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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You are getting a good taste of your own medicine. Russia is teaching you guys a lesson in humility.
I think more of a lesson on how to perpetrate fraud on the country and take it back 30 years in 3.

Russia has had to change every public position on this war and latest being the mobilization. Its young men would rather be refugees than go kill (or die) for lies.

You and others have made a connection to Afghanistan and NATO. So let me make one, regardless of outcome (exit/defeat) nobody from NATO countries or US escaped their homeland.
This is probably the only post you have that I agree with you on. But Russia will be economically and industrially reduced to the status of Mongolia by isolation from all technology that it does not make. There is no coming back for the west from that either.

Eventually NATO will settle to where the lines are once the next status quo is reached in a few months. There will be token territory in Dobas and Crimiea that will stay with Russia.

The posts of Putin's fans (and desperation) amuse me. You think Vatican listens to NATO?

Do you even know that several thousands Russians surrendered another town (fortunately they left with their lives).

And Putin fans will say 'well it was only a town of 30,000 people so its not a big deal'. Well if thats the case, then why the hell were the Russians deployed there.
There are a very subtle changes when the Russian MOD released info that they have abandoned Lyman, this is the first time they hinted at Ukrainian being in Superior Position, while the MOD guy did not say outright they were forced to withdraw, they did say Ukrainian broke thru and they have to leave (That's the same of withdraw by the way) Lyman to a more advantageous position.

This is not the same crap they said when they use the excuse that they are reorganises and token of good will to leave Kyiv, Kharkiv and Snake island or "Tactical Relocation" when the Ukrainian took swarth of land in Kharkiv just last month.
based on what? your random azz opinion? lmao.

if Russia's armed forces are so degraded then why does it have 800 aircraft parked close to Ukraine's territory at this moment? That doesnt sounded degraded to me, and that is just one aspect of Russia's military, but this also doesnt mean i am denying Russia has lost military equipment, but Russia being a top weapons producer also means that Russia can replenish stocks faster and more affordably (local production reduces costs vs importing @ with foreign currencies).
So is it waiting for the next Olympics to bring them out? Why not bring the Air Force and fly 24x7 to wipe out the HIMARS or the supply routes.

We heard of all this: Russians saying they will interdict supply routes. Then they supposedly destroyed all the HIMARS units (in fact double the number of units that were supplied).

Its not just a matter of hard assets: its a matter of doctrine and ability to fight. With 100 hours of flight time to each Russian pilot, they don't have the proficiency to go do this. There is no major Red Flag like exercise where they learn how to fly coordinated across as a single formation.

Arabs had numerical superiority (and for that matter the Indians) in the air but it was the doctrine and how they fought (poorly) did them in.
Good point, and US empire got created as a global dominator that its now in 1-1 against China. No doubt.

USA is far weaker than the European empires. It's not even close in terms of population and area. European empires were absolutely monsters.

Donetsk is as important to Russians as Rostov-on-Don. These are twin cities. Communism placed them in different countries in 1920 but really they are twin cities.
US gains the most from this conflict and blowing up Nord Stream....

Russians are being mocked and laughed at - but they will extract their pound of flesh from US and Europe for sure. Russians will make sure that war gets dragged on (Ukraine gets paralysed for ever) and if possible, expand to other European states. Russians have a history of fierce counter attack...War ain't ending soon. Celebrations here are childish.

By the way, Russians should be grateful to Muslim Chechens...Only they seem to be doing heavy fighting with ferocity - no drinking, no fear - just straight marching into battlefield.

Europe has become a battlefield now - Noticeable moment in history !!!

Meanwhile, Look at this...

How far back are you in this Russia's super human history of striking fiercely? Afghanistan defeat occurred in 1988. When is it coming back 'fiercely'? In the mean time Afghans have been a deadzone for another enemy?

Stop chest thumping from WWII when its main enemy, Germany, was fighting another front. Russians would have been hopeless had Germans not been fighting the Brits and Americans at the same time.

Nobody is celebrating the war. We hope it stops. By same token, I see very few here who say NATO or US is outstanding morally or otherwise. But some like you think Russians are a superhuman race and make outlandishly funny statements like this. Another one hoping for fertility ratio to save Russia. Another says that this war will go for 100s of years when its importing artillery shells from N. Korea.
USA is far weaker than the European empires. It's not even close in terms of population and area. European empires were absolutely monsters.

Donetsk is as important to Russians as Rostov-on-Don. These are twin cities. Communism placed them in different countries in 1920 but really they are twin cities.

Only few realise in what situation this world has come into.

Russians are facing the whole might of West. They will do mistakes or face the brunt but that doesn't mean they will kneel down while in war.
What 'whole might' of the west. How many NATO ships, aircraft, and armor have been used directly? Almost none. In reality it would only take the Nordic countries plus UK to defeat Russia. For about $40BN investment in arms, thats mostly man portable missiles, and artillery/ HIMARS they check mated Russia's progress.

It is definitely testing the civilian population in terms of higher inflation, but militarily don't be deluded that the entire might of US or UK or France or rest of NATO were put to test here.
What 'whole might' of the west. How many NATO ships, aircraft, and armor have been used directly? Almost none. In reality it would only take the Nordic countries plus UK to defeat Russia. For about $40BN investment in arms, thats mostly man portable missiles, and artillery/ HIMARS they check mated Russia's progress.

It is definitely testing the civilian population in terms of higher inflation, but militarily don't be deluded that the entire might of US or UK or France or rest of NATO were put to test here.

HIMARS rounds costs a lot. 200 grand a piece. If the US is going to send thousands of them a year to Ukraine for war, it's going to cost far more than Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. Hell, even more than Vietnam war adjusted for inflation.
That's good enough, but I haven't witnessed massive bombardment by the Russians it's only artillery or some MRLS no carpet bombing no mother of all bombs , they need to use heavy fire power eradicate the mercernaries over a larger area tanks and artillery not enough , where is carpet bombing ?

About 11 million Ukrainians have already fled Ukraine to europian countries , it's mostly the mercenaries are fighting with nato weapons and satellite guidance and armaments
Fiction: 5 million fled, all women, children and older males. Males did not flea.

And 7 million are internally displaced within the country.

It may burn you to think that while Russia has to get criminals and mercanaries, Ukranian males for the greater part sent their families and stayed. Thats the sort of fervor only Taliban have demonstrated to the cause: This is how they are getting results. The same HIMARs in the hands of Afghan National Army would have done squat

HIMARS rounds costs a lot. 200 grand a piece. If the US is going to send thousands of them a year to Ukraine for war, it's going to cost far more than Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. Hell, even more than Vietnam war adjusted for inflation.
Newsflash: US is out of Afghanistan and Iraq. It can pay for these HIMARS for a long long time. You can hope that it won't but thats like 'hoping Russia has some military genius up its sleeve'. The world does not move on hope as Putin is finding out
Newsflash: US is out of Afghanistan and Iraq. It can pay for these HIMARS for a long long time. You can hope that it won't but thats like 'hoping Russia has some military genius up its sleeve'. The world does not move on hope as Putin is finding out

For a long long time until the US is non white majority and weak like Mexico and Brazil.
USA is far weaker than the European empires. It's not even close in terms of population and area. European empires were absolutely monsters.

Donetsk is as important to Russians as Rostov-on-Don. These are twin cities. Communism placed them in different countries in 1920 but really they are twin cities.
US has over 50 bases around the world. It has power projection globally and can sail off China unchallenged. China has Djibouti.

The way power is projected in 20th and 21st century is not the same was as Europeans projected 200 years ago. China quick learner and projecting it economically to influence parts of the world.

You are comparing a 20th/21st century-era empire to one from 200 years ago makes no sense

East only hope a swift end to this war with Russia being able to export food and gas/oil.

We don't care who the winner is..

But reality is more ukraine wins on battlefield the more likely the war is going to be prolonged..Russia simply can't give back the annex territories.. ultimately Russians will escalate and it won't look good

For a long long time until the US is non white majority and weak like Mexico and Brazil.
Brazil is a strong economic power. Your racist rant that only whites in US are powerful is pathetic. Unless you don't use a laptop or google, you should know just for those two companies their CEOs are non-white. Big news to you I bet!
Brazil is a strong economic power. Your racist rant that only whites in US are powerful is pathetic. Unless you don't use a laptop or google, you should know just for those two companies their CEOs are non-white. Big news to you I bet!

Brazil minds its own business and barely has a military. Yeah. I know. I know. They bought a few Gripens recently.

You make the claim that Europe has failed to meet their obligations and has not been able to show exactly what point of the JPCOA was not met by not selling Airbus.
Sending back all obligations and saying that Europe violated all of them is not anything verifyable, and therefore just hot air.
One more reply like that, and I put You on ignore.
you can do that who care, if its a big deal . i listed all the obligation i believe eu failed , if you can prove me wrong , then do so.and as i said we have a detailed hundred plus page thread in iran section about it , you can go there for studying more
The Russian mobilization force will reach the frontlines by mid-October and early november there will come in new waves creating another meat-grinder on the collision line.

I forsee or predict Russia taking off the gloves and things getting spicy from here on out but the Ukrainians will not fold but Russia will have to take it from them literally they give no charities ukrainians.

The Russians are also good at winning back wars when they are pushed to a corner just like the WW2 Russia came back from the brink of defeat but in this case Ukraine may win this conflict if Russia was to fail to take off it's gloves.

But the Ukrianians have proven to be solid so far and performed better then most assumed all tho they got territories annexed from them but still fighting for these territories to get them back
Got news for you, the Ukrainians were also fighting in WW2. Bear the brunt of the war.

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