeking your best interest, they are seeking monopoly over you. China is. US is. Russia is seeking the fall of Europe. Germans are playing my little pony, while the Chinese and Americans are playing monopoly. As China seeks to use Europe to make money off of Europeans, do the same using of China.

Germany has to turn about the entire ship of the Germany economy. Return foreign jobs to the EU. Have the jobs be in the EU for EU growth. Or else have a slow die off of Europe. With Germany being the last to turn off the lights. While Europe was rich and had lower debt, Europe should have invested in Europe for European growth. The Europeans never thought when first investing in China, that China would support a Russian war on Europe to destroy Europe. If those first European investors would have known this, they would have invested in Europe instead. The Kissinger plan of globalism was about keeping down the success of German and European manufacturing to ship success to China. Trump was the Kissinger tool to stop the rise of China after China got too big. That was the reason for MAGA.

Chinese 50 centers are cheering for a die off of Europe, why is Germany investing in China when Chinese 50 cent paid trolls are telling Europeans that Chinese policy is to cheer for Europe to die.

You believe this "abandon factories in China" is expensive. The entire Northern USA had factories abandoned to be built in China and the South and Western USA. The companies survived because they went to business-friendly areas. Simply be business friendly and attract the business back to Europe. To every EU country.

Survive. Cut off the dead weight of Russia and China that are planning to bury Europe. Self-sufficiency and self-reliance in economic, military, and political affairs.

This is the China you are dealing with - a China that said if Russia nukes Europe, Europeans have themselves to blame:

Keep trade with China. Yet get the jobs back to make Europeans richer to demand German goods. Making the Chinese rich ended with a Chinese stab in the back of Europe. German strategy to make 1.4 billion Chinese rich to buy German goods failed. Cut your losses and invest in Europe before Germany is too weak to support even that.

As U.S. Tries to Isolate China, German Companies Move Closer​

Germany's BASF starts production at southern China mega complex​

The company expects to invest up to 10 billion euros ($9.95 billion) in the site, which will be its third-largest globally when complete in 2030.

Are German carmakers too dependent on China?​

Germany is again making deals with a nation that seeks the total destruction of Europe. They got burned with Russia. Germany needs to outgrow its reliance on China. Outgrow reliance in any way big or small. Make money from the Chinese, though only business. Don't actually grow their economy when you can expand in Europe.

European Greens: "we are against coal plants in Europe that reduce fixed operating costs for European manufacturers. Though we do support sending those European jobs to china, where there is coal plants. Chinese can do it and get the jobs, get the economic growth and more disposable income to make German exporters more dependent on China. Though if Europe has coal, that is the worst thing, Greta would complain and sue us."

Globalists don't care about Europe. Russians don't care about Europe. MAGA is cheering for the defeat of NATO and Ukraine. China does not care about Europe. the mideast does not care about Europe. Greens are being used to weaken Europe with energy and economic matters. And there is a war in the Ukraine too, threatening Europe. Europe has to seek its own survival and prosperity, without Russia, without China.

Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin​

And it worked for conservatives disliking NATO, a majority of conservative Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of NATO:


The more MAGA and Ultra MAGA, the more you dislike NATO.

Trump is the deepstate and the deepstate wants the new base of the cia Republican Party to dislike NATO Europe.

Plan accordingly. Currency protection. No debt. High growth. Self-sufficiency. Self-reliance. Highly protected in economic, monetary, energy, military affairs. Sustainable growth.
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Europeans, go to this thread.

You don't see hamunaptra, f22 raptor, or Get Ye Whig Split defending Europe. mention Tesla and insult it, and the cia and their shills have pages long debates with the Tankie 50 centers to defend tesla and elon muscovy.

The USA empire is being surpassed by china, MAGA was tasked to defeat it and MAGA lost, and US cia is exporting that defeat of MAGA to Europe. China is cheering for this.

As the financial crisis of 2008 was exported to Europe to have years of stagnation be in Europe, not in the US. US surpassed the GDP of the EU from the 2008 financial crisis resulting in stagnation in Europe.

The MAGA loss to China is being exported to Europe in Europe losing to Russia. When Europe loses and takes the defeat, MAGA wins and Europe loses to the cheering of Chinese.

That is the SOP of the cia. "You believe our house will burn. No, your house will burn." And Chinese 50 centers are part of that burning of the European House (EU). Chinese take their marching orders from Trumper Kissinger and Trumper Putin.

"Bully the whitey of Europe" - the new foreign policy of China. Why bully Europeans - "because the whitey of Europe has the white skin, the NATO white skin". And Germans are building and expanding factories in China, as Europe suffers from the monetary policy of the Germans to have slow growth to keep the value of the euro up with higher interest rates. Which is the smart thing to do - protect your currency.

This was the view for over a decade for the stagnant areas of Europe:

Germany wanted to protect her savers and kept interest rates high. And the rest of Europe went along as many of their economies remained very low growth or negative growth.

Germany did well economically and did not invest totally in Europe, rather invested in Asia,

invested in the global economy, for the rest of the globe to buy German cars and goods.

And the German policy of hurt the entire EU for German success with China and Russia is coming home to roost:

Germany had to protect the euro AND invest and promote growth in the EU, to build up the EU to benefit Germany. Instead, Germany went and made the EU vulnerable with investments in Russia and China. And is still doing so with China.

Globalism (send your jobs overseas to China) replaced many German export jobs. Germany chose to be highly dependent on China for export profits, the very thing that destroyed German dominance in export. Germany accepting China-dominated globalism was a Kissinger trap, a change from Germany being the 2nd place globally in exports, to Germany dependent upon China for buying German goods. This is the final phase of German dominance in exports. Germany has to be not reliant on China for export business and invest in Europe for jobs to not fall for the trap.

If you have a family and abandon some of your children with neglect. You have trillions of euros, though instead spend it on Russian and Chinese investments, your children have a claim to rightly grumble that the rest of Europe is being neglected and the success of Europe is being neglected for former business relations with Russia and continuing business relations with China. Globalists are not on the side of Germany. The entire plan was the replacement of Germany. You use the global economy for the benefit of Germany and Europe, with the knowledge that your business partners in other nations are not seeking your best interest, they are seeking monopoly over you. China is. US is. Russia is seeking the fall of Europe. Germans are playing my little pony, while the Chinese and Americans are playing monopoly.

Germany has to turn about the entire ship of the Germany economy. Return foreign jobs to the EU. Have the jobs be in the EU for EU growth. Or else have a slow die off of Europe. With Germany being the last to turn off the lights. While Europe was rich and had lower debt, Europe should have invested in Europe for European growth. The Europeans never thought when first investing in China, that China would support a Russian war on Europe to destroy Europe. If those first European investors would have known this, they would have invested in Europe instead. The Kissinger plan of globalism was about keeping down the success of German and European manufacturing to ship success to China. Trump was the Kissinger tool to stop the rise of China after China got too big. That was the reason for MAGA.

Chinese 50 centers are cheering for a die off of Europe, why is Germany investing in China when Chinese 50 cent paid trolls are telling Europeans that Chinese policy is to cheer for Europe to die.

You believe this "abandon factories in China" is expensive. The entire Northern USA had factories abandoned to be built in China and the South and Western USA. The companies survived because they went to business-friendly areas. Simply be business friendly and attract the business back to Europe. To every EU country.

Survive. Cut off the dead weight of Russia and China that are planning to bury Europe. Self-sufficiency and self-reliance in economic, military, and political affairs.

This is the China you are dealing with - a China that said if Russia nukes Europe, Europeans have themselves to blame:

Keep trade with China. Yet get the jobs back to make Europeans richer to demand German goods. Making the Chinese rich ended with a Chinese stab in the back of Europe. German strategy to make 1.4 billion Chinese rich to buy German goods failed. Cut your losses and invest in Europe before Germany is too weak to support even that.

As U.S. Tries to Isolate China, German Companies Move Closer​

Germany's BASF starts production at southern China mega complex​

The company expects to invest up to 10 billion euros ($9.95 billion) in the site, which will be its third-largest globally when complete in 2030.

Are German carmakers too dependent on China?​

Germany is again making deals with a nation that seeks the total destruction of Europe. They got burned with Russia. Germany needs to outgrow its reliance on China. Outgrow reliance in any small way. Make money from the Chinese, though only business. Don't actually grow their economy when you can expand in Europe.

European Greens: "we are against coal plants in Europe that reduce fixed operating costs for European manufacturers. Though we do support sending those European jobs to china, where there is coal plants. Chinese can do it and get the jobs, get the economic growth and more disposable income to make German exporters more dependent on China. Though if Europe has coal, that is the worst thing, Greta would complain and sue us."

Globalists don't care about Europe. Russians don't care about Europe. MAGA is cheering for the defeat of NATO and Ukraine. China does not care about Europe. the mideast does not care about Europe. Greens are being used to weaken Europe with energy and economic matters. And there is a war in the Ukraine too, threatening Europe. Europe has to seek its own survival and prosperity, without Russia, without China.

Trump Is Training His Base to Hate NATO and Like Putin​

And it worked for conservatives disliking NATO, a majority of conservative Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of NATO:


The more MAGA and Ultra MAGA, the more you dislike NATO.

Trump is the deepstate and the deepstate wants the new base of the cia Republican Party to dislike NATO Europe.

Plan accordingly. No debt. High growth. Self-sufficiency. Self-reliance. Highly protected in economic, energy, military affairs. Sustainable growth.
Im not sure why you responded to me with this. But let me tell you this: Trump is a symptom not the course, and I honestly dont care much about economic indicators provided by authoritarian states.

Leave Every Hope, You Who Enter. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.09.30​

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‘No turning back’: how the Ukraine war has profoundly changed the EU​

>> Thankyou Putin. Thankyou Russia.
>> Europe has finally awoken from its slumber ( allbeit a bit slow, but progress is progress ) ....
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