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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Look back through last 3 hizbollah engagements in Israel. No change in Israel (or may IRGC press tells you otherwise). Each time, entire sections of Ghaza levelled and stay destroyed. Thats what happens so the world is right estimating Iran when it has no impact.

Iran's strategy in Palestine is to have Ghaza destroyed block by block by virtue of its worthless drones.

As for counter measures: they are called 50 year old Hawks that are on the way as a start.

WTF are you talking about: Yemen is an Iran proxy. ANd Hizbollah and Hamas are both equipped by Iran. What tree do you live in. Do you think Hamas is making these rockets in Ghaza when it can't even get fuel for the city?

Hizbullah took south Lebanon back.

What have you done? What is your solution? Do better than Iran.
Texas Instrument is an Iranian or Chinese company? Pls send picture of its Texas Instrument HQ in Isfahan that make the 'larger' chips
The pic posted is not a prove of anything, it can be got from any other device.

Anyway is a old design and China can manufacture chips like those and better.

AFAIK Chinese doesnt design processor architectures of the chips they manufacture, they just use Western designs, why reinvent the wheel?

It has nothing special that it doesnt have a million more modern alternatives.
Whats with you guys obsession with mr. Khomeini . he had died 36 year ago
Valid point: I should have used the word 'Ayotollah' , 'supreme leader' as they are two different individuals performing the same function. My opinions aside, I should not generalize and not come equipped with the right term.
WTF are you talking about: Yemen is an Iran proxy. ANd Hizbollah and Hamas are both equipped by Iran. What tree do you live in. Do you think Hamas is making these rockets in Ghaza when it can't even get fuel for the city?

Unintended consequence: at some point way Putin may be regarded as a hero for getting the world off fossil fuels. What not all the environmentalists could do, Putin would have accomplished. May be in a 100 years the 'Save the planet peace prize', assuming he doesn't use a nuke first
I didn't say the opposite. I just said that Iran main target when they "help" hezbollah is the deterrence to avoid a Israel first strike against them (against Iran, not against Lebanon). And they are succesful in that, they got it.

Ten years from this clown making the ridiculous in UN, threating with a first strike against Iran:


About Yemen, just a battlefield to test weapons, for Iran and for SA.

Also the target is have the capacity to block hormuz if someday USA attacks them, and they got it too.

USA barked against Iran one decade ago, but unlike Iraq or Libya, they did nothing but the Iran Deal.

It's a great Iran success.
The pic posted is not a prove of anything, it can be got from any other device.

Anyway is a old design and China can manufacture chips like those and better.

AFAIK Chinese doesnt design processor architectures of the chips they manufacture, they just use Western designs, why reinvent the wheel?

It has nothing special that it doesnt have a million more modern alternatives.

If you consider the fact Apache helicopter went into serial production in 1982. This 1983 chip is very good for military applications.
American patent is a design and patent and no proof it was ever built.

That as well as Japanese balloon bombs are not reusable and don’t have real time control.
More like cruise missiles with no control.

Austrian version in 1900s had very limited radio guidance and not reusable to our knowledge. Not sure of ever built and is only a design. However no use in any war.

UCAV is controllable and reusable.

First ever documented controllable reusable drone (UCAV) is this:

View attachment 889819

American UCAV comes in 1990s.
An UCAV is a combat drone.
Show proof that the Iranian ”UCAV” actually hit anything.

”The modern military drone as known today was the brainchild of John Stuart Foster Jr., a nuclear physicist and former head of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (then called the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory).[8] In 1971, Foster was a model airplane hobbyist and had the idea this hobby could be applied to building weapons.[8] He drew up plans and by 1973 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) built two prototypes called "Prairie" and "Calera". They were powered by a modified lawn-mower engine and could stay aloft for two hours while carrying a 28-pound (13 kg) load.”

Don’t bother answer, as You are on ignore from now on.
I didn't say the opposite. I just said that Iran main target when they "help" hezbollah is the deterrence to avoid a Israel first strike against them (against Iran, not against Lebanon). And they are succesful in that, they got it.

Ten years from this clown making the ridiculous in UN, threating with a first strike against Iran:

Israel has threatened to respond to a first strike with nuclear weapons.
I certainly cannot recall that Israel has threatened a first strike with nuclear weapons.
I can recall many people which claims on PDF that Israel has threatened a first strike with nuclear weapons without being able to prove their claim.
Are you one of them?
The pic posted is not a prove of anything, it can be got from any other device.

Anyway is a old design and China can manufacture chips like those and better.

AFAIK Chinese doesnt design processor architectures of the chips they manufacture, they just use Western designs, why reinvent the wheel?

It has nothing special that it doesnt have a million more modern alternatives.
There are plenty of articles floating around.

Iran has not denied this.

In order to debunk this claim, you need to show how a drone is disassembled and electronics inspected.
There are plenty of articles floating around.

Iran has not denied this.

In order to debunk this claim, you need to show how a drone is disassembled and electronics inspected.

Not necessarily American made. Most likely Chinese made. These are sold on Ali Express and it is known SMIC is a major manufacturer of Texas Instrument chips.
An UCAV is a combat drone.
Show proof that the Iranian ”UCAV” actually hit anything.

”The modern military drone as known today was the brainchild of John Stuart Foster Jr., a nuclear physicist and former head of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (then called the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory).[8] In 1971, Foster was a model airplane hobbyist and had the idea this hobby could be applied to building weapons.[8] He drew up plans and by 1973 DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) built two prototypes called "Prairie" and "Calera". They were powered by a modified lawn-mower engine and could stay aloft for two hours while carrying a 28-pound (13 kg) load.”

Don’t bother answer, as You are on ignore from now on.

If you disliked Shahed 135, you are going to hate Arash and Fateh series :)

As I always say, more damage is done by Shahed drone outside of Ukraine. So many butts on fire.
seems the CIA is very active in Ukraine.

Russia will see USSR Afghanistan war redux.

An American volunteer teaching Ukrainian soldiers how to use a Javelin at a base outside Zaporizhzhia in South Eastern Ukraine.

An American volunteer teaching Ukrainian soldiers how to use a Javelin at a base outside Zaporizhzhia in South Eastern Ukraine.Credit...Lynsey Addario for The New York Times
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