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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

To be fair, the term RADAR implies its always have to be active, RADAR is not actually a word, but an acronym for radio detection and ranging.
not exactly , you can do that from reflection of unrelated radio tower on the surface of the airplane , by knowing its position you can detect the range and existence of your target
"She is a dumb propaganda stooge." - That is a perfectly fine description of yourself and our so called free western press(titutes). You are even claiming Russia is shelling it's own troops at the nuclear powerplant, or Donezk with anti personnel mines, or ... there is literally no antirussian propaganda garbage stupid enough for you, to not parrot it here.
Sorry lame excuses
She is a liar. She promotes aggression. As such she is banned, her money confiscated like other racists and facists.
not exactly , you can do that from reflection of unrelated radio tower on the surface of the airplane , by knowing its position you can detect the range and existence of your target
I don't know where to tell you how WRONG this is......
not exactly , you can do that from reflection of unrelated radio tower on the surface of the airplane , by knowing its position you can detect the range and existence of your target
What do you mean "not exactly" ? What he described is exactly what the initials RADAR meant. It is irrelevant if the transmission source is owned or not owned. There MUST active EM waves somehow in order for reflections to work. You are so desperate to salvage your argument that you are now treading into the 'Iranian physics' territory.
because beam riding is something else by definition
in beam riding you must lock your radar in all the length of flight on target and the missile fly inside that narrow beam , Harm simply don't work like that.
No. The HARM can use ANY part of the radar beam, including and especially the SIDELOBES.

The HARM missile has a terminal homing capability that provides a launch and leave capability for the launch aircraft. Additional unique features include the high speed, low smoke, rocket motor and seeker sensitivity that enable the missile to easily attack sidelobes and backlobes of an emitter.

A radar beam have multiple components and not all of the beam is used. Your illustration have sidelobes that most radar systems do not use because the sidelobes are weak and usually contaminated. But an ARM attacker does not care. The sidelobes are good enough as a source.

Fivenines of antennas leaks to the rear and those leakage signals are called 'backlobes'.

Four modified horn antennas with greatly reduced backlobes are described. The principal method of reducing backlobes consists of preventing the energy from illuminating the edges from which it is diffracted into the back regions.​

That mean even if the antenna is pointed away from the SEAD/DEAD fighter, the antenna's backlobes are sufficiently strong enough for the HARM to use. The backlobes create the SEAD/DEAD diversionary tactic where one fighter is out of missile range but within radar range and the other fighter attack the backlobes.

The newer HARM today have their own millimeter wave radar to perform their own beamriding. All HARMs are beamriders no matter their source transmissions.

Please...We are masters at this...:enjoy:
Wow, nice copypasting. She shows the russian view and this alone is a though crime here in the so called free west. I quote myself:


I can only laugh at phrases like: "she does not report neutrally about the war in Ukraine".

WHO reports neutrally about this war? The west, parroting retarded claims about russian soldiers are shelling themselves at the nuclear popwerplant? Or the antipersonnel mines in Donezk? The ghost ov Kiev maybe? Butcha? Etc. etc.
The key thing is that she is not sanctioned because she reports on Ukrainan losses. She is sanctioned because she is an integral part of the illegal invasion.
It seems today was a bad day in occupied Crimea. Gvardiyske airbase seems to have been hit by missile strike. A satellite photo from before the attack shows a lot of Su-30/Su-24 at the base. Tomorrow hopefully some after-incident photos emerge
What do you mean "not exactly" ? What he described is exactly what the initials RADAR meant. It is irrelevant if the transmission source is owned or not owned. There MUST active EM waves somehow in order for reflections to work. You are so desperate to salvage your argument that you are now treading into the 'Iranian physics' territory.
dear gambit my argument is there are some SAM out there that don't need RADAR and i stand by it ,as i said radar is good but you can manage without it and let at the last seconds this do the job

the discussion here is for detecting airplane you need a traditional radar , that both send and receive radio signals . i say no there are some radars that rely on ambient waves like radio waves from radio tower and such. if they now the position of the original tower , then they can do a lot by receiving the reflection of those waves.

can you explain to me which part of those statement are wrong
No. The HARM can use ANY part of the radar beam, including and especially the SIDELOBES.

The HARM missile has a terminal homing capability that provides a launch and leave capability for the launch aircraft. Additional unique features include the high speed, low smoke, rocket motor and seeker sensitivity that enable the missile to easily attack sidelobes and backlobes of an emitter.

A radar beam have multiple components and not all of the beam is used. Your illustration have sidelobes that most radar systems do not use because the sidelobes are weak and usually contaminated. But an ARM attacker does not care. The sidelobes are good enough as a source.

Fivenines of antennas leaks to the rear and those leakage signals are called 'backlobes'.

Four modified horn antennas with greatly reduced backlobes are described. The principal method of reducing backlobes consists of preventing the energy from illuminating the edges from which it is diffracted into the back regions.​

That mean even if the antenna is pointed away from the SEAD/DEAD fighter, the antenna's backlobes are sufficiently strong enough for the HARM to use. The backlobes create the SEAD/DEAD diversionary tactic where one fighter is out of missile range but within radar range and the other fighter attack the backlobes.

The newer HARM today have their own millimeter wave radar to perform their own beamriding. All HARMs are beamriders no matter their source transmissions.

Please...We are masters at this...:enjoy:
its not beam riding AGM-88 is not beam riding , it detect enemy radars or enemy jammers and lock on them . and lock the position of that radar in its computing system so if the radar is turned off it can use its ins to reach it . a guy here claims AGM-88 is beam riding which is wrong , i post that picture to show him what is beam riding and why AGM-88 is not beam riding missile :coffee:. a beam riding missile go away from the source of the beam toward the target , HARM go toward the source of radars its anti radiation.
its how beam riding work

in case of the HARM the missile go the other way
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