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Russia-Taliban ties worry Afghan, US officials


May 15, 2014
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United Kingdom
REUTERS — UPDATED about 6 hours ago


KABUL: Afghan and American officials are increasingly worried that any deepening of ties between Russia and Taliban militants fighting to topple the government in Kabul could complicate an already precarious security situation.

Russian officials have denied they provide aid to the militants, who are contesting large swathes of territory and inflicting heavy casualties, and say their limited contacts are aimed at bringing the Taliban to the negotiating table.

Leaders in Kabul say Russian support for the Afghan Taliban appears to be mostly political so far. But they say a series of meetings taking place recently in Moscow and Tajikistan has made Afghan intelligence and defence officials nervous about more direct support including weapons or funding. A senior Afghan security official termed Russian support for the Taliban a “dangerous new trend”, an analysis echoed by the top US commander in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson.

He told reporters at a briefing in Washington last week that Russia had joined Iran and Pakistan as countries with a “malign influence” in Afghanistan, and said Moscow was lending legitimacy to the Taliban.

Russia’s ambassador to Kabul, Alexander Mantytskiy, told reporters on Thursday that his government’s contacts with the militant group were aimed at ensuring the safety of Russian citizens and encouraging peace talks.

“We do not have intensive contacts with the Taliban,” he said through an interpreter, adding that Russia favoured a negotiated peace in Afghanistan which could only happen by cultivating contacts with all players, including the Taliban.

Mantytskiy expressed annoyance at persistent accusations of Russian collaboration with the Taliban, saying the statements by American and Afghan officials were an effort to distract attention from the worsening conflict. “They are trying to put the blame for their failures on our shoulders,” he said.

Afghanistan has long been the scene of international intrigue and intervention, with the British and Russians jockeying for power during the 19th Century “Great Game”, and the United States helping Pakistan provide weapons and funding to Afghan militants fighting Soviet forces in the 1980s.

Taliban officials said the group has had significant contacts with Moscow since at least 2007, adding that Russian involvement did not extend beyond “moral and political support”.

“We had a common enemy,” said one senior Taliban official. “We needed support to get rid of the United States and its allies in Afghanistan and Russia wanted all foreign troops to leave Afghanistan as quickly as possible.”

Moscow has been critical of the United States and Nato over their handling of the war in Afghanistan, but Russia initially helped provide helicopters for the Afghan military and agreed to a supply route for coalition materials through Russia.

Published in Dawn, December 9th, 2016

Russia-China-Pakistan (& possibly Iran) will do to these Northern Alliance scums what Russia did to ISIS in Syria ...

And Americans along with their new attack dog India will be left fuming ...
There is quite an unpredictable President Trump coming in the White House. If his team really decides to outsource management of Afghanistan to China then it is game up for the Northern Alliance regime.

What should happen is to leave Afghanistan alone--no one should be part of the proxy wars in Afghanistan and Afghanistan should not be used to create problems for Pakistan. It is not too much to ask for.

The few months of the Trump regime will be quite interesting for Afghanistan.
There is quite an unpredictable President Trump coming in the White House. If his team really decides to outsource management of Afghanistan to China then it is game up for the Northern Alliance regime.

What should happen is to leave Afghanistan alone--no one should be part of the proxy wars in Afghanistan and Afghanistan should not be used to create problems for Pakistan. It is not too much to ask for.

The few months of the Trump regime will be quite interesting for Afghanistan.

As much as i agree with you bro, but its so sad to say that none of it will happen , because a De-Stable Afghanistan is Good for India and American to keep check on Pakistan and keep threatening us .. but if China takes the leading roles than things might change .. what i believe that now Pakistan should go on Aggressive mode in Afghanistan to handle those NDS and RA&W/CIA .
Yes, welcome to the blame game Mr Alexander Mantytskiy, we in Pakistan are used to it. The yanks and Kabul regime would blame the death of a dog on the streets of Kabul on Pakistan. Join the club.

Its a welcome development. Only a combined Pak-China-Russia strategy will ensure lasting peace in the region.
what i believe that now Pakistan should go on Aggressive mode in Afghanistan to handle those NDS and RA&W/CIA .

No. Pakistani planners must be waiting to assess what the new Trump regime is going to do. If Trump acts on even half of his foreign policy promises (of pulling back America from foreign entanglements) then Pakistan will have an opening in Afghanistan, much like it was in the mid 90's. But this time, due to geopolitical compulsions, neither Iran or Russia are likely to back Northern Alliance as they did in the 90's.

Much will depend on Trump and his Republican hawks--who tend to be a tad softer on Pakistan for some reasons. We will probably know by July 2017.
I think it's time to pay back Americans. Way to go Russia.. We are with you...

It's not about revenge, but getting things done. The US has to admits its failures in Afghanistan. The Afghans have to admit they are failures too, especially the joke that is ANA. If Russians can help bring stability to Afghanistan, so much the better. And if it's about preventing Afghanistan from becoming a haven for terrorists, I think every country in the region would support this, including the US.

Its a welcome development. Only a combined Pak-China-Russia strategy will ensure lasting peace in the region.

How exactly will this be done? The primary issue is the the corrupt and inept Afghan government. Until they can hold their own, the US will be always be there. Does China or Russia want to send troops to replace them because some foreign presence is necessary.

No. Pakistani planners must be waiting to assess what the new Trump regime is going to do. If Trump acts on even half of his foreign policy promises (of pulling back America from foreign entanglements) then Pakistan will have an opening in Afghanistan, much like it was in the mid 90's. But this time, due to geopolitical compulsions, neither Iran or Russia are likely to back Northern Alliance as they did in the 90's.

Much will depend on Trump and his Republican hawks--who tend to be a tad softer on Pakistan for some reasons. We will probably know by July 2017.

The selection of Gen. Matthis as head of DoD will make things interesting. He doesn't seem like the one to leave Afghanistan. He may agree with Trump on the Middle East and Syria, but may want to keep an American presence in Afghanistan. But like you said, we'll hear more about it when Trump Administration starts formulating policy.
How exactly will this be done? The primary issue is the the corrupt and inept Afghan government. Until they can hold their own, the US will be always be there. Does China or Russia want to send troops to replace them because some foreign presence is necessary.

Regional issues require regional solution and since America is not regional force, it is part of the problem. Regime change in Kabul is a must. Northern alliance needs to be dispatched and replace by people who will first and foremost work with Afghanistan neighboring countries to jointly tackle challenges. All "extra regional" forces needs to be ejected from Afghanistan for the sake of peace.
USA and India can't stop Russia-China-Pakistan supporting Talibans, just like the USA could only watch their ISIS assets being destroyed by Russians. USA can support rebel groups in Syria, but Russia can't support Talibans ... yeah! USA has started moaning just like the Indians ...

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