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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

he simply can use Kremlin internet , when he go there once in a while
There is no such thing as kremlin internet. The Russians do smuggling western internet gears via China or other countries as Vietnam, Swiss or elsewhere. The problem is such internet gears are not supported, full of bugs, vulnerabilities. Good for other to spy on. I believe the Russians buy Huawei gears, too. Good for Chinese to spy on.

YouTube Ukro-Nazis? What makes you think these people are not lying? I see a great amount of disinformation on YouTube. People will lie for money.
You're either purposely deflecting and looking the other way or you're genuinely blind if you refute that external entities had no hand in the regime change operation in Ukraine. John McCain, Victoria Nuland, Oleksii Arestovych, Joe Biden just to name a few who have been caught via tapped phones or on video admitting to purposely incite the populous and engineer the Maidan against the democratic government elect in Ukraine. But as stated, continue to bury your head in the sand.

Meanwhile, let's have a look at some Academic research:

Are you for real? jstor is based in the US. Of course they'll release "academic research" which is peer reviewed by pro-US individuals before publication. I wouldn't take it as ultimate truth. Just like the UN, such organisations are manipulated.

Do you really think that Russia is a completely innocent party and has never intervened in the internal affairs of other countries and have never invaded other countries? To name a few: (1) Soviet Union invaded Poland in 1939. (2) Soviet Union invaded Finland in 1939; (3) Soviet Union invaded Baltic states such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1940; (4) Soviet Union motivated North Korea to invade South Korea in 1950; (5) Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968; (6) Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979; (7) Russia intervened in Moldova to shape its political landscape in 1992; (8) Russia intervened in Georgia to support Georgian separatists in 2008; (9) Russia intervened in Ukraine to support President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014; and (10) Russia intervened in Syria to support Assad administration in 2015.

Russian armed groups are also active in Africa:

This too:

Peaceful innocent Russians, right.

Makafat-e-amal is in the works now.

Funny how you use the Soviet Union and Russia interchangeably. They're not the same thing.
And no I don't think Russia is purely innocent. But let's put it this way, their record is far better then NATO's in-terms of interference in other countries affairs. Take Africa for Example, now having had enough of the West are ditching the dollar and taking a stand to the decades of enslavement. On the other hand, their elected leaders are welcoming China & Russia.
Even a blind man can see who the aggressor is.....

Ukrainian democracy has continued with Presidential elections and Yanukovych's successor Poroshenko paid heed to socioeconomic needs of the Ukrainian masses. And even Poroshenko lost to Zelenskyy due to corruption charges. Ukrainian people have values, not dumb sheeps.

And it's those "Ukrainian People with Values" who now realise that Ukraine is now the most corrupt it has ever been under the leadership of the Clown and his pal Ihor Kolomoyskyi and they are getting nothing but misery under their visionary leadership.
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seems like russia is starting to lose the edge in artillery?

(Well atleast down from 10:1 towards more equal numbers of ammo used, with ukraine having much more precision)
If it was not a decoy why the hell they put it out there under such a risk? It has massive range.
Ukraine put the system close to the front as they want to provide air coverage for Ukraine’s offensive. The closer the faster reaction time. Maybe it was not a brilliant idea with white camouflage.
Apparently there’s an operational pause due to bad weather. Russia has committed reserves at the Staromylvivka front. Most of Ukraines offensive forces still have not been committed.

Don’t be surprised if this operation lasts several months
Again, nothing.

Deleting his comments isn't enough at this point.

YouTube Ukro-Nazis? What makes you think these people are not lying? I see a great amount of disinformation on YouTube. People will lie for money.

Can you prove in the International Court of Justice that the Ukrainian Euromaiden protests were fake and a part of American conspiracy? Who is stopping you if you have undeniable proof? Go ahead and prove it.

Meanwhile, let's have a look at some Academic research:

Do you really think that Russia is a completely innocent party and has never intervened in the internal affairs of other countries and have never invaded other countries? To name a few: (1) Soviet Union invaded Poland in 1939. (2) Soviet Union invaded Finland in 1939; (3) Soviet Union invaded Baltic states such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1940; (4) Soviet Union motivated North Korea to invade South Korea in 1950; (5) Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968; (6) Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979; (7) Russia intervened in Moldova to shape its political landscape in 1992; (8) Russia intervened in Georgia to support Georgian separatists in 2008; (9) Russia intervened in Ukraine to support President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014; and (10) Russia intervened in Syria to support Assad administration in 2015.

Russian armed groups are also active in Africa:

This too:

Peaceful innocent Russians, right.

Makafat-e-amal is in the works now.

Ukrainian democracy has continued with Presidential elections and Yanukovych's successor Poroshenko paid heed to socioeconomic needs of the Ukrainian masses. And even Poroshenko lost to Zelenskyy due to corruption charges. Ukrainian people have values, not dumb sheeps.
Well researched, as always, but it's gonna fall on deaf ears to the people who need to read it.

They simply don't believe in truth. Lying is a virtue to them, and truth a sin.
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