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Russia sells 42 Sukhoi fighter jets to India, but nuclear deal falls throug

I'm so worried about the nuke plant the political parties here would do anything to just score some cheap points.:hitwall:
^^^ Indian politics just makes me so angry sometimes. Lies, half truths and sensationalist speak by ignorant and big-headed politicians costs India too much. Indian nuke plants are some of the safest on earth due to stringent rules imposed by the Indian atomic agency with all having secondary, tertiary etc redundancies including passive cooling which means a Fukashima-like incident is next to impossible at any Indian nuke plant, not to mention India resides in a very different area with a very different tectonic scenario facing her.

Of course those fools telling the lies to the ignorant masses aren't the ones who will be hurt by such moves, no they will continue to enjoy there comfortable lives. It is the ignorant masses who will be harmed by such moves. And then a few months down the line the same hordes will be complaining of blackouts and lack of development and who will they hold accountable? Not the **** who stirred them up with nonsense, no the GoI who short of sending the RAF/CRPF down to physically disperse the crowds and protect the plant and workers can do nothing.

Is it ever going to change? Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
hi.. i am new here..i just want to know how can you make a plane stealthier without changing the basic design of a plane like offered by russia to upgrade su 30 to super sukhoi.
what ever method you might use, it just brings down rcs by reasonable percent .
The only way to make it stealthy might be by using plasma stealth tech . By the time that technology matures even PAKFA would be retired .
How many sukhoi-30 does India have n how many they intend to procure? N what strategiv objective r these long range planes for.
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