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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

My last comment was referring to the situation back in Jan-June. I agree with you that now situation is a lot more dynamic and more will have to be done. As both sides try to get an edge, I hope there is something being done to analyze how to electronically neutralize the Iranian drones . Now that they are in operation, it will be easier to detect their signals for analysis to see how to non-kinetically neutralize them.
As my previous post said, there are just not enough support provided to Ukraine by the West at the beginning, 40 billion may seems a lot but a lot of those money goes to flying the Ukrainian to US or NATO Territories and then training and hosting those troop.

Actual article transfer is minimal.

Again, I was talking with a friend of mine who is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army. Both him and I agree that there are going to be increasing shift to the materiel support to Ukraine after winter, now that Russia dropped the disguise of this "Special Military Operation" and turn them into a full-blown war. I mean, no point holding back and hoping they won't do it when they are already doing it. Of the equipment in US stock, we expect transfer of

Tanks (Either older M1 Stock or Upgraded M60 Patton)
Drones (MQ-1 or MQ-9)
Anti-Aircraft system. (Either more NASAM or Patriot system)
M109A6 SPG
M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun System.
Likely ground attack aircraft (Like Tucano or even A-10 Thunderbolt)

It changed in crimera it will change it now too.
Once annexed and captured Russian will do everything including nukes to keep the areas.
Super power don't give up their home land

The war will effectively be over if Russia captures and annex the areas..it already has 80% of region..

Hence why Ukraine will throw everything at this time before the referendum

Regardless situation will get clear in 4-6 weeks
It won't change, in fact, the only thing that will change is the Ukrainian will change the altitude toward Crimea and making it legitimate target.

All the source I have in Ukraine said they will now up the tempo and will take Crimea back, now whether or not they can do it depends on a lot of factors, but that point to you the decision and dynamic shift from being a safe haven for Russia to a legitimate target.

I mean, I have listed my reason for my opinion, if you want to ignore all that, that's fine, but if you are so blindly think that "Thing will change because it will" well, I can tell you most of the time it just won't.

Again, I guess we will find out who's right in 4 days, when Russia assessed to announce the annexation of those land.
Over time Russia's man power advantage over Ukraine increases. 10 years from now Russia population 150 million compared to Ukraine's 20 million. It becomes more and more difficult for Ukraine to fight. In the end America will back Russia over Ukraine for the sake of profits. America betrayed South Vietnam and Ghani Afghanistan. You cannot depend on America.

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Explosion heard in Berdiansk

Too far for HIMARS, so either this is one of those Russian simultaneous explosions, or it's work for Ukrainian partisan.
Explosion heard in Berdiansk

Too far for HIMARS, so either this is one of those Russian simultaneous explosions, or it's work for Ukrainian partisan.

Berdy is one of Russia's most important port cities. No doubt it is heavily guarded.


With 35 million people against 150 million people. Fat chance. Sun Tzu once said war depends on 3 factors: 人力, 物力, 财力. Man power, material power, financial power.

new Russian deputy defense minister Mikhail Mizintsev AKA The Butcher.


This man has the face of a typical Ku Klux Klan member who'd gladly wear the signature white hood. Well, I approve, now go and wreck the place.
I do not see any violation of Article I that Iran can use to leave the treaty.
France transferred bomb making technology to Israel and South Africa and that Israel part very well can be used in that regard. now if you want to claim Israel don't have Nukes that is another discussion . also Germany by providing dolphin submarine , provided them with second nuclear strike capabilities .
Lol plenty of wars and killing between them much more recently, don’t have to go back to the Othman Empire
in all of them traces of European and American handiwork
There are no peaceful applications of nuclear explosions.
You arguments seems to lack substance.
a nuclear reactor is nothing but controlled nuclear explosion
but let amuse you
1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the
Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in. the
fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scienti fic and technological information
for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Parties to the Treaty in a position to do so shall also co -
operate in contributing alone or together with other States or international organizations to the
further development of t he applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in
the territories of non -nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration for the
needs of the developing areas of the world.

You do not replace 5-600 bombers with a handful.
The B-52 is not a WW2 bomber and can launch cruise missiles.
It will remain in service long after the B-1B and B-2 are gone.

Both the Soviet Union and the US significantly reduced their nuclear forces.
China, not so much.
old tech belong to ww2 and they increased the number of warheads and their lethality
I bet, they do not encircle them completely intentionally.
Don't know why I missed this quote......But anyway.

Yes, this is the old "Switch and Bait" The reason they didn't take Lyman immediately (maybe a week after the Kharkiv push) is most likely an Ukrainian plan try to trap more Russian soldier in the eventual encirclement of Lyman. They bait the Russian to reinforce the city and try to trap as many as it can.

I think they probably trapped an entire Battalion, now with Nove felt, there are only one way to withdraw, and that way was covered by Ukrainian artillery.....

And that' what I am going to say at this point because I promised some of my source in Ukraine that I don't talk about their operation publicly due to OPSEC. You never know who is watching....
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