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Russia seeks to sell stealth jets to Korea

I wonder what the Japanese thought of the Chinese when they took over Manchuria. FYI...The South Koreans were quite feared in Viet Nam by both the North Vietnamese and the Chinese.

The KMT was of course imbecilic. Its battlefield record is almost as bad as North Vietnam against the United states. You realize that Chinese didn't have front-line action in Vietnam so fear of something they haven't engaged in is a bit unrealistic.
The KMT was of course imbecilic. Its battlefield record is almost as bad as North Vietnam against the United states. You realize that Chinese didn't have front-line action in Vietnam so fear of something they haven't engaged in is a bit unrealistic.
And I guess you do not realize that Chinese advisers were often seen with NVA units, major and minor, and captured VC caches in South Viet Nam often had evidences of Chinese advisers among them.
And I guess you do not realize that Chinese advisers were often seen with NVA units, major and minor, and captured VC caches in South Viet Nam often had evidences of Chinese advisers among them.

So intelligence units were embedded in NV troops. Not exactly combat troops.
So intelligence units were embedded in NV troops. Not exactly combat troops.
Words do get around: That the South Koreans in Viet Nam are not to be directly engaged. They do not operate under the same ROE as the Americans or the ARVN. They will fook you up.
Words do get around: That the South Koreans in Viet Nam are not to be directly engaged. They do not operate under the same ROE as the Americans or the ARVN. They will fook you up.

Would that have mattered to non combat troops?
Would that have mattered to non combat troops?
Ya know...It is really this kind of pedantry that make you guys look so funny. Am an Air Force guy, and yet before I met a SEAL, I know not to mess with them.
Ya know...It is really this kind of pedantry that make you guys look so funny. Am an Air Force guy, and yet before I met a SEAL, I know not to mess with them.

And its this kind of irrelevancy that makes you look so funny. North Vietnam's forces might treat the South Koreans differently but non combat Chinese troops have nothing to do with it besides your personal speculation.
And its this kind of irrelevancy that makes you look so funny. North Vietnam's forces might treat the South Koreans differently but non combat Chinese troops have nothing to do with it besides your personal speculation.
All right, then. I guess those of us who have served in uniform and understand the significance of reputations have to bow to your ignorance.
Funny how you guys claim that you were the first who invented the missile.
You must have a memory problem.

Your original question was this;

remember they just made a movie how the Koreans have invented the rocket back in 16th century.

And the youtube clip of an American TV show proves Koreans did use rockets in battle extensively.

Yes existence in blogs will truly hurt Chinese CVBGs in real life.
Of course, in real life.

The Hwacha is a rocket system in the 16th century. Rockets were invented 3 centuries before that.
You too suffer from a memory problem, because that wasn't the question.

You don't seem to understand deployed and reserve do you?
Reveres stay home. When you are sent to overseas battle zone, it's considered "deployed".

thats called what is accepted as fact by all these sources
And which source of yours show that Korean divisions were destroyed by the Chinese? The answer, you won't find any.

From a country that does not yet have formal nuclear umbrella coverage from the United states. Very scary.
Korea does. Without it, Korea would have nukes in a month.

Coming from a country that has their presidents shot
Assassination does happen everywhere.

and jailed on a regular basis thats rich.
Jailing you mention shows that no one's above the law in Korea. You can't say the same about China, where even the moderate rich able to pay bribes are above the law, including the son of Li Kang.

China has 294 megatons
Chinese have 200 nukes, and most of those are tactical nukes well below megaton. But doesn't matter, China gets nuked if it nukes another country under American nuclear umbrella.

Godson is most certainly Chinese.
The article you linked says it has American MIPS CPU core.

So much for originality from Koreans
There is no need to reinvent wheels when what you need is commercially available. You only focus your R&D effort on what is not or what is cost-prohibitive.

So you should realize the gap ins space and missile capabilities of both countries
Chinese certainly has an advantage in space launchers. Good for Chinese.

Chinese doesn't have an advantage in ballistic missiles, because Korea ballistic missiles can reach Beijing.

Lol, little korea can keep dreaming about China's territory.

However, the history always tells us that you guys were always born losers who need to be enslaved by a foreign master.
Ok, let's examine the history then.

History of Foreign Occupation of China

- 5 Barbarian 16 countries : 304 ~ 439 AD (99 years)
- Liao Dynasty(Khitans) : 916–1125 AD (209 years)
- Jin Dynasty(Manchus) : 1115–1234 AD (119 years)
- Mongols : 1271–1368 (97 years)
- Qing Dynasty(Manchus) : 1644–1912 (268 years)
Total : 782 years(I am deducting 10 years of overlapping period between Liao of Jin Dynasties).

I also exclude Sui and Tang dynsties whose rulers were Xianbeis. If you throw in those, then China was under foreign occupation for the majority of its history since the founding of Qin Dynasty, but I choose not to because Xianbeis chose to adopt to the Chinese way of life, unlike all the foreign occupiers I listed above.

History of Foreign Occupation of Korea

- Han Chinese colonists in Lelang : 108 BC ~ 313 AD (421 years)
- Japanese : 1910 ~ 1945 (35 years)
- UN : 1945~1948 (3 years)
Total : 459 years.

so its mean t-50 will be in hand of USA too early ?
No, if Russians demand a non-disclosure clause in the contract.

I'm sure you've read history as well. South Korean performance was generally regarded as abysmal against both North Koreans and Chinese.
Says who, you?

Without US support they wouldn't have survived the initial invasion by the NK.
Of course not. They had little weapons to begin with.

Not simply influence but direct control. The South Korean military is run from the top by US commanders until maybe 2012. That might not be the case as it has been extended before.
Correction on Chinese misunderstanding.

1. Korean military has the peace-time command. This is why the US wasn't able to stop two coups, because those troops weren't under US control.

2. The US has war-time control until 2016. After that, the war-time control reverts to Korea and Korea controls all troops, US troops inclusive. However, there is a single exception of the airforce, which will continue to be under USAF control to facilitate a smooth operation with reinforcements from the US, but the USAF general in charge reports to the Korean Joint Chief of Staff.

The Koreans are funny people, they always act as China owes them money or steals their properties.

Check their comments about the oil spill in Bohai Sea of this year. According to them, we are stealing their oil fields.

??©...?º? - - ??

Before i thought it may only be the behavior of few Korean ultranationalists, but it seems that i was wrong. Most Koreans are simply all bigoted ultranationalists.
Ha Ha Ha, are you blind? That news article is about Korean government demanding info on the massive oil spill at the Bohai sea, which the Chinese government is covering up!

Thats BS. I have South Korean friends here in the US.
And they belittle you among themselves.

The KMT was of course imbecilic.
Communist troops were no better.

You realize that Chinese didn't have front-line action in Vietnam so fear of something they haven't engaged in is a bit unrealistic.
We are talking about the Vietnam-China war of 1979, where 400K Chinese troops were defeated.

Would that have mattered to non combat troops?
It mattered to Vietnamese.

Having battled Japanese, French, American, Korean, and the Chinese, Koreans are seen as the toughest combatants that Vietnam ever faced, Chinese being the weakest.

This is why Vietnam threatened to invade China and take Chinese lands if China attempted to seize Vietnamese islands at South China Sea, because Chinese are seen as a soft army.
Russian T-50 Shortlisted for New Korean Fighter Contest

By: David Donald

August 1, 2011
Military Aircraft


Boeing’s Silent Eagle is one of four contenders for South Korea’s new fighter program. (Photo: Boeing)

South Korea is pushing ahead with the third phase of its fighter recapitalization program, and the short-listed candidates include the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA fifth-generation fighter. It was nominated alongside the Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II and Boeing F-15SE Silent Eagle for the FX-III requirement, which seeks 60 multirole fighters for around $7.86 billion. A final selection is scheduled for October 2012.
Given South Korea’s political stance and acquisition history, the two U.S. designs would appear to be front-runners. South Korea has harbored an interest in the stealthy F-35 for some time, while it had preferred the Boeing F-15K Slam Eagle to Dassault’s Rafale for the first phase of FX. It initially ordered 40 F-15Ks, and then another 21 in Phase FX-II. Korean industry has a large stake in this program, and Boeing would extend that if the stealth-treated Silent Eagle is selected.
Meanwhile, Eurofighter has invited South Korea to join the four-nation partnership should the Typhoon be chosen. Partner EADS has suggested that the first 10 Eurofighters would come from European production, followed by 24 with Korean-made components, and the remainder to be assembled in Korea.
The credibility of including the Sukhoi T-50 in the shortlist is open to question. In the past, South Korea has acquired several Russian systems, such as the Il-103 trainer, Ansat and Ka-27 helicopters, S-300 SAMs and space technology. The Sukhoi Su-35 was also included in the four candidates for the original FX competition. However, it remains to be seen just how much Russia would be prepared to reveal to the Koreans about the T-50’s technology and capabilities.

Source: Russian T-50 Shortlisted for New Korean Fighter Contest: AINonline
Korean said:
It mattered to Vietnamese.

Having battled Japanese, French, American, Korean, and the Chinese, Koreans are seen as the toughest combatants that Vietnam ever faced, Chinese being the weakest.

This is why Vietnam threatened to invade China and take Chinese lands if China attempted to seize Vietnamese islands at South China Sea, because Chinese are seen as a soft army.
hehe, Yep, you're toghest, but still got killed quite easily
It's also well known that Korea received a great deal of money from the US for taking part in the war, but it also got money for other reasons, as the essay "The Korean Construction Industry as an Exporter of Services", which can be read on page 225 of this pdf (or text file) tells us:
Gusts Of Popular Feeling: South Korean troops in Vietnam
Kill people for money will have No honor, bro
15-2-1967 bộ đội chủ lực của Quân khu 5 đã tập kích tiêu diệt một tiểu đoàn “Rồng Xanh” đóng ở đồi Quang Thạnh, xã Tịnh Thọ, huyện Sơn Tịnh diệt 420 tên lính Nam Triều Tiên. Có thể nói, đây là trận đánh đau, đánh trúng vào đầu não của quân địch. Cùng thời gian này tiểu đoàn 48 cũng vận động tiến công tiêu diệt một đại đội “Rồng Xanh” ở Mã Tổ, Tịnh Sơn.
Xé xác
Korean soldiers dared to kill civilian only, but when you faced with our regurlar forces, your Blue Dragon Division got massacred in QUang Thanh, Son Thinh province in feb-02-1967, 420 Korean men were killed. After that, you scare to death to face with our regular men :p:

How about your history during that day ??how many Korean soldiers were killed ??Dare you face again with our regulkar foces after that ??
it remains to be seen just how much Russia would be prepared to reveal to the Koreans about the T-50’s technology and capabilities.
I can answer that question right now; enough to create a shrunk version of it.

Russians need a replacement for Mig-29, and is proposing to merge Mig-29 replacement program with KFX program. Just like how Mig-29 was a downscaled version of Su-27, this Mig-29 replacement would be a downscaled version of PAK-FA.

The Russian proposal is actually sending a shockwave in Korean military circle, and why Russians are confident that Koreans would bite the bait. Either case, F-35 and Typhoon are dead, because Lockheed Martin doesn't want a competitor to F-35 while Eurofighter GmbH has no plan for a co-development of a 5th gen fighter for use by European Airforces. Only Boeing is said to be interested in participating in development of an all new 5th gen fighter because they need a new product to sustain its fighter business past 2020.

hehe, Yep, you're toghest, but still got killed quite easily
Well, Korean troops lost 4,960 soldiers over 8 years out of 300K troops sent.

Korean soldiers dared to kill civilian only, but when you faced with our regurlar forces, your Blue Dragon Division got massacred in QUang Thanh, Son Thinh province in feb-02-1967, 420 Korean men were killed. After that, you scare to death to face with our regular men :p:
I can assure you no such battle took place in Feb 2nd, 1967. Heck, the Blue Dragon Division you mention are the infamous ROK marines, who lost just 1,450 troops over 8 years.

The battle with the closest date to your claim is the Battle of Tra Binh Dong Battle of Tra Binh Dong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2,400+ 294

Casualties and losses
243+ killed 15 killed
2 captured 33 wounded

You can see the list of all major battles during Vietnam War here. Outline of the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, Korean troops lost 4,960 soldiers over 8 years out of 300K troops sent.

I can assure you no such battle took place in Feb 2nd, 1967. Heck, the Blue Dragon Division you mention are the infamous ROK marines, who lost just 1,450 troops over 8 years.

The battle with the closest date to your claim is the Battle of Tra Binh Dong Battle of Tra Binh Dong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2,400+ 294

Casualties and losses
243+ killed 15 killed
2 captured 33 wounded

You can see the list of all major battles during Vietnam War here. Outline of the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Infact, we VN don't have enough information about Korean troops in VietNam coz our govt. don't want to talk much about it, so can you tell me how 4,960 Korean soldiers were killed ?? May be your people need to discuss more with Vnese to make a clear history during VN war
should be an interesting battle......the Russians are doing S.K. a huge favour by making the offer.

now the NATO member states like US will become somewhat wary. I wont be surprised if S.K. remains ''in camp'' and opts for the F-35.

they'd be stupid not to. It will be a formidable aircraft.
Infact, we VN don't have enough information about Korean troops in VietNam coz our govt. don't want to talk much about it, so can you tell me how 4,960 Korean soldiers were killed ??
There are always casualties after battles. 5 soldiers dead in today's battle, 10 lost the next day's major offensive, and this adds up over 8 years. But Korean troops never lost hundreds of soldiers per day like you describe, because US paid death benefit for troops killed in action and this is why the US has an accurate counting of how many Korean soldiers were dead.

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