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Russia to See 20-Ton Combat Drone ‘by 2018’ – Industry Source

It doesnt matter ... drone is not something out of the world tech ... Pak is also manufacturing ... so they purchased from you for the short cut so as to saveR&D time .... now they have the tech increasing size and bringing modernation is not an issue ...
They are many type of drones. Not just you put a flying thing autonomous on the sky and its all the same. Russian industries level has seen decline after the fail of soviet union. Many bright scientist from Ukraine,Belarus, Russian has join the US or China for more funds and better pay out. The fact Russian needs to buy Israel prone more or less tells you something. Nothing to do with quicker research result.

Even Pakistan drone is completed only with help of Chinese. As if a strike drone with good payload, long autonomous operating range is easy to build? How fast is your drone datalink and real time telecast? How good is the autonomous in terms of operation usage?

What you claim as easy is very surface. Just like saying building a fighter jet is easy since many countries produced fighter jet. But how many are producing fifth gen, how many countries produced a whole fighter jet with supply chain fully supported by domestic without resort to import of critical parts?

Many see Russia as advance only by the past glory of Soviet Union almost 30 years ago. But the sad reality is Russia is lagging behind in many technology. How many modern 5000tons destroyer has Russian put out in the last 20 years?


Russia military state is just like its Kuznetsov carrier. Obsolete, badly maintenance and spewing black smoke in open sea like a WWII warship. These aircraft carrier quickly retired from syria war after an embarrassing display of losing two aircraft in quick succession after a Mig-29K has to be ditched after it went out of fuel due to bad crew training who failed to restore back the malfunction arrestor hook.
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They are many type of drones. Not just you put a flying thing autonomous on the sky and its all the same. Russian industries level has seen decline after the fail of soviet union. Many bright scientist from Ukraine,Belarus, Russian has join the US or China for more funds and better pay out. The fact Russian needs to buy Israel prone more or less tells you something. Nothing to do with quicker research result.

Even Pakistan drone is completed only with help of Chinese. As if a strike drone with good payload, long autonomous operating range is easy to build? How fast is your drone datalink and real time telecast? How good is the autonomous in terms of operation usage?

What you claim as easy is very surface. Just like saying building a fighter jet is easy since many countries produced fighter jet. But how many are producing fifth gen, how many countries produced a whole fighter jet with supply chain fully supported by domestic without resort to import of critical parts?

Many see Russia as advance only by the past glory of Soviet Union almost 30 years ago. But the sad reality is Russia is lagging behind in many technology. How many modern 5000tons destroyer has Russian put out in the last 20 years?

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Russia military state is just like its Kuznetsov carrier. Obsolete, badly maintenance and spewing black smoke in open sea like a WWII warship. These aircraft carrier quickly retired from syria war after an embarrassing display of losing two aircraft in quick succession after a Mig-29K has to be ditched after it went out of fuel due to bad crew training who failed to restore back the malfunction arrestor hook.

Sir these are pure assumptions and speculations ... russia is not a third world country ... i agree it has lost its past glory and my statements is after admitting to such fact ...

At the time of soviet union russia was competing directly with US in many technologies and was leading in some as well but now they are far behind thats why when other countries are flying advance drones russia is planning to build one but lets analyse what does russia has ?

So they have satellites which can provide advance fast and secure datalink ?yes

Do they have wind tunnels and other facilities to check air frame and its aerodynamic shape with other infrastructure ... they do have

Do they have capability to manufacture engines ? Yes

Do they have infrastructure to build electronic survillance equipment ? Yes

Do they have exerience in aviation ? Yes second to only US ...

So all this controbutes to the fact they have the capability ... issue with russia is more of economical rather than technological and we all know this ... their R&D declining due to budget constraints however if they are investing on something then there are high chances they will achieve it ....
Sir these are pure assumptions and speculations ... russia is not a third world country ... i agree it has lost its past glory and my statements is after admitting to such fact ...

At the time of soviet union russia was competing directly with US in many technologies and was leading in some as well but now they are far behind thats why when other countries are flying advance drones russia is planning to build one but lets analyse what does russia has ?

So they have satellites which can provide advance fast and secure datalink ?yes

Do they have wind tunnels and other facilities to check air frame and its aerodynamic shape with other infrastructure ... they do have

Do they have capability to manufacture engines ? Yes

Do they have infrastructure to build electronic survillance equipment ? Yes

Do they have exerience in aviation ? Yes second to only US ...

So all this controbutes to the fact they have the capability ... issue with russia is more of economical rather than technological and we all know this ... their R&D declining due to budget constraints however if they are investing on something then there are high chances they will achieve it ....

Its combination of both. Economical and technological. Russia is just behind. Sure they could catch up if they are really focused. But you hardly see any Russian made drones. I don't think there are any that is produced so far.
Its combination of both. Economical and technological. Russia is just behind. Sure they could catch up if they are really focused. But you hardly see any Russian made drones. I don't think there are any that is produced so far.
Sir I agree but drone technology is now becoming common and less complex ... anyways lets see how things move ahead ...
Sir these are pure assumptions and speculations ... russia is not a third world country ... i agree it has lost its past glory and my statements is after admitting to such fact ...

At the time of soviet union russia was competing directly with US in many technologies and was leading in some as well but now they are far behind thats why when other countries are flying advance drones russia is planning to build one but lets analyse what does russia has ?

So they have satellites which can provide advance fast and secure datalink ?yes

Do they have wind tunnels and other facilities to check air frame and its aerodynamic shape with other infrastructure ... they do have

Do they have capability to manufacture engines ? Yes

Do they have infrastructure to build electronic survillance equipment ? Yes

Do they have exerience in aviation ? Yes second to only US ...

So all this controbutes to the fact they have the capability ... issue with russia is more of economical rather than technological and we all know this ... their R&D declining due to budget constraints however if they are investing on something then there are high chances they will achieve it ....

Do you know Russia GLONASS is not complete after a rocket carry 2 satellite glonass that supposed to replace is lose and not accurate enough to compete with US? Even China GPS system is accurate enough to be 2cm.

The most advance wind tunnel is from China of JF-12 and Russia. Just becos you got wind tunnel , does not mean it can fit all project. JF-12 is specially design for hypersonic in mind which sometime Russia don't have.

Do you know since Ukraine and Russia r/s turned sour. Ukraine has stopped many supply of engine to Russia. The latest missile covertte even need to import high speed Diesel engine from China to ensure the project moves on after Ukraine stopped the the supply. Many of Russia help are now critical short of engine parts as they are source from Ukraine.

They are many thing you don't know but just based on perception of Soviet Union 30years ago. Russia is not as strong and advance in military as you think.
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Do you know Russia GLONASS is not complete after a rocket carry 2 satellite glonass that supposed to replace is lose and not accurate enough to compete with US? Even China GPS system is accurate enough to be 2cm.

Do you know since Ukraine and Russia r/s turned sour. Ukraine has stopped many supply of engine to Russia. The latest missile covertte even need to import high speed Diesel engine from China to ensure the project moves on after Ukraine stopped the the supply. Many of Russia help are now critical short of engine parts as they are source from Ukraine.

They are many thing you don't know but just based on perception of Soviet Union 30years ago. Russia is not as strong and advance in military as you think.

Sir my 2 cents questions ?

How much accurate Glonass has to be in order to help them in Drone tech ? I think more than GPS there is a need of data link between satellite and Drone to make it long range and long endurance drone ...

Are you comparing drone engine with high speed diesel engine of a corvette ... You must be really kidding ... Drone engine is comparatively much smaller and simpler and requirement of thrust is nothing in comparison to a corvette ...

I am just asking what key techs required for drone (in addition to fighter jets) which Russia does not posses now ? I think its none ...

Regarding considering russia on par with soviet I am not ... i think we are discussing some tech which a lot of countries are already posses and using so definitely we are rating russia as much inderrior ... We are not saying that Russia will be capable of giving a sixth generation fighter aircraft but a common tech in which China, US, Israel are already way ahead ...
Sir my 2 cents questions ?

How much accurate Glonass has to be in order to help them in Drone tech ? I think more than GPS there is a need of data link between satellite and Drone to make it long range and long endurance drone ...

Are you comparing drone engine with high speed diesel engine of a corvette ... You must be really kidding ... Drone engine is comparatively much smaller and simpler and requirement of thrust is nothing in comparison to a corvette ...

I am just asking what key techs required for drone (in addition to fighter jets) which Russia does not posses now ? I think its none ...

Regarding considering russia on par with soviet I am not ... i think we are discussing some tech which a lot of countries are already posses and using so definitely we are rating russia as much inderrior ... We are not saying that Russia will be capable of giving a sixth generation fighter aircraft but a common tech in which China, US, Israel are already way ahead ...
I think you are seeing things in a very surface manner. The more accurate the GPS for better for everything including surface mapping for drone.

Why did you avoid my point of turboshaft which Russia lacking especially they still need to import from Ukraine? Isn't is all about for helo and drone? More or less tells you something. And military drone is not just some cheap toy which you put and engine and fly and strapped with missile and suddenly it become compatible with other proven and military drone. It needs plenty of software and technology for it to coordinate and carry out its join properly that included realtime high speed data transfer which Russian are lacking.

As I say you see things very surface and still lives on the perception of Soviet Union 30years ago. There is a lot of things beyond the reach of current Russia. What Russia has neglected is a huge advance military industries which they failed to move on. But of cos when they are short of funds and no food to eat. All these military industries are second.
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Couple of years ago Russia asked for technology transfer from Iran .

I don't know what happened then ...
I think you are seeing things in a very surface manner. The more accurate the GPS for better for everything including surface mapping for drone.

Why did you avoid my point of turboshaft which Russia lacking especially they still need to import from Ukraine? Isn't is all about for helo and drone? More or less tells you something. And military drone is not just some cheap toy which you put and engine and fly and strapped with missile and suddenly it become compatible with other proven and military drone. It needs plenty of software and technology for it to coordinate and carry out its join properly that included realtime high speed data transfer which Russian are lacking.

As I say you see things very surface and still lives on the perception of Soviet Union 30years ago. There is a lot of things beyond the reach of current Russia. What Russia has neglected is a huge advance military industries which they failed to move on. But of cos when they are short of funds and no food to eat. All these military industries are second.
Can you please quote your source of your assumption that Russia lacks real time high speed data transfer tech ? As per my understanding the most ciritcal tech which needed for a drone for a country which is manufacturing fifth generation fighter aircarfts is data communication ..
Can you please quote your source of your assumption that Russia lacks real time high speed data transfer tech ? As per my understanding the most ciritcal tech which needed for a drone for a country which is manufacturing fifth generation fighter aircarfts is data communication ..
I am the one claiming Russia lack and you are the one Russia has the so called high speed data. You shall be the one giving me the link to prove Russia has the high speed data facilities. And not the other way round go ask me to prove Russia not to have.

Let me give you a simple hint. How many commercial high speed communication satellite has Russian put for any client or their own service?

Couple of years ago Russia asked for technology transfer from Iran .

I don't know what happened then ...
There are many ignorant which still think Russia as Soviet Union 30 years ago. The only reason Russia not to go for Chinese drone is pride. It will be a big blow for Russian military to go for A complete Chinese weapon system.

This force them to go for Israel drone which is a big security risk as US can easily demand Israel to hand over source code and spec to know the Russian counterpart.
Sir these are pure assumptions and speculations ... russia is not a third world country ... i agree it has lost its past glory and my statements is after admitting to such fact ...

At the time of soviet union russia was competing directly with US in many technologies and was leading in some as well but now they are far behind thats why when other countries are flying advance drones russia is planning to build one but lets analyse what does russia has ?

So they have satellites which can provide advance fast and secure datalink ?yes

Do they have wind tunnels and other facilities to check air frame and its aerodynamic shape with other infrastructure ... they do have

Do they have capability to manufacture engines ? Yes

Do they have infrastructure to build electronic survillance equipment ? Yes

Do they have exerience in aviation ? Yes second to only US ...

So all this controbutes to the fact they have the capability ... issue with russia is more of economical rather than technological and we all know this ... their R&D declining due to budget constraints however if they are investing on something then there are high chances they will achieve it ....
50% of there income is from oil if they didnt have good defence industry i wil say they are 3 world country
Sir I agree but drone technology is now becoming common and less complex ... anyways lets see how things move ahead ...

Becoming common but not less complex. Especially when designing drones to fight in air to air combat as well as landing on carriers with no problems. They are getting more complex, not less.
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