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Russia to Consider Nuclear Strike in Case of Turkish Invasion of Armenia

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Jun 17, 2012
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"The deployment of the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri remains the subject of heated debate. Some believe that that the Russian base guarantees security for Armenia, while some are convinced that the base threatens the sovereignty of the country. Pravda.Ru talked to the Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Issues Konstantin Sivkov to get some clarity on the situation.

"Turkey has an overwhelming military superiority in the region, and Russia is unlikely to be able (in military terms) to stop the advance of the Turkish troops. However, in case of an attack on Armenia, Turkey would declare a war on Russia as well. The 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri has more of a geopolitical significance rather than military. Do you agree with this statement?"

"Any military base located outside of Russia is a guarantee that in the event of military action against any such country, Russia will enter the conflict on the side of that country. Otherwise, there would be no military bases deployed there. This is clear. If Turkey attacks Armenia, it will be treated as an attack on Russia. Russia would fight on Armenia's side with all its might. If necessary, Russia could use nuclear weapons against Turkey, both tactical, and if need be, strategic. This is defined in the military doctrine of the Russian Federation. Armenia is fully protected with the Russian umbrella of both conventional forces as well as strategic nuclear forces."

"Russia spent a significant amount of money on Gabala radar station (RS) in Azerbaijan, as well as its military bases in Central Asia. There are sales of Russian weapons, including the offensive ones, to Azerbaijan. Currently, Armenia and Azerbaijan have the same sore issue - Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Why is Armenia not charging rent for the Russian base?"

"This is because Russia and Armenia are allies. They have no commercial relationship like the one between Azerbaijan and Russia. Russia will not fight for Azerbaijan, but will fight for Armenia. Armenia is part of the overall defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Armenia cannot maintain effective means of defense because it's quite expensive. The presence in the country of the Russian Federation base equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 and MiG-29 and able to provide a reliable defense against threats to Armenia of a certain scale, that is, something that can be fought off with their own forces and resources. In case of a more serious threat, additional forces and air defense and fighter aircraft may be redeployed there.

"The question of who needs the base more - Russia or Armenia - often turns into a pointless debate about dependence. Given the strained relations between Turkey and Armenia, the Karabakh conflict and open support that Ankara provides to Baku in this conflict, the 102nd Russian base plays an important role in ensuring the safety of Armenia. However, the U.S. has reasons behind the encouragement of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations with the help of Zurich protocols. The goal is to eliminate Armenia's interest in the presence of a Russian military base on its territory. What do you think about it?"

"The Russian military base in Armenia is not just for defense from Turkey. As I mentioned earlier, at the moment there is only one front - the conflict with Azerbaijan. To some extent, NATO military may present some risk for Armenia. The presence of the Russian military base in Armenia is equally convenient for both sides. Russia wants to push the frontiers of air capture as far from its borders as possible. In turn, Armenia is interested in protecting its sovereignty. The presence of the Russian military base in Armenia implies protection of the interests of this country. If some Armenians serve in the Russian army, the base is a natural element of the economic system in Armenia and aids in the consolidation and development of the economy of the country.

"Do you think the presence of the Russian military base in Armenia is a threat to its sovereignty?"

"This position is likely shared by Dashnak Armenian nationalists who in the beginning of the last century called for sovereignty and independence of Armenia. But such a small country like Armenia cannot exist without the patronage of major powers. If Russia leaves Armenia, the United States will come back. This is the only possible solution. The mere presence of the Russian military base is a guarantee of the sovereignty of Armenia. Moreover, the composition and size of the military base, and its primary task of defense, rule out the possibility of any significant impact on the internal political life of Armenia. Fighter jets can in no way affect the political life of this country."

Russia protects Armenia from Western influence - English pravda.ru
Kiss your Armenian influence in US goodbye :)
Kiss your Armenian influence in US goodbye :)

Your stupidity multiplies with every post. This article does not announce anything new, it only clarifies the significance of several geopolitical issues. The Armenian lobby is probably second only to the Jewish lobby in the United States. Despite the fact that Turkey spends millions every year and Armenian lobby spends next to nothing, American aid to Nagorno Karabakh increases every year, Armenia and US just signed documents to extend and repair Metsamor NPP, in 2007 an Armenian Genocide bill was passed in the American House of Representatives (it took for the American President Bush to actually call politicians for this bill to eventually fail in the Senate by slim margin), and this past summer a law giving Turkey access to trade with Native Americans failed because of Armenian lobby.

Better to stay out of big boy discussions and stick with what you are good at: falsifying history.
Utter nonsense, Russia cannot use Nuclear weapons anywhere, let using those weapons on a NATO country aside, you think rest of the would would just watch ? Russia would enter a war with Turkey only if Turkey directly attacks them, Turkey has no reason for that.
. The Armenian lobby is probably second only to the Jewish lobby in the United States. Despite the fact that Turkey spends millions every year and Armenian lobby spends next to nothing, American aid to Nagorno Karabakh increases every year,
Source? It is in USA best interest not to recognize a false genocide. It is Armenians that protest day and night, spend huge amounts of money and still fail to recognize your so called genocide in a Christian country. For example whole of Christian Europe has recognized the so-called genocide. What difference does it make? Nobody cares about it. The centre of the world is not Armenia, far less from it actually haha.

Utter nonsense, Russia cannot use Nuclear weapons anywhere, let using those weapons on a NATO country aside, you think rest of the would would just watch ? Russia would enter a war with Turkey only if Turkey directly attacks them, Turkey has no reason for that.
Turkey has missile defense shield in case of that. And I don't think Russia wants to start a nuclair war for an insignificant country as Armenia. There is no oil there or other valuabe resources. Russia is using Armenia as a disposable asset, ready to throw away for the benefit of Russian interest. Economically Russia has far more to get with Turkey than Armenia. That is what we are seeing nowadays.
Ridiculous, such a conflict would cause thousands of conflict. All this hatred in the Turks, Armenians, Balkans, East Slav leds all to bunch of disgusting Desert Semitic cults, Turks were better of in believing tengri
Utter nonsense, Russia cannot use Nuclear weapons anywhere, let using those weapons on a NATO country aside, you think rest of the would would just watch ? Russia would enter a war with Turkey only if Turkey directly attacks them, Turkey has no reason for that.

I'm sorry, did you not read the article? Armenia is protected under Russian doctrine. If Turkey directly attacks Armenia, there is no way not to attack Russian troops.

"Russia cannot use nuclear weapons"...honestly I laugh whenever someone makes such a morality statement. If Russia deems it necessary, it will be done.

It is Armenians that protest day and night, spend huge amounts of money and still fail to recognize your so called genocide in a Christian country.

Turkey has missile defense shield in case of that. And I don't think Russia wants to start a nuclair war for an insignificant country as Armenia. There is no oil there or other valuabe resources. Russia is using Armenia as a disposable asset, ready to throw away for the benefit of Russian interest. Economically Russia has far more to get with Turkey than Armenia. That is what we are seeing nowadays.

Wtf are you talking about. Armenian lobby is and always has been low budget compared to Turkish lobby. Look it up.

Turkish missile shield is futile. And again, as said in the article, Russia will absolutely use nuclear weapons. It's the word of the head of geopolitical institute over that of Internet troll.
Who the fvck is Konstantin Sivkov? And what the fvck is the Academy of Geopolitical Issues?
This guy is so scared chitless :D Obssessed with defense of Armenia. I think he seriously thinks that when Azeri retake Karabakh that Russia will nuke the whole neighborhood of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Turkey also has nukes, Russia and Turkey are close geographically, I think both for Russia and Turkey it is not beneficial to turn our countries in nuclear waste bins since we live close together.
During the Soviet era, Eastern Europe and the border states along Turkey were considered as buffer states. It provided Soviet Russia enough time to mobilize and prepare her troops before any invader could enter mainland Russia.

After the demise of Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were taken away by NATO very early. As the Russian Federation rose from the ashes of Soviet Union, the importance of Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia forced Russia to act intrusively in order to regain some format of a buffer between Russian mainland and foreign forces.

We saw problems with and within Belarus and Ukraine. Georgia attempted to jiggle her spurs, the result was loss of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Europe’s dependence on Russian gas and oil, particularly Germany, played its part as Russian influence played to pend any further extension of NATO towards Russia in Eastern Europe.

This is where the situation stands in Eastern Europe. Armenia’s acrimony with Turkey was and is a major stumbling block with regard to her joining NATO. The only other option for her is to join Russia and exploit the so-called Armenian genocide card in Europe and America for being primarily a Christian nation.

Armenia very conveniently forgot the atrocities of Russian occupation forces in Turkey. The tens of thousands of Turks brutally killed and butchered by Armenians and Russians when they occupied part of Turkey is not seen by the western world. This is the irony.

However, the fight for influence in Central Asia is the last straw in American efforts aimed at full spectrum domination. Turkey and Pakistan are the key in this emerging great game. At the end of the day, Armenia would become a cannon fodder and would be forgotten in the melee that follows.
And I said Turkey has no reason to directly attack Armenia, why would we do that ? the small piece of land Armenia holds has not much importance for us except some emotional importance due the Azerbaijan, we are already cooperating them, taking what they should have is their own job.

Yes they cannot, even if they do something like that on a strategically unimportant piece of land, they would still face strong opposition from the rest of the world, if you can't imagine what would happen if they do that on a NATO country, you should not even discuss these matters , let the Nuclear attack aside, a war between Russia and Turkey shortly means world war, both countries cannot engage directly, in a possible future Armenian-Azerbaijani war, Turkey can support Azerbaijan as much as she wants and Russia still cannot do a sh.t
Truelly you just won the joke of the centry award, Congratiolations :bunny:
For memory refresh, Russia had officially threatened Turkey with war If We attack on Cyprus but Take a look What happened at present !!!

A Proud symbol painted on a mountain in the middile of Cyprus to make it seen from Greek Cypriot side...


At every Greek parade (Greek Cypriot army equipped with Russian toys), We remind How they were defeated and Why They must keep out of our national interests. No problem whether someone including Russia is barking or not...


so Don't be so sure anything If you as a hostile nation, have a borderline with Turks... :)
"Russia cannot use nuclear weapons"...honestly I laugh whenever someone makes such a morality statement. If Russia deems it necessary, it will be done.

Has Russia ever used a Nucleur bomb on a hostile country? what makes you think Russia would use a 'nuke' now?
Let alone Turkey is not a hostile country against Russia.
Ridiculous, such a conflict would cause thousands of conflict. All this hatred in the Turks, Armenians, Balkans, East Slav leds all to bunch of disgusting Desert Semitic cults, Turks were better of in believing tengri
We don't hate anybody, We just want what is ours. We want Azerbaijan to take their lands back. After that Armenians may do whatever they want or Russians.

Armenians can keep wet dreaming about Russia nuking Turkey which i find hilarious btw :D Russia is one of Turkey's biggest trading partners i for one don't want any harm come to them :)

They just don't have to object each time we invade somewhere... it's 21st century!
And my previous arguement stands, as armos lick to Russia they are losing their political influence on US
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