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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The German army was in Afghanistan.

Simply because Afghanistan was at the center of three passions of the Anglo Master: China, Russia and Persia.

Deino, explain to me why the Russian army cannot return to Berlin.


"On 4 September 2009, two US fighter jets, acting on the orders of German Army Colonel Georg Klein, bombed a large group of people and two tanker trucks on a sandbar in the Kunduz River in Afghanistan. More than 100 people – mainly civilians – were killed or injured"

Recall the conversation that ended the Cold War: If we stay in a Germany within NATO then NATO will not advance "one inch to the East."

The document is accessible at Georgetown University's National Security Archive.

But, of course, the French can bomb Libya, the Germans can play colonizers in Afghanistan, NATO can bomb Serbia, the USA can unleash Chaos and Terror in Iraq, as Iraq threatened with its army I don't remember if Miami or California ... And the Russians are obviously not part of the Club, the select Club of those who do whatever they want either for their interests or for their passions or for their delusions.


The great passion of the Russian ruling class has always been to be accepted in the Club ...

... so following the example and teachings of London, Washington, Paris and Berlin it is behaving like a Westerner.

When the Russians presented their proposal for a treaty on peace and security in Europe (2021) ...

... Professor Jeffrey Sachs called the White House, saying, -negotiate

And nothing, our cynical and fanatical Chiefs wanted this tragedy because they hoped to bring down Russia.
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Really ... still posting Tweets and news from the biggest liar around, namely Tucker Carlson? ... and even more that first image is wrong, it's from 2009:

You heard absolutely wrong. Stop listening to your beer drinking friends that have never been there nor no history. Just one instance of a massacre in a refugee camp (Sabra and Shatilla) in 1982 outside of Beirut by a militia (under the watch of Israelis, but not conducted by Israelis) massacred 5000.

This was extreme even by Israeli standards and Defense minister had to resign
Ukraine dead, arab dead: all are equally bad. Stop making one out to be more victim than the other.

1 year ukraine saw more civilian deaths then last 40 years palestine conflict.

To put things in perspective.

Compare the palestinians to the prussian germans instead. You know…how the arabs kept starting and losing their wars of agression…which has consequences.

And stop using that propaganda picture:

Keep your BS to yourself.

I support a two state solution, and EU being the largest aid donator of palestine.

You defend russia committing a FAR worse campaign of ethnic cleansing and annexation then Israel ever did.
based on perceived hypocrisy from a third party on a conflict that is a fraction of ukraines severity and black/white situation.

Just utter trash morality.

hmm did the ukranians also try to eradicate russia and drive them into the sea like arabs rejecting UN plan?

Do ukranians also attack russian civilians hundred of times a year and did ukranians vote a terrorist organization into power?

how much of the arab world is palestine (which was no nation at 1946)?
0,1%?? Ukraine lost 20%.

Its not so easy directly comparing different things huh?
Your tears for palestine are much more similar to german neo nazis crying over lost Prussian lands.
ave n
Orban is not right if he has hopes in Trump.

Don t delude yourselves, US has state policy, there is not opposition really in international issues. All parties fight to death for hegemony.
With a large scale attack on Kyiv last night , only debris from shot down missile started a few fires and killed 2 civilians.

At this rate, Russians will be throwing rocks if their idea is to kill enough civilians in the capital to morally degrade.

More people die in Los Angeles from gangster violence every night than what Russian might can inflict.
interesting. Who would have thought that the decedents of concentration camp victims would be protecting their perpetrators 80 years later.… lol

To answer your question

The Arrow-3 is developed and made jointly by Israel and the US. Thats why the US had to approve of the sale. …. Hahaha

Bottom line bro … Israel is like mini China a vandal ripping stealing copying US stuff.

Basically a patriot revamped in Israeli colours
Reminds me of the Lavi fighter design in the 80s. Build something thats no better than the f-16, have US taxpayer pay for it, so Israel can buy fewer F-16s. Somehow Israeli logic works with Congress. But eventually Congress this was unreasonable , even for Israel, and stopped the project.

Over 100,000 Russians troops are massed near Lymansky and Kupyansk

They have over 900 tanks , 1,500 howitzers and tons of supplies

Western Intelligence says by September a massive Russian counter attack is planned

And we all know what happens when the Russians do a counter attack
We know, they come all the way to the capital, go back, bring the chef and ex convicts and then kill the chef. Round 2 it is then.

Over 100,000 Russians troops are massed near Lymansky and Kupyansk

They have over 900 tanks , 1,500 howitzers and tons of supplies

Western Intelligence says by September a massive Russian counter attack is planned

And we all know what happens when the Russians do a counter attack
We know, they come all the way to the capital, go back, bring the chef and ex convicts and then kill the chef. Round 2 it is then.


Logic makes no sense: why shoot down by SAM with all the complications when an air to air shoot down or a bomb is easier.

My theory: if Chef had half a brain he would have dirt on Putin as insurance. No way would you run a mercnary program without having an exit/insurance.

But Putin knew he had to make an example out of Chef or he seems spineless.

Compromise among them: fake shooting of a plane. Chef is living somewhere (under the protection of his insurance) and Putin gets his fake revenge.

That is the only reason for this mystery drama (condolences, family wishes, etc etc)
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Ok so what do you propose as alternative?

Keep fighting ?

Ok more dead Ukrainians and they don’t deserve to die they deserve to live

Why do you want those poor people to die ? You hate Ukraine so much you are happy to see them cut down like dogs by the Russians

Yet like cowards Western nations hide behind their Ukrainian “friends”

If you really want to support do and fight against Russia

Calling for the death of Ukrainians and their kids is funny for some but not for others

No consideration of the dead Ukrainians only about money

Ukrainians are not brainless morons , like many of this forum. They have chosen to fight much like the Finns chose to fight in 1942 against russia, Mujahadeens against USSR, Taliban against US.

This is their decision. They are not an enlsaved population. I am South Asian and I can't believe that muslims were sent to fight on behalf of Brits against the Ottomans in Iraq. Its shameful.

So they fight, and they get supported in that fight.
Training a military on new weapons and doctrine while its at war and English is not the first language presents its own challenges. I speak multiple languages but I don't think I can translate for my country if ever the need came because of the very specific vocabulary and concept required in a military nomenclature. Business or coloqual is different than military context.

Its impressive: they have had to find competent translators across the non-major languages (such as Danish) to pull this off.


Financial TimesFinancial Times
Financial Times US29 Aug 2023


Kyiv troops training abroad face language hitch​

Transfer of skills slowed by lack of interpreters familiar with specialist terms​

Motivated: Ukrainian troops next to a Leopard battle tank in Klietz. By the end of the year, 10,000 Ukrainians will have received training in Germany

LAURA PITEL — KLIETZ Additional reporting by Richard Milne in Oslo and Felicia Schwartz in Washington

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Teaching inexperienced soldiers how to operate a tank on the front line in just six weeks was never going to be easy.
But when German, Dutch and Danish officers gathered in a lush green patch of the north German countryside to train Ukrainians, they were not expecting a shortage of competent interpreters to be the biggest issue.
“Interpreters are challenge number one,” said Martin Bonn, a Dutch brigadier general who is deputy head of the multinational EU training mission launched in November to educate Ukrainians on a range of weapons and tactics. Kyiv and western capitals are providing translators, who often struggle with the necessary vocabulary.
By the end of the year, 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers will have received training in Germany, part of a broader western drive to equip the Ukrainian armed forces with tanks, artillery and air defence systems that has seen 63,000 recruits dispatched by Kyiv to attend training camps in Europe and the US.
“The big challenge is the translation of words used in a military or technical context . . . Words no one uses in everyday life,” Bonn said after Ukrainian soldiers took part in a tank firing exercise at a military base near Klietz in northeastern Germany.
European trainers were full of praise for the “tremendous motivation” of the recruits, despite the stress of the brutal war they are fighting and the daily dangers to friends and family back home.
But they also said that the age and ability of the soldiers they are sent varied wildly, as Ukrainian commanders on the front line were often unwilling to spare their best. One volunteer who turned up in Germany was 71 years old.
Ukrainian soldiers expressed satisfaction with what they learned in Klietz about the Leopard 1 A5 tank, an older and less sophisticated version of the Leopard 2 that garnered international attention this year as Germany resisted pressure to supply it to Kyiv. But they stressed that newer weapons were always preferable to older ones.
Ukrainian soldiers and their trainers are acutely aware that Kyiv has failed to make the progress it had hoped for in the counteroffensive against Vladimir Putin’s forces, which began in June.
The tough terrain, Russia’s sophisticated electronic warfare and its use of drones are three problems confronting Ukrainian troops, said Bonn. “This is very difficult,” the Dutch brigadier general said. “We are looking at ways to prepare the Ukrainians to operate in such an environment.”
Officials from other western nations have voiced frustration at differences of opinion over strategy and tactics for countering Russia. That view was echoed by one of the German trainers in Klietz. He had experienced friction with older Ukrainian commanders who were trained in Soviet times and sometimes “think they know better”.
But western militaries — whose most recent combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan differs hugely from the traditional war being fought in Ukraine — also say they are learning from the Ukrainian armed forces.
Germany is not the only country to have struggled with translation issues during training programmes. A similar problem has reared its head in Denmark, where Ukrainian pilots and support staff are being trained to fly F-16 fighters at Skrydstrup air base.
Danish military officials said the training — which became more urgent after Copenhagen this month made a joint pledge with the Netherlands to donate their fighter jets to Ukraine — was being held up by security clearance for the pilots. Language skills and health checks were further reasons for the delay, officials said.
Nick Reynolds, a research fellow for land warfare at Rusi, the UK think-tank, said it was difficult for western training to meet the expectations of both sides.
Kyiv is eager for more combined arms training that involves exercises with tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery, infantry and drones to more closely replicate conditions that exist on the battlefield, but such exercises can be risky. He said western nations had low tolerance for accidents and their approach “doesn’t mesh well with [Kyiv’s] requirements for trainees”.
There is also frustration about the weapons that western nations are delivering. Berlin in January bowed to demands to supply Kyiv with Leopard tanks. It is now in a debate about whether or not to agree to Kyiv’s request for Taurus cruise missiles, with Olaf Scholz, chancellor, fearful of the risk of escalation with Moscow.
The Leopard 1, which Berlin agreed to supply along with the Leopard 2, is being refurbished before being sent to Ukraine. The tank has thin armour that can leave it vulnerable in areas with little cover, such as the flat terrain in eastern and south-eastern Ukraine where some of the most intense fighting is taking place.
Nevertheless, Yevhenii, an electrical engineer from eastern Ukraine who admits to having driven a tank for only a “short time” before being sent to Klietz for training, said it had “significant advantages over the Russian T72 tanks”.
Ukrainians are not brainless morons , like many of this forum. They have chosen to fight much like the Finns chose to fight in 1942 against russia, Mujahadeens against USSR, Taliban against US.

This is their decision. They are not an enlsaved population. I am South Asian and I can't believe that muslims were sent to fight on behalf of Brits against the Ottomans in Iraq. Its shameful.

So they fight, and they get supported in that fight.

you call this choosing to fight ?

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