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Russia to Consider Nuclear Strike in Case of Turkish Invasion of Armenia

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Has Russia ever used a Nucleur bomb on a hostile country? what makes you think Russia would use a 'nuke' now?
Let alone Turkey is not a hostile country against Russia.

Brilliant logic: "Russia has yet to use the bomb, so it never will."

We don't hate anybody, We just want what is ours. We want Azerbaijan to take their lands back. After that Armenians may do whatever they want or Russians.

Armenians can keep wet dreaming about Russia nuking Turkey which i find hilarious btw :D Russia is one of Turkey's biggest trading partners i for one don't want any harm come to them :)

They just don't have to object each time we invade somewhere... it's 21st century!
And my previous arguement stands, as armos lick to Russia they are losing their political influence on US

Armenia respects the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan as well. It's just so happens to be that Nagorno Karabakh is not part of that territory:D
Guys are you really taking this guy seriously? For him, noone can touch Armenia, Azerbaijan cannot do anything Armenia neither Turkiye :blah: :blah: No need to take this guys seriously, he is total of joke. Leave him alone in his dreamland.
I can assure you kajutyun , if russia ever uses a nuke against my country , there will be no russia and russian left in front of our eyes or close to us , and i assure you aswell that not another Turk will ever shoot a bullet at another turk . There could be all this SCTO or whatever but in no circumstances would any Turkish state in central asia fight agianst us , they are just using russia to grow now , recently krgizistan kept the military base for russia because russia wiped of 500 million of debt and is giving millions .

I suggest all Turks watch this , BOZKURT ATAMBAYEV !


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Why would Turkey involve in a full scale war against Armenia? Thats utter nonsense..Azerbaijan has the capability and capacity to take down Armenia alone..With around 3.5 million population, poor economy and weak army, Armenia is not a problem..Heck, even Georgia can take them out
Why would Turkey involve in a full scale war against Armenia? Thats utter nonsense..Azerbaijan has the capability and capacity to take down Armenia alone..With around 3.5 million population, poor economy and weak army, Armenia is not a problem..Heck, even Georgia can take them out
Even Georgia has a developing defence industry unlike Armenia :D total russian pets..
Didgori II APC(Which i really like)

Lazika IFV:

Delga I special forces vehicle:
I think Turkiye's involvement in any war between Azerbaijan and Armenia will to some extent be similar like our support for FSA only difference will be 10x more support.. :)
Leggionaire i was watching a vid on youtube , they said they made it from experience of cobra and another israeli one and i think they mixed it up and made their own :D
What is this problem between Turkey and Armenia.
We all know about the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman empire, but that was a long time ago.. Is there any new issues between the two countries? Why is Russia getting itself involved?
What is this problem between Turkey and Armenia.
We all know about the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman empire, but that was a long time ago.. Is there any new issues between the two countries? Why is Russia getting itself involved?

We dont know nothing , you think you know something . Dont talk about things you dont know
What is this problem between Turkey and Armenia.
We all know about the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman empire, but that was a long time ago.. Is there any new issues between the two countries? Why is Russia getting itself involved?
A quick summary:

Armenians were once Ottoman citizens(they were actually praised many times for their loyalty) even though they are slavic and orthodox in religion. But the empire was declining and they didn't want to go down with us.

In WWI Ottoman Empire was fighting with Russia and Armenians living in the east, sided with them and revolted. We were already fighting at multiple fronts we have immediately crushed the rebellion and deported their arses to Syria, according to records 53 thousand Armenians were killed. But they made up that Ottoman Empire have killed a million of them :) Like we had that kind of power.

We don't accept that BS and they keep lobbying against us. Nope, there's nothing new. Except they attacked Azerbaijan and killed thousands of Turks there so we can't close pages.
A quick summary:

Armenians were once Ottoman citizens(they were actually praised many times for their loyalty) even though they are slavic and orthodox in religion. But the empire was declining and they didn't want to go down with us.

In WWI Ottoman Empire was fighting with Russia and Armenians living in the east, sided with them and revolted. We were already fighting at multiple fronts we have immediately crushed the rebellion and deported their arses to Syria, according to records 53 thousand Armenians were killed. But they made up that Ottoman Empire have killed a million of them :) Like we had that kind of power.

We don't accept that BS and they keep lobbying against us. Nope, there's nothing new. Except they attacked Azerbaijan and killed thousands of Turks there so we can't close pages.

Why can't the Turkish Gov just accept the Genocide nonsence and shut them off
A quick summary:

Armenians were once Ottoman citizens(they were actually praised many times for their loyalty) even though they are slavic and orthodox in religion. But the empire was declining and they didn't want to go down with us.

In WWI Ottoman Empire was fighting with Russia and Armenians living in the east, sided with them and revolted. We were already fighting at multiple fronts we have immediately crushed the rebellion and deported their arses to Syria, according to records 53 thousand Armenians were killed. But they made up that Ottoman Empire have killed a million of them :) Like we had that kind of power.

We don't accept that BS and they keep lobbying against us. Nope, there's nothing new. Except they attacked Azerbaijan and killed thousands of Turks there so we can't close pages.

shuntmaster, before I go one, please take note that the only country in the world that is denying the genocide is the perpetrator: Turkey.

Yes, Armenians were second-class citizens of the Ottoman empire. Things were ok until late 19th century, when Ottoman overmasters began to forcibly convert and rape Armenian girls, and giving them tattoos that signify forced Islamic conversion. Armenians were fed up and demanded freedom, some extremists side with the Russians. As a result, Ottomans attempt to kill all Armenians, some by shooting, some by starvation, some by death march to Syrian deserts (first concentration camp in the world is in Deir-Ez-Zor). Hech, the word genocide comes from the systematic killing of Armenians.

"We don't accept this, we don't accept that"...this is typical Turkish mentality. Burying their head in the sand. Current problems stem from falsification of history, such as saying that Armenian churches in Karabakh were actually Albanian (wtf) and that it was always Azeri land (despite the fact that Azeri did not exist before 20th century).

Why can't the Turkish Gov just accept the Genocide nonsence and shut them off

"Genocide nonsence"...I would expect a Chinese national to show more respect. Especially consider all this "Nanking nonsence"
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