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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


And even if .

Does that make it ok to destroy grain when there is world shortage ?


Israel the "only" Jewish state refused to send weapons to the "only" country with a Jewish president

Israel never gave Iron Dome to Zelensky even he has openly criticised Israel live on TV

During the Holocaust Jewish soldiers were working with SS Waffen

read the book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg and you will realise Jews are their own biggest enemy

and to answer your question about the tartan of grain, its well known Ukraine was smuggling weapons in those grain silos so they are legitimate targets
The garbage is between your ears, nato NPC.

Maybe UKUSA can give you a brain capable of 4th grade maths in a lend&lease scheme? Oh, wait: There are no brains in Washington and London capable to do so, only capable of "rooskie bad" and woke homopedo propaganda.

Your video is 1min and 26s long. The first mine is exloding at 5:47 out of 10:27. So yes: First your moronic Nato troops drive on mines, then they got finished by this tank + Arti + ATGM.

Crimea a river.
Its obviously edited just to show the action and from another drone. But why waste my time addressing a pro russian troll.
I told you long ago West cannot win this war until Islam takes over 100%, we are there but not there 100%

And this is why, collective West is doomed

Lunatic talk on a Military Forum , seriously? As a muslim, I am well aware of the conquests of the Arabs in Spain and the 600 year rule, the expansion of Ottomans, and all, but wtf does that have to do with war ending till Islam takes over 100%? Had you been around in 1943, is this what you have said then?

Israel the "only" Jewish state refused to send weapons to the "only" country with a Jewish president

Israel never gave Iron Dome to Zelensky even he has openly criticised Israel live on TV

During the Holocaust Jewish soldiers were working with SS Waffen

read the book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg and you will realise Jews are their own biggest enemy

and to answer your question about the tartan of grain, its well known Ukraine was smuggling weapons in those grain silos so they are legitimate targets
Weapons in grain silos? This may work for a few small arm shipments that terrorists may need in a country they want to cause trouble in.

Ukraine has an entire supply line through which it gets HIMARS, Patriots, Storm Shadows, tanks, bradleys, artillery shells. That volume of equipment is not coming hidden in the belly of a few ships and being stored in grain silos. Russians are too stupid to interdict the real supply lines but grain solos they could do, big accomplisment.
Economic report on Russia (translation simple)

Based on analysis there are calls for more economic strangulation of Russia.

Ukraine commits 100 percent of economic output to the war, Russia percentage is about 60 percent. In comparison, the West commits between 1 and 5 percent

Targeting Russia oil sea transport. Russia relies 60 percent of sea transport on Greek tankers. The EU should persuade Greece to stop the transportation while compensate tvr loss. The oil cap should be lowered to 50 USD from 60 USD.

Targeting rich Russians. The west has frozen 100 billion USD. The wealthiest Russians still possess 300 billion USD.

Targeting exports of semiconductors and critical components vis China and Turkey. About 97 percent are of west brands origin, China makes about 2.6 percent.

Russia living standard would crash to a level not seen in history.

The garbage is between your ears, nato NPC.

Maybe UKUSA can give you a brain capable of 4th grade maths in a lend&lease scheme? Oh, wait: There are no brains in Washington and London capable to do so, only capable of "rooskie bad" and woke homopedo propaganda.

Your video is 1min and 26s long. The first mine is exloding at 5:47 out of 10:27. So yes: First your moronic Nato troops drive on mines, then they got finished by this tank + Arti + ATGM.

Crimea a river.
That’s war. Ukraine is on offensive. Loss is expected. Lets not forget this war is initiated by Russia. Nobody puts a gun on Putin’s head. he is the one that chose bloodshed.

Ukraine still has 9 intact brigades with 36,000 men trained in the west, armed with western tanks. The main thrust is still to come.
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Russian government opposes Qur'an burning. EU and US are still struggling to condemn Qur'an burning and are essentially supporting it.

Destroyed Ship | Powerful EW Equipment | New Doctrine | Africa. Military Summary For 2023.08.04

That’s war. Ukraine is on offensive. Loss is expected. Lets not forget this war is initiated by Russia. Nobody puts a gun on Putin’s head. he is the one that chose bloodshed.

Ukraine still has 9 intact brigades with 36,000 men trained in the west, armed with western tanks. The main thrust is still to come.
Enough for 1 maybe 2 months larping an offensive. And beeing trained by the west in land warfare is a death sentence, because the west knows shit about land warfare.

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