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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Wow not bad

The world’s second most powerful army, the country with the largest landmass, trying 8 months or 1 year now? to capture a medium sized salt city. They don’t have enough salt in Russia?

Now Putin throws everything he has towards Bakhmut no matter the costs. Regular army members, elite brigades, paratroopers, artillery and of course the wagners. One death per meter.

Lets them coming.

how did over 50 nations from ISAF+ NATO + US get on in Afghanistan after 20 years?

Russia is fighting 50 nations together + Ukraine a very very large nation with huge population compared to Iraq and Afghanistan


Ukrainian soldier takes out five Russian tanks and three armoured vehicles in ONE DAY using US-supplied Javelin missiles​

These corrupt crooks russian sellouts in nato and e.u ain't sending weapons quickly only u.s is sending heavy weapons to Ukraine on urgent basis need to overthrow corrupt nato e.u russian sellout crooks soon for Ukraine to defend its territory and territorial integrity
Reported for whataboutism. Derailing the thread.

Also ignored as he is lying his teeth out.
Crimea was occupied starting end February 2014.
The Odessa burning happened May 2, 2014, more than two months later Crimes.
It happened after Russians tried to take control over Odessa and attacked a demonstration. They got torched for their insurgency.

It got plenty of coverage in Western media.

That is just the top of the mountain of lies.

I assume he is Russian, since he joined soon after the 2022 and is repeating popular Russian propaganda.

I am a Russian troll, you caught me right there, troll. No wonder that your ridiculous post got 3 laughing smileys and nothing else.

The only liar here is you making absurd and false personal accusations and crying about moderators when there is no need to. I assume that your off-topic posts and discussions in this thread are not a cause of concern but my on-topic posts (Ukraine-Russia conflict and the nature of the conflict) are? Or maybe it is because I am a neutral and not obsessively anti-Russian or pro-Ukrainian like most of you in this thread.

Nonsense and absurd claims. Burning pro-Russian Ukrainian civilians to death and massacring them to death with baseball pats etc. is now "insurgency".

What do you call Euromaidan if not a coup and insurgency and the removal of a lawfully elected president by hordes of fascists that later formed Azov Battalion and other proud Nazi groups?

Why is a open fascist, mass-murderer and Nazi collaborated like Bandera a national hero in Ukraine? Why is UPA openly hailed in Ukraine?

Oh, you mean "independent Western media" such as a NBC reporter who just made a reportage in Crimea that showed that every local wants to remain a part of Russia and even fight for Russia? Later that same reporter was banned by "democratic" Ukraine.:lol:

The same Ukraine that is violently kidnapping its own citizens (males) to force them to join the army and the frontline in Donbas etc. because they are running out of soldiers?:lol:

Lol, what did I make up? The definition of ethnicity? Or the Percentage of said requirement? Or are you just too lazy to do your own research? All of these are readily available on open source. The Definition of Ethnicity is very well defined in any major dictionary. Pick up a dictionary that is not "Russian" origin and you will know what it mean.

as for the "Percentage" it was well reported.

In 2001 National Census (Ukraine) 17.3% (or 8.3 million) Ukrainian was born in Russia

From the same census, 29.6% of Ukrainian speak Russian as their First Language

And according to A survey in 2016 and 2019 by "The Center of East European Studies" 33.6% of Ukrainian in Separatist Controlled Donbas identify themselves as either Mixed Ukrainian and Russian, or Ukrainian, compare to 17.9 who identified as Donbas resident and 12.2 that identified as Russian.

There are million upon millions of data out there, the problem is, whether or not you agree with said data is another issue. Otherwise you would have no point to argue, because you will just take that data and spat on its face without considering. There were NEVER a big enough Russian population in anywhere in Ukraine to consider it's a "Majority" Russian, other than how many Ukrainian people speak Russian. So "YOUR POINT" which is the point of view of Russian propaganda, have no merit in its case.

As I said, I don't care if you are Pro-Russian and see this as a legitimate invasion for Russia, but saying you are not and then ignore those data and solely digest Russian propaganda is the thing I have problem with.

Now please supply any source to back up your Russian propaganda claim? - This Claim


Do you want me to state the obvious? If my initial claim of vast majority of the millions of ethnic Russians that became Ukrainians in 1991 being pro-Russian in their majority is wrong, how can you explain the completely PEACEFUL Russia annexation of Crimea in 2014, the total lack of any insurgency in Crimea for the past 9 years (if locals are supposedly such pro-Ukraine people), the vote in Crimea where 97% of the people voiced their support to rejoin Russia (even if we assume it was fixed, are you really going to convince anyone that 80-90% Russian-populated Crimea would prefer to join a poorer, much smaller and much more failed nation than Russia, in particular post-Euromaidan)? Similarly with most parts of Donbas. Pre-2022, much of Donbas was held by pro-Russian separatists that were fighting 8 + years against Kiev. Yet without losing ground. Now last year, Russia entered and easily conquered most of those areas of Donbas without meeting any public resistance from the populace, in fact many being hailed as liberators, with the only opposition being from Ukranian soldiers, mostly from other areas of Ukraine.

Something does not add up, lol.

No need to show how those Russian and pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens voted until 2014. Almost always exclusively (or in the majority at least) for pro-Russian parties.

Come on, slow down on the Western propaganda and one-sided reporting.
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German Defense Minister: Our army is unable to protect our country
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said at a conference of the German Social Democratic Party faction in the Bundestag that the national army is unable to defend the country if a state of war is imposed.

We would be reckless if we were not concerned about Russia's current military capabilities:
Russia has not yet used a significant part of its air and navy forces in combat, as well as its capabilities in the field of cyberspace. - said US Secretary of the Army Christine Wermott

No, Ukraine did not ban the use of russian language. They established ukrainian as the official language of Ukraine. You are repeating russian propaganda.

No Russian propaganda. Russian, which is the mother tongue fo the majority of the Ukranian population, was removed as an official language. So no propaganda. Much like pro-Russian democratic parties having been banned. Russian-funded and Russian built cities in Novorossiya (most of Eastern and Southern Ukraine) having their original names changed to some fake Ukrainian names etc.

Azov Battalion was also Russian propaganda. SS Galizien also Russian propaganda. Bandera criminal, genocider, fascist and well-known Nazi collaborated, being a widely celebrated Ukrainian national hero, is also Russian propaganda. UPA being widely celebrated and embraced is also Russian propaganda. Ukraine post-Euromaiden being led by pro-Western/USA installed puppets (majority corrupt Jewish oligarchs) and turning into an US/NATO spear against Russia actively, is also Russian propaganda. We see that today, USA 15.000 km away suddenly cares so deeply about a bunch of Ukrainians that share almost everything in common with Russians, after having invaded 100's of countries illegally and committed genocides, crimes against humanity, invented lies in order to invent sovereign nation states and to topple their leaders, is suddenly concerned about Ukraine. Has nothing to do with wanting to weaken Russia (a non-puppet and potential threat to US hegemony), to keep US hegemony intact by every means possible etc. Similarly rhetoric against China etc.

Beyond pathetic to be this naive and hide behind some kind of selective nonsense talk of democracy etc. Democracy is only talked about and practiced when it is fitting, rest is open game in order to keep your power/influence/hegemony intact, no need to mention 1000's upon 1000's of examples that destroy this illusion for good.

Yet have the audacity to wonder why MOST of the world, is not buying the rhetoric against Russia and fake outrage against Russia's actions, when such actions for centuries and until very recently, was the modus operandi of the very same West.

You are a Dane, why does Denmark not leave Greenland to the locals and allow them to succeed and have their own country as well as apologize for the crimes committed against the Inuits? Oh, of course not, Greenland is rich in natural wealth, large landmass, large Arctic EZZ etc. Keep hiding behind the empty slogans of selective democracy. Now reaching Ukraine, where was this outrage when the Ukrainian army was shelling civilians in Donbas for the past 8 years prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Just wondering.
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By looking at the videos of the battles in Ukraine it is evident that Ukrainians are much wealthier and more civilized than their Russian counterparts. You can tell by the way the houses look and the how the neighborhood are organized. Many Russian single family homes are really poor and their suburbs are bad with really bad roads, in Ukraine it is the opposite.
No Russian propaganda. Russian, which is the mother tongue fo the majority of the Ukranian population, was removed as an official language. So no propaganda. Much like pro-Russian democratic parties having been banned. Russian-funded and Russian built cities in Novorossiya (most of Eastern and Southern Ukraine) having their original names changed to some fake Ukrainian names etc.

Azov Battalion was also Russian propaganda. SS Galizien also Russian propaganda. Bandera criminal, genocider, fascist and well-known Nazi collaborated, being a widely celebrated Ukrainian national hero, is also Russian propaganda. UPA being widely celebrated and embraced is also Russian propaganda. Ukraine post-Euromaiden being led by pro-Western/USA installed puppets (majority corrupt Jewish oligarchs) and turning into an US/NATO spear against Russia actively, is also Russian propaganda. We see that today, USA 15.000 km away suddenly cares so deeply about a bunch of Ukrainians that share almost everything in common with Russians, after having invaded 100's of countries illegally and committed genocides, crimes against humanity, invented lies in order to invent sovereign nation states and to topple their leaders, is suddenly concerned about Ukraine. Has nothing to do with wanting to weaken Russia (a non-puppet and potential threat to US hegemony), to keep US hegemony intact by every means possible etc. Similarly rhetoric against China etc.

Beyond pathetic to be this naive and hide behind some kind of selective nonsense talk of democracy etc. Democracy is only talked about and practiced when it is fitting, rest is open game in order to keep your power/influence/hegemony intact, no need to mention 1000's upon 1000's of examples that destroy this illusion for good.

Yet have the audacity to wonder why MOST of the world, is not buying the rhetoric against Russia and fake outrage against Russia's actions, when such actions for centuries and until very recently, was the modus operandi of the very same West.

You are a Dane, why does Denmark not leave Greenland to the locals and allow them to succeed and have their own country as well as apologize for the crimes committed against the Inuits? Oh, of course not, Greenland is rich in natural wealth, large landmass, large Arctic EZZ etc. Keep hiding behind the empty slogans of selective democracy. Now reaching Ukraine, where was this outrage when the Ukrainian army was shelling civilians in Donbas for the past 8 years prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Just wondering.
Again, you are basically repeating the russian propaganda narrative. So be it. Most people do it simply because they dislike the West. Judging from your post, my guess is your reason is exactly that.
Nothing prevents Greenland from leaving Denmark. Now knowing your rant about Greenland is wrong, what does that tell us about the rest of your post?
how did over 50 nations from ISAF+ NATO + US get on in Afghanistan after 20 years?

Russia is fighting 50 nations together + Ukraine a very very large nation with huge population compared to Iraq and Afghanistan

Key word here is 20 years,

It is year 1 of this war (plus a few days) and judging from the progress, it would be lucky if Russia have year 2.

On the other hand, Iraq and Afghanistan both have similar population than Ukraine, Ukraine pre-war population is 45.7 millions, Iraq population is 40.4 millions in 2022 and Afghanistan is 38.3 millions in 2022, the population is similar because 8 million Ukrainian left Ukraine........And then don't forget NATO is fighting Iraq AND Afghanistan AT THE SAME TIME.........

And then there are no "50 nations" even NATO itself is 30 nations alliance, and some are neutral toward this war. And they aren't even directly engaging in this conflict and only around 1.9% of NATO equipment is in Ukrainian hand......
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