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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Forpost drone armed with 4 missiles

I have no idea what Russia is planning here.

Are they planning to take all Ukraine? Don't think so I don't see the effort or declaration of full war

Are they planning to take donbass..don't see that there isn't a focus push on that.

IMO, they should have just planned for donbass

Russians did not have any clear plan.

Russia just thought the it will be a cake walk.

Russia did not under estimate Ukraine but Russia under estimated the power of the US & NATO.

Russians assumed that EU and NATO powers like Germany and Turkiye to remain neutral but they did not.

No Country/leader who challenged the US dollar survived.

Be it Saddam/Iraq, Be it Gaddafi/Libya or Be it Putin/Russia.

Russia will lose this war and get balkanized.

China will just reamin silent as it will get Eastern Russia once Russia gets balkanized.

Putin will be killed or commit suicide like Hilter.
Russians did not have any clear plan.

Russia just thought the it will be a cake walk.

Russia did not under estimate Ukraine but Russia under estimated the power of the US & NATO.

Russians assumed that EU and NATO powers like Germany and Turkiye to remain neutral but they did not.

No Country/leader who challenged the US dollar survived.

Be it Saddam/Iraq, Be it Gaddafi/Libya or Be it Putin/Russia.

Russia will lose this war and get balkanized.

China will just reamin silent as it will get Eastern Russia once Russia gets balkanized.

Putin will be killed or commit suicide like Hilter.

There's no way a country of 30 million people can invade a country of 150 million people, not even with HIMARS rockets artillery.
I am also pro-war.:cheers:

This is the reason I support the US.

They start a war every year without exception.

Only while white people are majority. Once the US is white minority it turns like Mexico or Brazil. Cannot fight.

Try telling that to the Israelis.

Israel was never able to invade Egypt or Syria even after stopping their invasion force.

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Only while white people are majority. Once the US is white minority it turns like Mexico or Brazil. Cannot fight.

White people are verry efficient.

British ruled the Indian subcontinent with only 3000 white soldiers.

Most of the British police and army was made up by the people in the subcontinent.

Most of the US military is also made up of latinos and blacks.

Latinos get Greencard if they serve in the US Army.
Russians assumed that EU and NATO powers like Germany and Turkiye to remain neutral but they did not.
Türkiye and Germany and even France, they used all kinds of diplomacy to prevent war. But Putin was not convinced. This is not about the dollar. You cannot occupy people who do not want to live with you and do not dream of a common future with you. This is basically about that!

Of course, if you make such mistakes, your enemies will also take advantage of it. Also, if we talk specifically about Türkiye, Russia has put obstacles to us at every opportunity. Maybe we wanted Russians to stumble, who knows.
Looks like one side (Russia) is fighting the war on military principles and logic.

while the other side (nato) is fighting an all out propaganda war with 0 regard for military logic, or the lives of ukie soldiers.

It should be noted that literally until the last day of surrender, German army was conducting offensives (even succesful ones) right until the end.

An offensive against an enemy that has the overwhelming advantage in firepower is beyond stupid. You are sacrificing your absolute best men, to capture a couple of villages, to justify ukies recieving more nato aid at a time where nato is struggling to keep the lights/heat on for their own citizens...

This fits perfectly into the Russian elastic defense plans. Instead of facing these highly trained ukie troops in a defensive posture where Russia has to grind them out. They can slaughter them en-mass in open fields with Artillery death zones. The ukies are absolutely killing their military right now to capture a few villages for the cameras..

The impact of this stupid move will surely be felt as soon as their propaganda "offensive" fizzles out from too many ukies turning into natural fertilizer on the field.

There are 2-3 points. The first one is the propaganda war, you have mentioned. The other one is the psychosis the american general staff has. They lost the 20 year (!) war in Afghanistan, they have more or less lost the war against the 3. class army of Iraq.

So on the one hand they have a hubris of epic proportions beeing the gratest military on the planet, on the other hand they haven't won a single war since Korea. What a cognitive dissonance. So now they have to show of, no matter what. Look only at our "military man" and all the other nato NPCs here, how they constantly have to larp the military experts.

The 3. point is, they hate the Russians on a such level, this is a mental illness on it's own. They literally would fight to the last Ukrainian, like Lindsey Graham said.
Electricity is completely gone in the east of the Dnieper and in the south of Ukraine, all critical targets are hit by cruise missiles, there are explosions in Kharkov, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa.

Russians back
Seems like he was correct. It hope so. Russia has to stop playing nice. It is important, to neutralise the nato "military men" in Kiev with precision strikes. They are controlling the ukrainian armed forces.

Türkiye and Germany and even France, they used all kinds of diplomacy to prevent war. But Putin was not convinced. This is not about the dollar. You cannot occupy people who do not want to live with you and do not dream of a common future with you. This is basically about that!

Of course, if you make such mistakes, your enemies will also take advantage of it. Also, if we talk specifically about Türkiye, Russia has put obstacles to us at every opportunity. Maybe we wanted Russians to stumble, who knows.

I support our Turkish and Ukranian brothers.

Let Putin and Russia die.

Balkanization of Russia is good for Pakistan, Turkiye and China.
Seems like he was correct. It hope so. Russia has to stop playing nice. It is important, to neutralise the nato "military men" in Kiev with precision strikes. They are controlling the ukrainian armed forces.

It will just lead to more anti air systems donated to Ukraine. Russia cant prevent the Ukrainian advancing by targeting civilian infrastructure with some cruise missiles. Its just an act of desperation.
Balkanization of Russia is good for Pakistan, Turkiye and China.
No no no, The balkanization not fine for ANYBODY! Huuuge numbers of immigrants fill your country. This is HUGE disaster. In addition, the Balkanization process creates very productive resources for organizations such as ISIS. It is extremely dangerous.
It will just lead to more anti air systems donated to Ukraine. Russia cant prevent the Ukrainian advancing by targeting civilian infrastructure with some cruise missiles. Its just an act of desperation.
For the beginning the west need to have these systems, beeing able to intercept slow Russian cruise missiles. Not even talking about things like P-800 or Iskander/Kinzhal ...
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