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Russia to give loan to Pakistan as well !

Are u serious??
This is a good news for pakistan,,quit ur political bias for a while now.

Dude, I have NEVER seen any other group of people so disloyal to their nation like I've seen IK's blind, common senseless followers. These guys have no respect, care of their own nation or anything else for their own country. Its sad.
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Dude, I have NEVER seen any other group of people so disloyal to their nation like I've seen IK's blind, common senseless followers. These guys have no respect, care of anything else for their own country. Its sad.

Looking from away is different then from inside. Sometimes away is clear mostly unclear due to various reasons.:undecided:
I dont have personal contact with her but my mom's friend's sis was in contact with her mom...Believe me ewwww is the only word I can think off right now!

Maybe ur mom's friend's sister is jealous of sharif enterprises?:sarcastic:
don't say that..:(
she looks good . see


Totta hai poora eh taan:devil:
Looking from away is different then from inside. Sometimes away is clear mostly unclear due to various reasons.:undecided:

Here we go. Another crack-pot based statement. For the record, I know MORE about your internals, your political system and daily events than you do. I can guarantee you on it. You guys have to wait and see it on the Media. I get real time updates. So PLEASE, run these silly, childish statements elsewhere.
India know that with half strength Pakistan can still put some stiff resistance that would delay the out come that is to be achieved. On the other hand India would become an aggressor which would amount to higher world pressure. Pakistan on the other hand would have more support internationally which might force India further to the corner. Dream of becoming a supper power would become much more harder and time consuming.

Simplistically India would loose more that it would earn, on the other hand Pakistan has nothing to loose so it would only gain in all fields.

This fact is valid to the extend a nuclear stand off does not arise. If that did then No none can predict the out come.

O bhai,,sapne dekhne band kar.
As per world bank between 2010 and 2012, Richi Rich India also received $ 7,702,240,000 in term of development assistance and AID. Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) | Data | Table

India sends a spaceship to Mars after UK gives £280million in aid | World | News | Daily Express


India as of now is one of the biggest aid provider to poverty struck African countries ,
UK Aid and monitoring body bashed the government already for providing aid to india since Indian GDP is set to meet british GDP by 2022 ,a majority of UK aid was lost in corruption .
considering all this india said it doesnt want any aid from UK back in 2012.
British Begged india to continue taking their money to earn interest ...or whatever the motive be

Now if India can send a rocket to Mars for $67Mil. and UK cant even after $400Mil its their shortcoming.
India as of now is one of the biggest aid provider to poverty struck African countries ,

India herself have more poor than all African countries combined. India is providing AID to achieve her strategic interests just like other countries are providing AID to India to achieve their strategic interests. Nothing special here to boost about.

UK Aid and monitoring body bashed the government already for providing aid to india since Indian GDP is set to meet british GDP by 2022 ,a majority of UK aid was lost in corruption .
considering all this india said it doesnt want any aid from UK back in 2012.
British Begged india to continue taking their money to earn interest ...or whatever the motive be

Twist it in whatever way you want, fact remains that Richi Rich India is reviving AID.
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