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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

China invaded vietnam after vietnam
Ousted the red khmer in cambodia (pol pot, murderer of millions, being chinas ally)

No self defence there

Do Macarthur was a dictator? There were no plans nor logistics set up for that. It was not likely at all.

This is pure China wanting a buffer state on their border. And support another dictator murdering his own people (Kim).

Again no self defence.

Ofcourse not. And then it would be self defence. However they acted and invaded way before this even had a chance of happening…you are to stupid to see the difference?

You are discussing your own deluded racist hallucination now. Not my post. Stick to the subject.

The cow tongue claim is ridiculous in light of multiple countries territorial waters. Pure territory grabbing.

Playing with timeline now?
They “never” interfere was the point. Which is untrue.

And they have been biding their time…taiwan is under risk of invasion now…

“How many countries you Europeans and Americans had invaded and waged wars on and how many millions of innocent people around the world have you whites killed in the last 40 years ?”

Pot calling the kettle black? I am responding to “china NeVER” interferes which is ahistorical BULLSHIT.

Fact. You can stop your Whataboutism….

“ You Europeans don't know the history and facts of South China sea, you should not take side for your ignorance.”

Yet the ignorant one turned out to be you….now sit down kid..the grownups were talking.
Vietnam war
China went to war with Vietnam after border clashes between the two countries.

Korea war
So you think China should had waited until US army marched into China right to the capital before China should prepare and fight ? US army had been bombing Chinese cities along the border when US army first entered the Korea war, that's a fact. Besides, US army was given mandate by UN to restore South Korea, but not to cross 38th parallel to march onto border of Chinese territory, that was illegal. Chinese entered the Korea war of course 100% for self defence and Chinese had every right to defend the way they did. Are you pure stupid or just racist pretending not to see these facts, think you whites can dictate and write whatever you want ?

What North Korean gov does in their country is its own internal affairs, non of Chinese business.

Taiwan is Chinese territory as accepted by your country, UN and all the countries in the world. So, Taiwan issue is Chinese internal affair, non of your business.

Now, you want people to not mention the heinous war crimes you Europeans and Americans have committed since the fall of Soviet Union, West has became the sole dominant power ? I am mentioning the wars you people waged then to make valid comparison, see who is the devil.

And don't talk to me in patronizing way, bigot ! You think you whites are adults, Chinese and Asians are kids that should obey you whites ? And you whites should intervene and decide the affairs in Asia ? Just get lost with you colonial bigot attitudes in Asia.
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It's actually Russian artillery what has gotten a lot quieter due Ukrainians taking out their ammo depots on daily basis. Only few hours ago it happaned again.
Ground reality doesn't align with your opinion though. Russians are still gaining ground. They have showed an immunity especially now to what Ukraine throws at them. They just can't stop the advance. Whatever the speed maybe. I'm still searching for those donated tanks Ukrainians showed a few days back. M113s are also missing from action.
Ground reality doesn't align with your opinion though. Russians are still gaining ground. They have showed an immunity especially now to what Ukraine throws at them. They just can't stop the advance. Whatever the speed maybe. I'm still searching for those donated tanks Ukrainians showed a few days back. M113s are also missing from action.
Yes Russians won some meters additional grounds here and there but with what costs? That gains can be taken away by Ukraine troops. Worthless sacrifices. 6 months into the war we can conclude Russia can’t beat Ukraine army. Russia is weakened and destroyed. The West uses Ukraine as testing ground for new weapons on Russia.
. .

It's actually Russian artillery what has gotten a lot quieter due Ukrainians taking out their ammo depots on daily basis. Only few hours ago it happaned again.

They could not hit ammo depots in Russia. Meanwhile, all of Ukraine's ammo depots east of Dnipr are going boom boom by Iskander and Tornado-S. In terms of ammo losses, Ukraine gets it much worse than Russia.
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Vietnam war
China went to war with Vietnam after border clashes between the two countries.
“The child is getting naughty, it is time he got spanked”

After rising tensions China straight up invaded Vietnam. Again, there hardly is “self defence” here.
Korea war
So you think China should had waited until US army marched into China right to the capital before China should prepare and fight ? US army had been bombing Chinese cities along the border when US army first entered the Korea war, that's a fact. Besides, US army was given mandate by UN to restore South Korea, but not to cross 38th parallel to march onto border of Chinese territory, that was illegal. Chinese entered the Korea war of course 100% for self defence
What self defence?
There was no mandate , no plan, no preperations to undertake a chinese invasion at the time they wanted to unify korea.

You can NOT “self defend” against a hypothetical future reality.

can you comprehend that? No?
and Chinese had every right to defend the way they did. Are you pure stupid or just racist pretending not to see these facts, think you whites can dictate and write whatever you want ?
The only racist here is you. Constantly Generalizing as “the west” and “whites” .

Do you see me adressing you like that? All those millions killed by pol pot! How could you “yellows” do that?

This is how you sound…. A racist idiot.
What North Korean gov does in their country is its own internal affairs, non of Chinese business.

Taiwan is Chinese territory as accepted by your country, UN and all the countries in the world. So, Taiwan issue is Chinese internal affair, non of your business.
China is on collision course to military invade taiwan. And will heavily sanction and threathen all that dare to show support for taiwan.

“No interferance”?
Now, you want people to not mention the heinous war crimes you Europeans and Americans have committed since the fall of Soviet Union, West has became the sole dominant power ? I am mentioning the wars you people waged then to make valid comparison, see who is the devil.
Whataboutism…look up that logical fallacy buddy….
And don't talk to me in patronizing way, bigot ! You think you whites are adults, Chinese and Asians are kids that should obey you whites ? And you whites should intervene and decide the affairs in Asia ? Just get lost with you colonial bigot attitudes in Asia.
Once you can act like an adult i will treat you like one. So far you fail to do so. Throwing racist tantrums like the above.

And with that i am done with discussing with you. Back on topic with ukraine.
. . . .
Russia minimum losses must stand around 50-70k and Ukraine around 200,000k plus
Only in Mariupol Ukraine lost 20k soldiers

Ukrainian chief of staff has aknowledged the death of 9.000 soldiers. "+200k" is just copium the Russians are smoking every days. Had 200.000 Ukrainian soldiers be "neutralized" they would already party in Lviv and Odessa.
. . .
Ukrainian chief of staff has aknowledged the death of 9.000 soldiers. "+200k" is just copium the Russians are smoking every days. Had 200.000 Ukrainian soldiers be "neutralized" they would already party in Lviv and Odessa.

That's not too bad. Azerbaijan lost 2,000 soldiers over a period of 2 months in Karabakh war 2 years ago. Ukraine lost 4,000 soldiers over a period of 6 months in 2014 and 2015 when war in Donbas just started.
Yes Russians won some meters additional grounds here and there but with what costs? That gains can be taken away by Ukraine troops. Worthless sacrifices. 6 months into the war we can conclude Russia can’t beat Ukraine army. Russia is weakened and destroyed. The West uses Ukraine as testing ground for new weapons on Russia.
People keep saying "Russia is gaining ground" that's why Russia is winning.

Most people here don't even know WAR IS DYNAMIC. It's never how you gain ground; it's how you hold it. Well, I seem to remember Russia had control of North of Kyiv, North of Kharkiv, Snake Island, Most of Kherson (all the way up to Mykolaiv), those are all ground "gained" by Russia. So........what happened to those places now?

Russia don't just need to gain ground to win this war, they need to be able to hold their occupied land. Ukrainian only need to hang on until Russia either is broke or bored. They now even casting doubt the security in Crimea after their airfield keep blowing up. And yet, somehow, people still think Russia is winning. I mean, if I invaded a tiny country (compare to Russia Ukraine is tiny) and for 6 months I can only take roughly 20% of its land (10% of that were taken before even the war started) and now even have problem securing those land previously took, I would not call this a successful operation.
Ilja Ponomarjow
A Russian
The man behind the bomb blast in Moscow killing the daughter of propaganda chief Dugin.
Ponomarjow is the founder of “Russia national republican army”.
His goal is partisan war in Russia and overthrow Putin’s regime.
Congrats, he is now Putin’s public enemy number 1.

Ilja Ponomarjow
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