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Russia-Taliban ties worry Afghan, US officials

And you're assuming that the Russians will make the same mistake of invading Afghanistan? They don't have the capability they used to first of all and second they already learned you can't defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. That's why they are now talking. That's why Moscow is hosting a Pakistan-Russia-China trilateral meeting on the issue.

Not at all. All I am saying is Pakistan calls all the shots for restoring peace in Afghanistan as it controls most of the South through Taliban. The Northern groups are influenced by both Russia and Iran.

As long as Russia and Iran agree to play second fiddle and force the northern groups to accept the primacy of Taliban there would not be any problem. The day Iran/Russia try to ask for equal status for the northern groups that is when they would start receiving the body bags from Pakistan/Taliban.

Taliban was a creation and part of Pakistan's ISI.

When US was close to Pakistan, Taliban worked for US.

Later when US left, Pakistan tried to takeover Afghanistan through its proxy Taliban in the 1990s.

When US returned to Afghanistan after 2001 , Pakistan fought the US through its proxy.

Now that Russia is getting closer to Pakistan, Taliban could work for Russia.

But the day Russia does not listen to Pakistan, Pakistan would start sending Russian body bags...

Hope Russia learns some lessons from how US was back stabbed by Pakistan in Afghanistan.

You need Indian eyes to see a conspiracy where there is none. As for Pakistan's influence on Taliban, observe:
  • Pakistan asked Taliban led by Mullah Omar to resolve outstanding border issues, they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban to protect Buddhas of Bamiyan, they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden to U.S., they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban led by Mullah Mansoor to see through Murree Peace Process, they walked away.
In short, we have little to no say in what Taliban do. They are no different than Government of Afghanistan in that regard. The only reason we tolerate them is because they are largely Pashtun. With over 30 million Pashtuns living in Pakistan, we can't be seen anti-Pashtun. This is much the same as when India supported LTTE, or Indian Taliban, because they were largely Tamil.
As soon as indian and Americans start losing grip in Afg they going to thru so much money. China and Pak have different approach. There were no corruption in Afg when taliban were there and Pak supported that regime.
Americans will never leave this area for a reason to keep an eye on china and russians they want Afg to make a base came where they can control worlds politics. check on china thru india eye on russia,pak, iran north asian states and arabs.
just watch indian approach to mongolia, what india have to get from mangolia and does anyone think its indian design to support and announce 1 Billion dollars.
india is also trying to help vietnam for its Nuclear reactor. US is making this change thru india
This is about the time when Russia and Pakistan join hands to defeat NATO and northern alliance and disinfect Afghanistan from Indian vermin
You need Indian eyes to see a conspiracy where there is none. As for Pakistan's influence on Taliban, observe:
  • Pakistan asked Taliban led by Mullah Omar to resolve outstanding border issues, they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban to protect Buddhas of Bamiyan, they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden to U.S., they didn't.
  • Pakistan asked Taliban led by Mullah Mansoor to see through Murree Peace Process, they walked away..
Your post should form basis for more discussion about Pakistan and Talibans.

Add to your list, there were actual shooting war between Pakistan and Taliban-led Afghanistan in the 90's.

In short, the Talibans in Afghanistan were like the North Koreans are to China: They are SOBs but they are our SOBs!
Taliban was a creation and part of Pakistan's ISI.

When US was close to Pakistan, Taliban worked for US.

Later when US left, Pakistan tried to takeover Afghanistan through its proxy Taliban in the 1990s.

When US returned to Afghanistan after 2001 , Pakistan fought the US through its proxy.

Now that Russia is getting closer to Pakistan, Taliban could work for Russia.

But the day Russia does not listen to Pakistan, Pakistan would start sending Russian body bags...

Hope Russia learns some lessons from how US was back stabbed by Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Taliban came into only after USSR exit so they never worked for US.
Taliban are an offshoot of Afghan Mujahideens however the group known as Taliban came into existence after USSR exit. That's my understanding ...

Correct. But a lot of the mujahideen joined Taleban for ideological reasons plus they genuinely did want to end the civil war (which they did once they got into power)
Correct. But a lot of the mujahideen joined Taleban for ideological reasons plus they genuinely did want to end the civil war (which they did once they got into power)
They brought peace but they got a bad media coverage while some of their acts were simply stupid.

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